On the stairs, both of them were in a rage, trying to be the first to cross the door.

They are too much pressure, the big has been unable to attack each other, two people gritted their teeth, only the last 100 meters.

"Let's go."

On the ground, Lin Fei said to Yun Ruoyan.

"I'll forget it. I can't get up there." Yun Ruoyan said with a smile that she didn't think she could go up there, and she wasn't interested in it.

"I'll take you up."

Lin Fei said, grabbing her hand and jumping up.

He lifted up the clouds with his power. As soon as he was flying, a force of authority fell. Because the gate of heaven was in the sky, it was forbidden to fly here.

However, this is useless for Lin Fei.

The modifier has been upgraded before, and the function will not be forced off.

What's more, Lin Fei also understood his ability. He said that if he could fly, he could fly.


He took the cloud like smoke, turned into a light, and quickly swept toward the gate of heaven.

When yunruoyan came back to God, he found himself standing in the cloud, in front of which was the door of everyone's dream.

She was so dull that she didn't think about this moment at all.

You are so weak that you can stand in front of Tianmen?

Then the excited body was shaking.

Can you see the real gods yourself?

"Are you ready?" Lin Fei said with a smile, "the adventure is about to begin."

"Ready!" Cloud Ruoyan nods heavily.

"Let's go." Lin Fei took her hand and led her through the door.

And now.

On the stairs, youth and Qiguan all heard the dialogue between Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan.

After all, they are only 50 meters short.

"Has someone arrived?"

Yaohui was sweating and his face turned white, as if he was about to collapse.

If someone has arrived

"Are you kidding me?"

The youth sneered: "we are the fastest, who can be faster than us?"

"Just now, it should be an illusion."

Yao Hui thought for a while, but also thought it should be an illusion. How could someone be faster than himself?

I think too much.

Cloud smoke through the door, in front of you is a piece of snow-white light.

But soon the light dissipated. There was no blue sky, no white clouds and no green grass.

It's gray here. There's nothing. It's like the world's opening.

Two steps forward.

Lin Fei suddenly saw a familiar girl with a knife to kill himself.

Ye Yuxue!

She appeared too suddenly, out of thin air, a cold knife in her hand, stabbed Lin Fei's heart.


This knife can't go in, Lin Fei is really frozen, and the clouds around her are scared.

However, she reacted quickly. Seeing Lin Fei being attacked, she immediately took a hand and patted Ye Yuxue.

Almost instantaneously, Lin Fei reacts that this man is not really Ye Yuxue.

It should be created by the gods, a false avatar.

But even so, he didn't want to hurt each other.

So he raised his hand, controlled her and put her aside.

However, this leaf language snow immediately broke, and became cloud like smoke again.

This makes the real cloud like smoke stupefied for a moment.


Lin Fei raises his hand directly and controls her again. Even if it is fake, he doesn't want to hurt them.

It's just the next moment.

Cloud if smoke also broke open, became another person.

When he saw the man, Lin Fei stopped.

The girl in front of her, with long hair and waist, looked indifferent, stood not far away and only looked at him.

His mobile phone album, the most, is this person's photo.

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