Lin Fei is flying slowly in the air.

He was looking at the map. When he was flying, he found that because he was flying too fast, the display of the map could not keep up with himself.

Can only fly slowly.


After half a day, he found his destination was in front of him.

He just put the map away and flew forward.

A few seconds later, he saw a canyon.

"Is this the destination?" Lin Fei frowned slightly.

In a canyon, there is no living person within ten miles. Is this ghost place Wangdu?

Lin Fei suspected that he had been cheated.

"Go down and have a look."

Here we are.

And the king asked himself to come over. There must be something he wanted to see.

Even if it's a trap, there's no fear.

He fell down to the canyon below and came closer, so that he could see more clearly.

The canyon is very deep, and above it are ordinary rocks and ground, as well as green trees.

But down, Lin Fei found that the air here was turbid, and red stripes appeared on the walls, which became more and more serious.

It's like a skin disease in this land.

"What's going on?" Lin Fei frowned slightly.

Further down, on the surrounding rock walls, there are some purple columns, which are similar to bamboo shoots emerging from the soil.

Huhuhuhu -

just when Lin Fei felt strange here, a violent wind came from behind him.


Without any hesitation, Lin Fei immediately turned around and threw out two blades at the same time.

The blade of the wind cut through the muddy air and let Lin Fei see the things behind him.

It was a broken flying dragon.

The red stripes covered its body, and the whole body was full of holes, but it didn't die. A pair of scarlet eyes were staring at Lin Fei.


Two blades of wind whirled in the air, cutting off the wings of the dragon.

Feilong failed to meet Lin Fei and fell from the air.

"What kind of creature is that?"

Lin Fei followed.

Just as it was flying down, another dragon came up.

He immediately moved sideways to avoid the mouth of the dragon.

Lin Fei's two fingers together, his hands burst out a ray of light, directly through the dragon.

"Turn on perspective."

Under the effect of perspective, Lin Fei saw that there were a lot of flying dragons under the canyon.

It's not just flying dragons. There are many other creatures.

Like wolves, tigers and leopards.

But without exception, these animals, like the flying dragon, have been corroded.

Their bodies are full of holes and holes, and red stripes are crawling all over their bodies...

"they are really infected here." Lin Fei murmured.

When he fell a few meters, the creatures on the ground, and the flying dragon found him, and rushed in his direction.

These things can't make sense at first sight.

Maybe they're dead long ago. They're just under control.

Lin Fei did not keep his hand, and immediately threw out two rotating blades.

The wind blade turns in the air and cuts off the flying dragons one after another.

At the same time, he was still diving in the air.


When he fell to the ground, the whole gorge was shaking violently.

And the monsters waiting for him to fall were shaken out and exploded in midair.

A wave of air broke the turbid air and spread out to the naked eye.

Flying dragons all over the sky fell like rain.

Chen Feng waved his hand and scattered the blade.

He wants to explore the secrets of the place. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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