They can't deal with either death or strengthening bull.

But just as he turned around, he was stunned.

Because the carriage ran away.

The Qianlima, seeing the strengthening of the bull and the God of death, his hair stood up.

Scream a, turn around to run, even if pulling the car, its speed is also very fast.

It's much faster than the speed of the road in these two days.

Lin Hu was stunned and out of reach.

Boom -

and at this point, death and the fortified buffaloes rush in, faster than the carriage, and vibrate with each step.

Like an ancient giant, is slowly coming!

Every step is in the heart of Lin Hu.

Who can stop such a monster?

"Let me do it."

The young man stood in front of all the people. His face was handsome, his body was straight, like a pine tree, standing in front of the storm.


He stepped out and crushed the ground under his feet.

And he, with this power, rushed to the nine days, a dragon chant, the youth body flame soared, unexpectedly turned into a dragon around him.

The next moment, he came across the sky like a dragon.

The water here is being evaporated by high temperature, and big trees are burning in situ.

The ground is parched and cracked!

The youth is not an S-level ability, but this blow is comparable to S-level.

Even better!

But he kicked death.

With a loud noise, the flame burst open, and death was shocked out by his foot, marking a trace on the ground.

But death has nothing to do with it.

The youth was stunned.

He tried his best to strike, but it was just a repulsive effect!

This God of death, too hard!


At this time, the reinforcement bull came to kill him. It took a look at the young man and punched him down with a loud sonic boom.

The young man jumped up at once and avoided the bull's punch.

At the same time, his body curls up in the sky and spins.


The wind blades were thrown out with the rotation of his body. Each blade was more than ten meters long.

The blade of the wind swept through and cut out in a disorderly way, without dividing the enemy and the enemy.

But the blade is really powerful, and the space has been cut out of ripples.

Poo poo poo poo!

His attack worked. The body of the bull was split by these blades. It was really effective and spattered with blood.

Death was also chopped, but only a string of sparks splashed.

There are also many wind blades coming towards Linfei and yunruoyan.

But Lin Fei just stood there. All the blades of the wind broke and turned into a breeze, which gently brushed their cheeks.


Lin Hu is not so lucky. He is the weakest among all.

In front of an S-level attack.

He had to flee in confusion.

However, he couldn't escape because his speed was too slow.

A blade of wind exploded beside him, the soil he lifted was knocked aside, and there was an explosion, which temporarily disabled his ears.

He lay on the ground and wailed, so frightened that his nose and tears came out.


Blood makes the bull more excited. Its eyes are red, staring at the youth in the sky.

The next moment.


It's eyes, even burst out of two red laser.

The man in the sky is still using the wind blade. He didn't expect that the bull could fight back against the attack, so he was pierced. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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