They didn't notice that Aeolus's face was white.

Fengshen's legs are shaking, but also suspended in the air, is exhausted.


What to do with it?

Just now he could see clearly that a seven crown rushed past, and then died without a whole body.

Even if you are stronger than that person, what's the use?

It's just the difference between death with a whole body and death without a whole body.

The result is sure to die.

But the cry below grew louder and louder, which made his face more and more ugly.

If you don't, you'll lose the reputation of working hard these days.


His eyes suddenly brightened and he would just as well not go to the trouble of those self exploding monsters.

"Those knights are not easy to provoke."

The wind god still remembers that he was hanged by a knight before, and now he is still in fear.

So when choosing the enemy, he found a dark one eyed troll.

He took a deep breath and then said with a smile, "see how I return triumphantly."


He rushed over.

But before he could make a move, the one eyed troll, throwing his big hand, unexpectedly hit him like a cart.

Click and wipe -


The wind god's shrill scream resounded through the half meeting, and many people heard it.

The bones of his whole body were smashed, his body cracked, blood flowed, and Fengshen became a blood man.

At the same time, he seems to have been hit by a plane, and the whole person flies out, directly smashing several houses.

There were a lot of people laughing on the wall.

Fengshen how powerful, if he hands, certainly can solve this time's corpse tide.

But in front of this scene, let them all be stunned.

The smile on the face, stiff congealed in the face.

Fengshen lost.

And the fiasco, the whole person was photographed flying, at the same time blood fell like rain.

This is a SS level power.

I lost like this.

There are hundreds of monsters who beat Aeolus in this corpse tide.

How do you do this?

Hundreds of SS powers?

Bleeding out of the mouth, out of the wind.

It's not just the whole body that's broken.

His internal organs have been smashed.

Fengshen clearly felt that the vitality of his body was rapidly dissipating.

He lay in the ruins and watched the tide of corpses in the distance.

Despair in my heart.

I don't know. How can there be such a terrible existence in this world?

"The emperor is lost."

Suddenly someone yelled.

SS class are defeated, what do they use to fight against this corpse tide.

"Is this your strongest man here?"

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the air.

It was a knight. He wore dark green armor and could not see his face, but he smelled of darkness.

When they saw him, many people were wide eyed.

Bang bang bang!

Groups of people, legs soft, sat directly on the ground.

Even the wind god, also at this time eye opening solid.

Because they clearly saw that the knight had a head in his hand.

They all know the owner of the head.

It is the strongest in the imperial capital, one of the six emperors!

That's their card.

But now, the head of one of the six emperors has been captured by the enemy.

"It's over."

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces turned white.

"It's all over."

The six emperors are not rivals. How can they resist? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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