
As his voice dropped, the door of the room was immediately broken open.

Several soldiers rushed in with swords.

They came violently, smashed the gate directly, and stood in the door in a murderous manner.

"Help me

Cried the Lord.

Seeing the soldier appear, he felt relieved. Although he didn't know how the assassin came in, it was easy to kill him.

The soldiers saw Lin Fei at a glance. They could not help but stab them directly with their swords.

Several cold lights burst out at the same time.

Straight into Linfei's back.



A crisp sound, sharp sword seems to be against a piece of iron, can not enter a cent.


Several people are stupefied in situ, how a sword can not pierce this assassin?

Instead, it makes them feel like they're on the iron plate.

"What are you doing? Kill him quickly. " The Lord of the city cried out. He thought these men were not doing their best.


But as soon as his voice dropped, there was a clear sound of the sword breaking in the room.

The sword with a sharp handle and chilling light broke in an instant.

At the same time, a huge force came, let a few people stagger, embarrassed to retreat toward the outside.

One man tripped over the doorframe and sat down on the floor.

The man was just knocked out.

What just happened?

Why did the sword break suddenly?

And what about that inexplicable thrust?

They didn't see anything.

"Is there a ghost here?" Several people's faces turned white in an instant.

Lin Fei looked back at them and said slowly, "I'm not an assassin. I just came to talk to the city Lord about something."

"If you're worried, you can watch."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, these soldiers just reacted. Was this man doing all the things just now?

"You're an assassin. You have nothing to talk about. You have to die!" The city Lord yelled at the soldiers, "hurry up and kill this man!"

The soldiers bit their teeth.


All of a sudden, several people rushed to Lin Fei at the same time. Even if there was no sword, they would defeat him.


As a result, after two steps, they suddenly ran into an invisible wall.

With a muffled noise, the men all covered their faces, bent over, and retreated behind in a howl.

Let go of a hand to see, the hand is full of blood, it was just rushed too fast, hit the nose.

Looking up, there is nothing in front of this man.

"Damn it."

A man murmured.

Bang bang bang!

There was also a soldier who stretched out his hand to clap the air in front of Lin Fei. As a result, he really caught an invisible wall.

"What is this?" He widened his eyes in shock.

Others saw his reaction, heard his words, and followed him.

When they touched the invisible wall, they looked frightened at the same time.

"What the hell is this?"

At this moment, their minds were completely white.

Because something beyond their knowledge has appeared in front of them.

"You are not a man!"

Someone looked at Lin Fei in horror and said, "you must be a devil."

"Only the devil can have this magic power beyond human beings!"

"Whatever the devil, help me quickly!" The city Lord said in a loud voice.

He's on fire right now.

What are these people doing there for a long time?

Don't you see yourself blocked by assassins? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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