"Ha ha --"

youth and seven crowns finally climbed the whole staircase.

Both of them were tired and lying on the ground, gasping for breath. They arrived at the same time and both wanted to be the first to enter the door.

But it is really too tired, when the pressure disappears, they feel the whole body of the bones are loose.

"I'll be the first to go in." Yao Hui said.

"Fart, you're going to lose." If a young man bites his teeth, he must get up from the ground.


And after the door, the gods also noticed that someone was coming up.

So he sat back to his chair, looked at Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan, and asked, "someone is coming up. Do you want to stay here?"

At this moment, Lin Fei is at a loss.

The God in front of me can't send myself home.

What should I do?

"Are you confused? It's a rare thing. " The God found this and quickly made fun of Lin Fei.

Finally, he was able to laugh at this force and was chased by him for more than half a year.

But soon he went on to say, "don't you think I'm the only God in the world?"

"It's OK to tell you, because you have the right to know that the change of the world is not my plan alone."

God slowly said: "I am just a common God in the Pantheon."

"And I've heard that in the Pantheon, there's a portal that can travel through any time and space."

"If you want to go home, you can go there and have a look."


A new place brightens Linfei's eyes.

The portal, which can travel through time and space, can send itself back to earth.


"Once in a blue moon. Come and see my test." The God said with a smile.

Although Lin Fei has been destroying his plan, he wants to die with him, but now he knows that Lin Fei will not be the enemy of him in the future.

He was in a very good mood.

So we invited Lin Fei to see how others passed the test.

"The way you get through the test is wrong." That's the point, he said.

How perfect the test was designed, the result was brutally cracked by Lin Fei. I was very angry when I thought of this.

He wants Lin Fei to see how normal people get through.

Hearing the words of the gods, Lin Fei stopped.

He has something else to ask.

"I was the first to come in!"

"I am!"

Suddenly, two excited voices came from the door. Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan followed the sound and saw them.

When he saw the youth, Lin Fei was silent.

The world is so small.

Although the other side changed his face, he could recognize it and couldn't hide it.

Cloud if smoke can't recognize, she saw with relish, see the two people break through the barrier.

"Where is this?"

Both youth and Yaohui stopped, because they were in chaos and couldn't tell the direction clearly.

And I didn't see anyone.

Two steps ahead, they suddenly saw a throne!

The youth did not speak, and rushed to the throne at the first time.

And Yao Hui saw, is also a pupil contraction, followed by rushed out.

It's just two steps.

"Don't move on." In front of the youth, suddenly appeared an old woman, she quietly persuasion.

The young man stopped and frowned.

"I want strong power, don't stop me." He said, turning out a dagger, easy to kill the old man.

But two steps further on, another old man came out.

"There's still time to go back." The old man said seriously.

"Don't get in the way." The young man swung his knife again.

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