But nothing can be seen.

The king lost this memory.

His mind was black.

"Forget it."

Lin Fei said faintly: "don't say you, the God who gives you strength has come, and is not my opponent."

"If he doesn't want to die, don't come to trouble."

"How dare you blaspheme my God

The king roared with rage, like a wild animal with mad hair.

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have just died."

Lin Fei said faintly: "I kill you, only need a punch."

"The same is true of the God who killed you."

But his voice had just dropped.

A purple light suddenly shot from the sky.

The light hit Lin Fei's chest directly, then it was bounced open and landed dozens of meters away.


A flash of fire went up into the sky.

Lin Fei looked up and looked in the direction where the light just came.

But it's empty.

Run away?

And then you look down.

The king who had been lying in front of him disappeared.

How fast it was.

Linfei can be sure that someone has just rescued the king.

"Let me see where it's gone."

Linfei uses the power to see the shadow left by the king.

And at this time.

The king was taken back to a Amethyst palace.

He is missing a leg.

But still kneeling on the ground with both hands.

"Lord God."

"I lost. I'm sorry."

"I don't blame you."

Sitting on the chair is a middle-aged man with human appearance.

It's just the voice of his voice. It's going to ring three times.

"I underestimated his strength." The man said slowly, "he's much better than we thought."

"Give me another chance, and I'll kill him."

Said the king, gritting his teeth.

Losing to Lin Fei, he was very unwilling.

Lin Fei must be killed.

To get rid of the hatred.


The man raised his hand and took out a purple crystal and threw it in front of the king.

"Eat it and you'll have the most powerful power."

"Then it will be easy for you to kill him."

The king picked up the crystal and said, "thank you, Lord God."

"I will certainly live up to your trust."

He opened his mouth and ate the crystal.

Even the hardest stone, at this time in his mouth, also click.

He seemed to eat with relish.

When the purple crystal was swallowed by him, the king's body, suddenly out of thousands of purple light.

The incomplete right leg, at this time, actually grew out again.


He had purple scales on his skin.


When the king spoke, his voice changed completely.

Become rough and powerful, as if the beast were roaring.

"I feel infinite power."

Now, he feels like he can destroy a country with one punch.

With such power, what are we doing to develop science and technology?

That's stupid.

I should have been here before.

The king bowed his head and said, "please wait for me a few minutes, and I will go and get his head back."

"Well, go ahead."

The man nodded.

Brush -

next moment.

The king disappeared.

Lin Fei stood in the open space for a while.

Because the shadow soon disappeared, it seems that the king also disappeared suddenly.

"What a headache."

A sigh.

But just then, he noticed something coming from above.

Look up.

The strengthened king stood on his head.

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