The tentacles were ripe and dead, sending out a fragrance.

"It's no different from an ordinary Octopus tentacle." Lin Fei murmured and wanted to try it.


With a force on his hand, he directly broke the mouth of the power on the ground, and then put the octopus tentacle into his mouth.

Of course I won't eat these things.

It looks like an octopus tentacle, but in fact, God knows what a mess it is.

After putting the tentacle into the other party's mouth, Linfei released him.

Then he stood by and asked, "how does it taste?"


Instead of responding, the power screamed and knelt on the ground.

"It's not toxic, is it?"

Lin Fei stepped back two steps, still looking at the man.


The man is still shouting, he kneels on the ground, right hand directly into the mouth, keep pulling out.


At this point, two more S-level powers came, and they were all under control.

They were so fast that they killed Linfei in the blink of an eye.

They felt like they were suddenly.

You can beat Lin Fei.

However, they did not know that Lin Fei had already noticed them.

"Don't make any noise."

The fastest one was suddenly caught by Lin Fei's head. Before he could react, Lin Fei's hand was forced.


There was a dull noise.

Followed by a headless body, powerless kneeling on the ground.

What can grow tentacles on the body can be called human?

The one who followed immediately, seeing this scene, was immediately frightened and his hair was blown up.

What fierce man is this?

With a pinch of your hand, you killed one?

He wanted to run, but Lin Fei had already seen him. He threw the blood on his hand. The drops of blood, like bullets, directly penetrated him.

Even scream did not have, his whole body vitality directly disappeared, powerless fell from the sky.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Fei never looked at them.


All of a sudden, Lin Fei felt a tremendous pressure, coming here.

It's like a God just came here.

But looking around, there was no God.

"Who are you?"

The one in front of him looked up at Lin Fei with red eyes.

Hearing his voice, Lin Fei noticed the man in front of him.

"Shouldn't you give your name before you ask someone else's name?"

Lin Fei said.

"Good courage."

"You are the first to dare to ask my name," the man said

"Can you bear my real name?"

Lin Fei said calmly, "you can say it."

"I'm an old God..."

what followed was a word that Lin Fei couldn't understand. It seemed to be a name, but it was too obstinate for Lin Fei to understand.

He stayed for a moment.

"What did you say just now, you can't talk to people?" Lin Fei stares at each other.

The man was stunned.

"Are you all right?" He was very surprised.

Because in the past, whoever heard his name would fall into a kind of madness.

They will become their most devout believers.

But right now, this man has nothing to do, and even wants to talk to himself?

"Forget it."

Lin Fei didn't want to waste any more time, so he said, "did these three people see you at sea? Or did you find them on your own initiative? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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