This is a city where survivors are said to gather!

"Let's find a place to have lunch before we go to the survivors' rally." Lin Fei said that after flying all morning, he was already hungry.


The girl nodded.

For several days in a row, what she ate at noon was dry bread, and she did not feel well. If she went on like this, she had to eat bad health.

So they found a villa and made a big lunch.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Fei took the girl out and began to look for the survivors' gathering place!

"City B is so big, it's not a way to find out. Maybe we can learn information from some survivors."

Lin Fei flies in the air with the girl in her arms. If she is lucky, she may encounter other survivors.

"Linfei, there is a supermarket below!" Suddenly said the girl in her arms.


Lin Fei looked down and saw that there was indeed a supermarket entrance. Generally speaking, this kind of place is the place where survivors are most likely to be encountered.

Because there's enough food here.

"Let's go down and have a look." Lin Fei said.

First, there may be survivors who know where the survivors gather. Second, Lin Fei wants to see if there are other resources in it.

Although he has a variety of vegetables and three kinds of meat, but no fruit!

There is no other staple food, such as flour, noodles and so on.

This is deadly.

Because the girl once told him that she would cook many delicious foods, including noodles and some steamed stuffed buns.

"Go in and have a look."

Lin Fei saw the corpses of some ordinary zombies at the gate of the supermarket and guessed that there were survivors among them.

Finally, I took a look at it with perspective and saw three survivors on the third floor.

"I hope they know where the survivors are." Lin Fei murmured.

However, he did not go directly to the three, but took the girl to the food area, but came late.

It's empty here.

Lin Fei sighed and said, "we are late. We still want to eat your noodles."

The girl smiles and comforts Lin Fei: "time is still long, there will be time in the future, and I will always make food for you, and I will not run around."

Lin Fei thought about it, but he didn't remember it.

Maybe there's flour and noodles at the survivors' gathering place.

"Let's go to the third floor and find someone." Lin Fei said.

"How do you know people are on the third floor?" The girl was surprised, and at the same time looked up, except for the ceiling or the ceiling, did not see anyone, listen carefully, also did not hear any other movement.

"Because I saw it." Lin Fei said.

He holds the girl and jumps up in a single jump. With the ability of super jumping, he jumps three floors.

Lin Fei saw three people in big bags. They should get a lot of things in the supermarket.


The three men suddenly stopped.

"There were footsteps nearby, approaching us, an adult man and a girl." A man suddenly opened his mouth, his ears moved gently, the information just heard.

"Be careful."

All three are on guard.

A moment later, Lin Fei and the girl's figure appeared in the eyes of the three people. As expected, they were enemies or friends?


The leading man took a step forward and stopped them.

"Don't be nervous." Lin Fei said with a smile: "we have no hostility. We just want to ask the way. Do you know where the survivors gather?"

The vigilance of the three people relieved a lot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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