Looking at the scrap iron in front of him, the king's brow frowned.

Pinch the steel with your hands. Is this the power of man?

Are you kidding?

The king slowly got up from the ground and said, "no matter what technology you have, I hope you don't make mistakes."

As he said this, he suddenly took out another gun from behind.


He fired directly, without any hesitation. The red laser came to Ye Feng's shoulder.

Lin Fei looks at the king shooting and the laser shooting. His face is calm.

I don't want to hide.


The laser hit him on the shoulder, and it bounced off and went through the ceiling.

And Lin Fei, even his clothes have not been broken.

"It's impossible!"

The king's eyes glared and his face was full of disbelief.

The laser didn't do any damage, even bounced off?

"You are not a man."

The king was surprised and said, "you are a robot!"

The only explanation is that a man-made organization is not a man-made organization.

It has a shell that bounces off the laser.

For human beings, it has long been pierced by this gun.

"Sorry, I'm a human being." Lin Fei said calmly, "I give you a chance to fight back. Now it's time to stop the war."

"If we continue to fight, all human beings will be destroyed."

"Are you kidding?" the king sneered

"Our technology is so high, who can destroy us?"

Lin Fei shook his head helplessly.

"I can destroy you. Your technology is very high, but in front of me, it's just like paper paste."

"No kidding."

The king roared.

How many years have they developed with all their strength.

Let a robot deny it?

But it's strong enough with armor.

"I have ten thousand ways to destroy you."

His voice just fell, Lin Fei saw a black light flying in the sky.

When you get closer, Lin Fei can see clearly.

It turned out to be a black mecha.

The king said slowly, "dare to come here and threaten me. You are a dead man now."

"Because our most powerful mecha is on its way."


His voice has just dropped.

A gust of wind suddenly rushed in from the window.

A mecha stepped on the wind and stood beside the king.

"At last

Looking at the mecha around him, the king's face showed a proud smile.

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "this is the highest crystallization of our technology, the most perfect and powerful mecha in the world."

"Deicide mecha!"

The power of one punch can reach 200 tons and kick can reach 1000 tons.

The speed is up to 30 times mach, flying faster than the laser.

The jumping power is 3000 meters.

It disappeared in one jump.

"Deicide mecha?" Lin Fei raised his eyebrows.

Is God so easy to kill now?

Such a casual mecha dare to kill God?

"Don't look down upon the gods." Lin Fei said.

"Ha ha."

The king sneered: "we don't believe in God. Even if there is a God in the world, we have to kneel down in front of our technology."


The deicide mecha suddenly moved.

It broke the ground one step at a time, the tall figure rushed through the air and hit it with a fist.

This punch is 200 tons of power.

It's the equivalent of a full speed train.

But as soon as Lin Fei raised his hand, he caught the fist of the deinocide mecha.

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