"It's time to wake up." Lin Fei said.

"The illusion is quite strong." They both jumped up from the ground and muttered in their hearts.

Before the illusion, but do not know how to fight back.

But what about that?

In order to get the power of God, we should also defeat Lin Fei!

"Die for me!" The young man roared, jumped up and flew towards the forest.


Lin Fei had no choice but to bend his fingers a little. A purple light burst out from his fingertips and penetrated the young man's heart directly.


The young man screamed and fell from the sky. This time, he finally stopped.

Because his heart was pierced, he fell heavily on the ground and kept rolling.

He has the ability to save his life. He can't even die through his heart.

"When I was going to kill you, you ran so fast. Why are you so strong now?" Lin Fei said indifferently, "I didn't want to run away, but to kill me."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the youth rolling on the ground suddenly froze.

At this moment, he finally understood.

It's not an illusion at all, it's real!

Lin Fei really came here and stood in front of them.

"No way!"

But he didn't want to believe it in his heart, so he struggled to get up from the ground, glared at Lin Fei and roared, "you must be fake."

"You can't get here before we do!"

He and Yaohui have been competing.

At that time, I didn't see Lin Fei at all. How did he get up?

If you don't understand, you can't think of it at all.

And if Lin Fei really arrived here first, wouldn't he take all the benefits?

"I'll kill you!"

He yelled, and he shot at once.


A brilliant light exploded here, illuminating the whole chaos, like a flash bomb exploded.

The young man didn't intend to fight at all. He wanted to run away.

This light is just a means to escape.

But before he made two steps, he found that his legs were unconscious.


He fell to the ground in confusion and rolled out on the ground.

The young man was shocked to find that his legs had been broken.

"Lord God, help me!"

He yelled in horror. He must not die here.

He wants to dominate the world!

His power is so perfect that he can't die here!

But Lin Fei smiles and says, "do you think he dares to save?"

The God laughed and shook his head to the youth and said, "sorry, I can't beat him."

"You're good. I can't hide him. You want to kill him."


This sentence, it was a bolt from the blue, split the youth in two at once.

The gods can't beat Lin Fei?

How could that be possible?

How can such a thing happen in this world?

Even Yaohui was scared.

According to the young people's reaction, this man is not an illusion, but really arrived here one step ahead of them.

And the most terrifying thing is that the God can't beat this man?

At this moment, the youth's heart, finally flustered.

He even provoked an existence that the gods did not dare to provoke!

Regret, fear, all of a sudden.

"Don't kill me!"

He cried out, "please don't kill me, I'll do anything for you."

"No need."

Lin Fei is very direct. He killed him with one move. This man will become a disaster sooner or later. Now he is dead and calm.

Then he looked at Xiang Yaohui.

This man, it seems that he also made a move to himself before.

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