
Lin Fei, who was drinking water, spurted the water out.

"No Lin Fei firmly said.

It's a fatal problem.

"Ernie sauce?" The girl tilted her head and showed a silly expression.

"Cut off all the fancy things in the flowers, and do it with real knives and guns." Lin Fei is not empty at all.

The girl's pretty face turned pink again.

"It's disgusting."

The next day, just before dawn, Lin Fei and the girl were awakened by a knock on the door.

"Oh ~"

when the girl saw that she was shrinking in Lin Fei's arms again, she blushed and quickly climbed away.

Lin Fei went to open the door and found it was the ear of the wind.

"Don't worry. I didn't listen to anything last night." That's what he said first.

Then he said, "it's time for us to go."

Don't you eat breakfast? These guys?

Lin Fei and the girl can only wash for a while, and then follow the three people to leave.

Today, Lin Fei is still carrying a big bag of things.

The gas station is just across the street.

"Heitan, give me all the zombies inside. Your powers are not easy to play here, so look outside to prevent zombies from coming out."

"Shunfenger, you should pay attention not to let other zombies sneak in."

"Don't worry." They answered.

"Ye Yuxue, you have the ability of freezing. You can come in with me, and Lin Fei can come in too. You can take things for me."

There are a lot of zombies near the gas station.

But it's the most common one. Black carbon can deal with it alone.

"Roar of fire!"

He murmured, the flame in his hands condensed, the next moment, the flame like a tsunami rushed out.

Before the zombies approached, they were all lifted out. At the same time, their bodies were ignited and burned with a crackle.

"I'll leave it to you." He cleared the zombie outside easily.

"Not at all."

"You're following me." Said the water dragon, and then strode into the gas station.

The zombies among them have noticed these people for a long time.


The water dragon murmured, the next moment, his body muscles actually a piece of convex up, in an instant become very strong.

Even the height has reached two meters!

"Too strong." Lin Fei exclaimed.

"Water dragon boxing!"

The water dragon murmured and smashed out a fist, which directly pierced the head of a zombie.

"A little more!"

The water dragon even laughed.

Lin Fei looks at the water dragon beating zombies. It's as simple as chopping vegetables. Qiang is very powerful, but he always has a crazy smile on his face.

"It's a little scary." Lin Fei tells the truth.

He not only solved the zombies at the gas station, but also killed them in the convenience store of the gas station and solved the two zombies with two fists and three fists.

Until there was no zombie here, the water dragon's body changed back to the original appearance, and the crazy smile on his face disappeared.

He said to Lin Fei, "let's go and load the gasoline, and we'll give it to shunfenger and black carbon here."

Finally, Lin Fei successfully got three barrels of gasoline in the basement.

"Here's another bottle." Lin Fei's eyes brightened.

There were five liters of gasoline in this bottle, which was not much, but not too little. He put the gasoline directly into his backpack.

"I'll take two barrels." Said the water dragon.

These are half man high railroads. They are full of gasoline and weigh a ton.

But the water dragon carried it directly.

"It's a good thing the cars haven't been eliminated." Lin Fei said that he traveled to a world where science and technology were relatively advanced.

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