"At last."

Fengshen stood in front of the gate of the guild, watching their backs disappear, and the corners of his mouth could not help rising.

Both of them are not weak and can threaten their position.

But now, these two people roll, then he is still that invincible Wind God.

There are also two S-level powers.

When he came back, he had already killed him.

There is no other reason.

It's just that they see the truth and the end of Fengshen's defeat.

"I am invincible." Those who see him fail must die.

And the people around him are cheering around him.

"Thanks to the wind god, otherwise we will get a waste in the assembly."

Fengshen just said with a faint smile: "these are all what I should do."

And the more important thing, he hasn't said it yet.

That's, three days later, the body wave.

The assembly of the imperial capital has been established for a long time and experienced more than one corpse tide, but all of them have been solved.

Therefore, he did not pay attention to the corpse tide three days later. How could it be impossible for him to resist the tide of corpses, tens of thousands of powers in the imperial capital, three champions and one emperor?

Everyone in the guild is laughing.

Three days, quietly arrived.

This day, at nine o'clock in the morning, it was still somber.

The world was filled with a disgusting smell of blood, as if suddenly fell into the slaughterhouse.

"What's going on?"

A lot of people wonder, today is too abnormal.

It was nine o'clock, and it was still black.

Boom and boom -

more than ten minutes later, there was a disorderly and heavy footstep in the world.

Before anyone could react, the alarm went off throughout the city.

"A wave of corpses?"

This alert is the warning of a wave of corpses.

When the sound sounded, many people were stunned for a moment, and then did not put it in mind.

It's not the first time we've had a body wave.

You have to do what you have to do.

There were only a few S-level powers, and some soldiers rushed up the wall to stop the tide of corpses.

But when they saw what they saw, they were all stunned.

Dense, can not see the end of the tide of corpses.

You can see, farther away, there are buildings slowly collapsing.

That's because the buildings blocked their steps, so the zombies and evil demons smashed these buildings directly.

A corpse tide is usually led by two bison.

But this time.

People on the wall saw thousands of tall figures.

Hundreds of strong bulls, hundreds of death gods, and hundreds of tall knights.


It's a one eyed Troll more than 10 meters tall.

They have only one eye on their head, but as soon as that eye is opened, a purple laser jet comes out.

That hot light, directly cut into the ground.

All right.

Hundreds of these monsters.


Several kilometers away, the five meter high wall of the assembly has been cut.

This moment, everyone felt scalp numb, this time the tide of corpses, more than the previous experience combined.

They pull the alarm like crazy.

But there was no reaction at all.

Even, many people are still complaining, what is the noise in the morning?

Fengshen was speechless: "isn't it a corpse tide? It's not that I haven't met before. I'm so noisy. "

But in a minute.


A mushroom cloud rose in the wall, dozens of meters high, and the whole assembly was shaking violently.

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