Lin Fei appeared too suddenly.

The young man was lying on the ground, holding his head and staring at the man in front of him.

The forest tiger in the distance also froze.

This man, actually blocked the fist of strengthening bull!

The bull's eyes are still red. The blood on its body constantly stimulates it. Seeing Linfei blocking himself, it is more angry.


There was a roar, and the woods around were shaking.

Then it hit the second blow, like a shell.

But Lin Fei looks calm. With a pat, he pulls the bull to the side.

It was three meters high, a few tons of weight of the body, as if it was hit by a car to fly out, embarrassed to fall more than 10 meters away.

And a few laps.


A flash of cold light, that is the God of death, its claws sharp like a sickle, can easily harvest all life.

However, when this claw touches the neck of maple leaf, it is...


A crisp sound.

The impregnable claws of death are blocked.

After a string of Mars, nothing else.

Lin Fei raised his hand and gently pushed aside the claws on his neck and said, "this is it?"

After that, he fought back, turning his hand into a knife and cutting off one of death's arms from the bottom up.

The God of death is covered with scales and armor. Even if the bull is strengthened, it can't hurt the God of death.

But now.

As soon as Lin Fei raised his hand, death's arm was spinning and flying.

It's the scales that can't save it.

Bang Bang -

death staggered back two steps.

It has psychic, in fact, after the evolution to s level, monsters began to appear psychic.

Now, death realized that the man in front of him was very strong.

More powerful than anyone I've ever met before.

There's something wrong with the powerful.

"I'm a little curious about your scales." Lin Fei said with a smile, what is the scale of death made of?

After taking it off, can it still be hard?

Seeing Lin Fei coming, the God of death was scared to retreat in a hurry.


Just at this time, the bull rushed over again. It was like a chariot. It went ahead and crushed everything along the way.

However, when it rushed in front of Lin Fei, Lin Fei just slapped it.


The bull's body flies out, like a pinball hitting the wall, and flies backwards at the speed of the time.

It flew dozens of meters and exploded abruptly.

It turned into a blood mist and was blown away by the wind.

There are too many bulls that died in his hands. This one can be regarded as holding on for a long time.

Death was shocked to see this.

That's the will to strengthen the strength of the bull. But now, he was beaten to death by one hand?


It's horrible.

Death is at a loss. The world is too strange.

When did human beings become so fierce?

At the same time, there are youth and Lin Hu.

They don't know the strength of Linfei, and they don't know the strength. So Lin Hu thought about solving Linfei before.

But now.

He's stupid.

Kill the bull with one hand. What level is this?


The legendary rank.

If he had known that this man was so strong, he would not have dared to make the idea of a man and a woman.

Lin Hu was relieved.

Fortunately, it's not too late to know.

The young man's brows wrinkled.

Not shocked by Lin Fei's strength, but he just found that he could not learn Lin Fei's moves.

There are only two possibilities for this.

1、 The move is too strong, beyond his ability limit.

2、 That's not a move! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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