Tiny electric light, blooming the most dazzling light.

Even if it is the nine sky sun, in this moment also becomes dim.

The snow-white light illuminated the faces of those people and reflected their expressions of horror.

Because they see it clearly.

When the lightning exploded, the giant Titan exploded.


The explosion of electricity and light penetrated the Titan's huge body, leaving a large hole in front of it.

At this moment, Titan's eyes widened.

Until it dies, it doesn't know what just happened.

What's more, how can a tiny human being burst out such a strong force?

That's something machine a can't do.

Roaring -

the Titan's tall body slowly fell to the rear, and finally collapsed a mountain, buried by countless dust.

"So dead?"

Several generals on the ground, looking at the scene in front of them, were in a daze.

That's a Titan who easily destroyed a country.

In front of this man, even a tiny lightning could not be caught.


the word suddenly appeared in their minds.

Even though they have read a lot of books and learned a lot of knowledge, they can only think of the gods when facing the unexplained phenomenon in front of them.

"There are gods in the world."

Lin Fei clapped his hands in mid air after he dealt with the Titan with one hit.

This is to help the person who left the note realize his wish?

Lin Fei looked around. When he just came over, he saw as if there were mecha fighting Titans.

Maybe there's someone around here?

Sure enough, he saw several generals in front of a cliff.

Lin Fei's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of them.


These people suddenly exclaimed, and were frightened by the sudden appearance of Lin Fei.

"Sorry." Lin Fei apologized and said, "it's hard to see a man. I'm so excited."


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

"The gods are above!"

They were still questioning.

But now, when they saw Linfei appear in front of them, they immediately confirmed that it was a God.

They also have the means of space transmission.

But the instrument is huge, and the generator is as high as a hundred story building.

And the man in front of him suddenly came from afar.

Everything was so natural, so fast.

That's something that no technology can do today.

The man in front of me is absolutely God.

Lin Fei was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said, "I am not a God."

"I'm still an ordinary person, if you want to say so."

Regret, regret, fear.

It's totally different from the gods all over the sky.

"If you are not a God, how can you defeat the powerful Titan?"

"Ah, this." Lin Fei didn't know how to answer for a while.

The men immediately said, "are you here to lead us to the war?"


Hearing these two words, Lin Fei's eyes suddenly narrowed.

And then he made sure.

I didn't go the wrong way.

We found another country.

It's just strange why the points on the map are thousands of miles away from here.

If you don't come to kill Titans, you won't come to the borders of another country.

"I was cheated."

Lin Fei immediately understood that the king wanted to defeat himself with corruption.

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