cause uproar.

All the powers are searching for Linfei.

"You can't let a demon wander in the world!"

What Lin Fei did, in their eyes, even the most vicious devil could not do it.

"If you catch him, you must cut him to pieces!"

"Cut him up and feed him to the zombie."

As for Lin Fei's explanation, they didn't listen to it at all.

They only believed what they saw, and they only saw it. It was Lin Fei who killed all the others.

"What's the monster on the beach? It's impossible. "

A lot of people disdain to go to the seaside.

But half a day later, they were all in a coma when they went back, and suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Why are so many people in a coma again?"

People in the hospital feel big head, this day sent, there are hundreds of people, beds are not enough.

That's more than ever put together.

"That man must have done it."

They didn't think much about it. They threw all the reasons on Lin Fei.

He must have scared these people out of their wits.

"What's dead? Isn't that a heartbeat?" After the examination, the people in the hospital ridiculed what Lin Fei had said before.

Lin Fei once said that they were dead.

But will the dead have a heart beating?

"He is in control." Said the doctor.

"This man is either a psychopath or a pervert. He kills for pleasure. He deserves to die."

The powers in the assembly searched for a day, but did not find Lin Fei.

"It's too fast."

They all thought Linfei had escaped.

But at this time, Lin Fei is standing on the balcony, looking at the sea opposite the house.

At noon, he noticed that the water was slowly turning red.

It's something from the sea. It's coming ashore.

But his perspective did not see anything.

Looking at the meeting again, Lin Fei murmured: "it's too late to deal with the puppets now."

The sea turns red too fast.

It's like a battle broke out on the bottom of the sea, and all the blood came up.

But at this time, it was getting dark and there was no one on the beach, so no one noticed the scene during the rally.

Didi -

at the meeting, the boy was repairing his glasses.

But at this time, the glasses suddenly kept flashing.

"The more you fix it, the worse it gets?"

The boy frowned.

When I saw Lin Fei before, I found that his combat power was as high as the sum of two S-level powers.

But in the end, the five powers together did not defeat him.

At that time, he thought his glasses were broken.

It's being repaired now, and when it's finished, it starts to alarm again.

"Let me see why it's so loud."

The boy picked up his glasses and was frightened by the number in front of him.

"I wipe, what the hell!"

He was scared stiff in place, because just clearly saw, there is a strong energy is approaching.

This energy is equivalent to the sum of a million SS level powers!

Moreover, the number is still growing rapidly!

"It must be broken."

It's not broken. What is it?

The boy was very sure that there was something wrong with the glasses, so he threw them aside and said, "I'll fix them tomorrow."


The next morning.

The boy was awakened by a thunderbolt.

It seemed that the lightning exploded right over his head and scared him out of bed.

The glasses are still warning and the sound is even louder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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