He took the cloud like smoke, left from here, and then followed the direction pointed by the other party to find.

I went around the earth and came back here. I didn't see any mountains.

Not to mention Kunlun.


The middle-aged man was stunned. Even the young man was lost in his mind.

Just now, they were watching Lin Fei walk forward with yunruoyan. Why did they appear from the back now?

Is it a fake?


The young man immediately pulled out the sword in his hand, and the cold light was pressing.

This scene makes Ye Feng speechless.

Even if you point out the wrong way, you still pull out your sword?

"Why did you appear in the back?" The middle-aged man frowned and asked, this is too strange, unless there are two Linfei, two clouds.

Yunruoyan is a little confused now.

Yeah, what just happened? Why am I here?

A few seconds around the earth, she simply can't react, fortunately Linfei will wind to separate, otherwise can blow her silly.

Lin Fei understood why these people were so vigilant that they thought they were fake.

"I've just turned the world around." He looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I didn't find Kunlun mountain."

"You're talking nonsense."

The young man sneered, "how long have you been away? Do you think you are light when you go around the world in less than ten seconds

Even those who are awakened to the power of light cannot do such things.

Because the amount of powers is limited, it's impossible to support a psionic to go around the world.

So he decided that Lin Fei was lying.

Lin Fei shrugged his shoulders. There is nothing to say. Anyway, the fact is like this. It's their business to believe it or not.

"Which direction is Kunlun Mountain in Lin Fei asked the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man scratched his head and said, "I only know the way. If you want me to point to a direction, I'm not sure."

As soon as he turned his eyes, he said, "well, come on, let's go to Kunlun mountain."

As he thought before.

Two more people, it's safer.

Even though the two men in front of him had different plans, he was not afraid at all, because he had the confidence to suppress them with one hand!

Lin Fei thought for a moment.

If you let the other party continue to point the direction, you can't find Kunlun if you fly over.

Walking with them is the best solution.

"That's trouble." Lin Fei smiles and takes out two power fruits from his pocket and hands them to them.

"After that, please take care of it."

Lin Fei used mind reading skills to read what they thought. The young man was full of blood and was jealous of evil, while the middle-aged man just wanted to be safer.

As for the way to Kunlun, he also saw it. He took eighteen turns for a long time.

It's better to kill him than to let him go by himself.

He is a road nut.

"If ye Yuxue is here, I will remember it." A sigh in my heart.

"The fruit of power!"

The middle-aged man and the young man were stunned for a moment, and then his face was dignified.

One bite, it's the power fruit.

The two immediately sat down and absorbed them.

"You're crazy!"

Next to the cloud like smoke, stare big beautiful eyes, give the power fruit to people?

Are you really willing?

What's more, are you not afraid to be killed?

Most importantly, why didn't you give it to me!

Lin Fei sees through what Yun Ruoyan thinks in his heart. He smiles and takes out a power fruit and hands it to Yun Ruoyan.

As for murder?

Who can kill him?

Standing up and letting them fight, there won't be a bit of a problem.

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