As a matter of fact, he is not picky about guns. In any case, they will be shot by gun.

The only thing that affects power is the speed of fire.

The car has been driving for a long time, several people in the car, can only eat dry bread, now even hot instant noodles can not eat.

The sky is getting dark.

The car is still in the city, but now, there are more and more zombies in the street.

"Are they all nocturnal?"

The water dragon frowned, just now the car is constantly bumping, because there are constantly zombies hit the car.

"There's a lot of zombies in the back." Said the ear.

"I know." The water dragon said seriously, "we must not stop now, or it will be over."

But the next moment, his face softened.

Because the water dragon clearly saw, listening to a pile of cars, the road has been completely blocked!

"Not good!"

With a cry of alarm, he immediately stepped on the brake. The van skidded around, and finally hit other cars to serve and stop.


There was a big bang.

The car rocked violently and the gasoline was spilt.

Lin Fei hugged the girl for the first time and protected her in his arms.

"You stay in the car."

The water dragon said and jumped out of the car.

"I'll go too." There are more and more zombies outside, it seems, because of the sound of the car collision.

"Be careful."

Said the ear.

His powers can't help him improve his combat effectiveness, so he has been hiding behind, responsible for guarding against sneak attacks.


"Water dragon boxing!"

"The roar of fire!"

Outside came the sound of fighting, followed by a constant flash of fire.

"I'll help." Said the girl.

"No more."

Shunfenger said with a smile: "you are still too small, strength is not strong, going out may add chaos to them. We have seen such scenes, and have been used to them for a long time."

He looked at Lin Fei and seriously said, "in fact, when we met a water dragon, he was killed from the zombie group."

"It's said that he killed his sister in order to save his sister. He killed himself through a street and went home."

"It's a pity..." he sighed: "when he went back, he was a little late, so now when he killed the zombie, there will be a kind of refreshing feeling. You should have seen his strange smile?"

"He didn't find it himself."

Lin Fei and the girl are silent.

"It's too heavy to say. It's easy to say." The wind ear laughs.

But the next moment, his face changed.

"Not good!"

He cried out, "run, there are bulls!"

The next moment, he jumped out of the car. Lin Fei immediately took the girl and followed him.

It's just a moment.


There was a big bang.

A huge figure fell from the sky and hit the car directly, causing the car to explode!

The fire was so blazing that it was very bright here.

Huge explosion sound, also let water dragon and black carbon attention to this side.

When they saw a five meter high figure coming out of the sea of fire, their pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's a bull!"


This name, finally attracted Lin Fei's attention, the mysterious existence that may not even be able to deal with the modifier, finally appeared!

Lin Fei's fist suddenly pinched up, his face unprecedented dignified, looking at the figure.

Then... Froze. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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