He was willing to give them a glimmer of hope.

Although finally get, only despair.

He flies away, the world is not just these two cities.

But if there is a war between the two cities, the whole world will have to be buried with them.

If necessary, he can protect other human beings by flattening the two cities.

Ten people split up on the road.

They want to tell everyone that Lin Fei has died.

The fight can stop.

They happily returned to the city with the news, found some high-level, and reported the news.

"That man is dead!"

When the king heard the news, he got up from the ground.

"Absolutely true." Several brave men nodded seriously.


The king said, "take one of their heads. I want to see their memory."


They were all startled at the king's words.

But before they could react, someone strode in and shot one of their friends.

He put one of his instruments in it and put it down.

On the big screen, Lin Fei's figure immediately appeared.

A sword ran through his heart.

Then he slowly dissipated.


The king saw the scene and laughed excitedly.

"Ha ha ha, I'm dead at last."

He danced with excitement.

But the team of four looked at the king closely.

"Why kill our men!" The captain yelled.

The king's eyes fell on them.

"He's dead when he dies. He deserves to die if he can let me know such good news."

The king swaggered into his chair.

"You can go back. I have something important to do."

"We can start a new war," he said triumphantly

"We can beat them in one fell swoop before the other side reacts."

The next four people.

His face changed when he heard this.

This king.

Trampling on the lives of their friends and really planning to go to war.

"Are you not afraid of him coming back?" The captain yelled coldly.

"Hahaha --"

the king said in a high spirited manner: "he is dead, how to come back?"

"Thank you for killing him."

He leaned back in his chair and asked, "what do you want? I can help you make it happen."

The captain bit his teeth.

"I want you to apologize to our friends."

"Then, stop the war."


There was a big bang.

The king patted the table excitedly and then rose abruptly.


"Do you know what you're talking about?"

With a wave of his hand, he said directly, "lock up these four men."

Now when he heard about the cessation of the war, it made him angry.

Great king.

Lin Fei was scared to death.

It's a shame.

The four men were caught by the tall men and locked up.

At this moment, the four people have mixed feelings.

They finally understood why Lin Fei didn't want to have a good talk. Maybe he had tried to get through, but faced with such a tyrannical king.

Any communication is ineffective.

"We did it wrong."

Four people's hearts, incomparable regret.

They would rather join Lin Fei if they had a chance to do it again.

And in another country.

The same is true of the situation.

The system directly orders people to kill two of them, playing their memories openly.

After confirming that Lin Fei is dead.

The system laughed.

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