Fengshen lies on the ground, staring at the man standing in front of him.

Lin Fei.

What did he just call himself?

No.1 in the world?

Is there really No.1 in the world?

And he expelled the first in the world?

At this moment, the God of wind was silly. It was one of the three emperors, the most important person in human history!

"You are the number one in the world?"

The knight in the sky looked down at Lin Fei and said scornfully, "I have heard of you. My master said that you are very strong. You have defeated his two parts."

"But now, I will end you."

After that, he moved directly and walked to Lin Fei's face.

How strong he is, everyone can see that a king's head was taken off by him.

Now he killed Lin Fei and made everyone nervous.

No.1 in the world.

I don't know whether it's true or not, but this is their last hope.


The knight punched Lin Fei's chest. With a loud noise, the ground under his feet exploded.

"It's over."

Seeing that Lin Fei was beaten, many people's rising hope turned into despair.

No matter how strong you are, you can't block each other's fist with your body?

But this is the moment.

The knight bit his teeth and staggered back.

He felt that he had hit a piece of iron instead of a person.

It's too painful.

His hands were shaking.

This man is so hard that he doesn't look like a human body!


His body twist, suddenly swept out a foot, draw in the neck of leaf maple.


Lin Fei's body moved more than ten meters away, but his expression did not change. He was very calm.


This time it was so painful that the knight couldn't help screaming and squatted on the ground with his feet covered.

Damn, is this man made of iron?

Iron is not so hard.

"You hit you, I hit mine."

Lin Fei takes out a bow, which is a composite bow. He used this bow to extinguish several corpse tides.

And this bow, also appeared in the legend of the first in the world.

"He has nothing to do with it?"

"He took out his bow. Is he really the best in the world?"

The story of three arrows killing the corpse tide is still spreading.

But today, people here are going to witness a new history.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pulled out his bow. He put up his only arrow and pointed to the sky.

This moment, in fact, his scalp felt numb, because his heart was beating wildly. He felt that something was going to happen, and there was danger coming!

"Stop it."

Subconsciously, he shouts out loud and pours at Lin Fei at the same time.

But he was too slow. Before he arrived, Lin Fei released his hand.


The arrow flew to the sky and turned into a firelight.

In mid air, the fire suddenly burst, split into millions of flames, and fell down again.

Boom and boom -

every flash of fire is like a bomb. When it falls on the ground, there is a terrible explosion, countless flying and being blown to pieces.

And the fire, as dense as rain, all the way toward the distant bombing.


Mushroom clouds rose one after another.

Thousands of powerful monsters, not even Ye Feng, were directly buried in the flames and explosions.

Until the explosion dissipates.


The knight, with his legs soft, sat directly on the ground.

What did he see?


Thousand will to his invincible army, in an instant, was destroyed by an arrow.

There were broken bodies and broken armor everywhere.

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