A full blow just broke the knight's shield?

Fengshen's mind is white.

His all-out strike, not to mention killing S-level monsters, even the mountain can be directly split in two.

But in this knight's place, unexpectedly has no use at all.

Just split the shield in front of it.

Fengshen now began to doubt himself, is it really one of the seven crowns?

Can the knight who strides forward in front of you really be defeated?

The two S-level powers on the ground also opened their eyes, because they witnessed the history. The wind god, one of the seven crowns, could do nothing but a knight.


The two men couldn't help shouting when they saw the knight approaching.

Are seven crowns going to die here today?

The wind god came back, but it was too late to escape.

The sword in the knight's hand was falling too fast for the wind, and it broke through the air and cut it towards his head.

"Not good!"

The pupil of Fengshen shrinks suddenly. Is he going to die here today?

But the next moment, he and the two S-level powers were suddenly stunned.

Because a figure, faster than the knife, suddenly appeared in front of the knight, raised his left hand to catch the sword in the rider's hand.

Who is it?

The three lost their senses, but they soon saw it clearly.

That's Lin Fei.

How could that be possible?

The wind god and the two men were frozen, and the scene in front of them was completely beyond their understanding.

Lin Fei caught the knife in the knight's hand.

Click -

as soon as Ye Feng exerted his left hand, he broke the knife.

At this time, he turned to look at the wind god and asked, "big brother, are you ok?"

There is no deep blood feud between the two people, now the other side encountered difficulties, can help a hand or to help a hand.

"It's OK."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the wind god came back to him and answered.

He walked away, fell into the distance, and then looked at Lin Fei and the knight.

Chen Feng blocked the knight's knife with his hand?

The sword in the knight's hand was broken. He looked at Lin Fei, the man who had been ignored by him at the beginning.

But before he could do it again, Lin Fei made a punch and pierced it.

At the same time, it also takes all its vitality.

The tall figure suddenly froze, and then fell heavily on the ground, causing the ground here to vibrate gently.


Fengshen and the two men all of a sudden stare round eyes.

The knight died?

Is it that simple?

Wind god body shaking, he put all his strength can not kill the existence of Chen Feng a punch to solve.

There's no reason.

He's just an S-level ability.

By what?

Who is this man?

There is no time to ask, here suddenly violent vibration.

The ground cracked and more than a dozen monsters and two knights came out of the cave.


But they did not move, Lin Fei hit them all.

Lin Fei stood in front of the cave, back to the people, said: "let the will of the thousand come out, you are not my opponent."

Will of the thousand?

What is that?

People frown. According to the truth, they are the first people to contact the evil demon clan, but they have never heard of the thousand will.

What is Lin Fei talking nonsense about?

"I didn't expect you to be here."

However, their thoughts have just fallen, a magnificent, indifferent, with the voice of supremacy, suddenly sounded in this piece of heaven and earth.

When the sound rings.

Bang, bang, bang -

except for Yun Ruoyan, the other three men all knelt on the ground.

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