For them, from now on, the number one in the world is no longer a legend, but a real God!

Because only the gods have such great power.

It's just an arrow. It's killing the whole body stream.

"How dare you blaspheme

A lot of people found the God of wind lying on the ground. Their eyebrows were raised, and their eyes seemed to have fire.

If it wasn't for Lin Fei, they would be dead now.

Fengshen, however, had slandered Lin Fei, saying that he was lazy and a waste, and asked the guild to recover the reward given to him.

Now everyone has seen the strength of Lin Fei.

Even if the emperor is not the knight of the opponent, he can't hurt Lin Fei at all.

This is No.1 in the world. Is it rubbish?

All over the world, is there any heat more powerful than him?

What was the result?

Everybody understands.

A tall man, angry to seize the Fengshen collar, without saying a word, a punch in the face of Fengshen.


A crisp sound, Fengshen's nose is broken, blood spatter.

Fengshen only felt dizzy and headache, as if the whole person was about to crack.

"I was wrong." He said with difficulty.

He had no idea that Lin Fei was really the first in the world.

But oneself, unexpectedly because envies the world first strength, and expels the world first.

I don't know how many people will come to kill him.


Some people sneer, a kick in his stomach, said: "sorry, you and the world's first to say, with us said useless, to the world's first to forgive you!"

Fengshen was shaking all over.

Let Linfei forgive him?

This is impossible, because now, Lin Fei doesn't know where to go.

How can I get Lin Fei's forgiveness?

It's all about killing him.

Fengshen wants to resist and kill all these people in front of him.

But all his bones were broken and his internal organs were broken. He couldn't lift any strength. He had to use all his strength to speak.


The man punched him in the face again, which made his face bloody and frightening.

"I have a suggestion."

The man threw the Fengshen to the ground and said aloud, "it's too cheap to let Fengshen die like this."

"I suggest to make a statue of the first in the world, and then seal the Aeolus in the cement to make a kneeling statue, so that he can always kneel in front of the first in the world!"

Hearing this, the eyes of many people around him lit up.

"Good idea!"

"Just do it."

"If you make a mistake, you should admit your mistake and be punished. That's right!"

There were many voices, but without exception, no one objected to the proposal and all agreed.

The wind god lying on the ground listened to these sounds, and his whole body trembled with fear. He had no teeth, but he would bite his mouth, even if he was climbing, he wanted to escape from here.

These people are terrible.

This result is unexpected when Fengshen is proud.

"How many have we lost because of your pride?"

The man caught him and said angrily, "seven crowns, emperor, and countless innocent people, you are not worthy to be a person!"

Six months later.

A magnificent statue stands in the center of the meeting.

That's a statue of Lin Fei.

His back to all living beings, alone to bear all the dangers, like a god down to earth, his whole body shining.

And behind him, on his knees.

That is the God of wind. He kneels there with his head down. Although it's just a statue, many people can't help kicking when they pass by. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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