"One step ahead of them." The girl said regretfully.

She wanted to do it just now.

But the speed and Lin Lan presumably, or too much difference, this task was night without the moon and other people first completed.

It's a thousand points short!

"Get out of here at once." Ye Wuyue said, "be careful that a senior zombie is attracted here."

When they turned and wanted to leave, they found that the corridors and stairs were full of zombies.

This group of zombies is just like the tide!

"Let's go!"

Ye Wuyue is the first to start. When the wind blade rolls, the head of a zombie falls to the ground.

"Protect your boyfriend." He did not forget to say to the girl.

Ye Yuxue just glanced at him.

Where does Lin Fei need to protect himself?

However, she also tried her best to do her best, and the four finally walked downstairs with difficulty.

All of a sudden, a zombie ran past from the night without the moon, and flew at Lin Fei!

"Not good!"

Ye Wuyue's face changed and he called, "brother Lin, be careful!"

However, the next moment, he clearly saw that Lin Fei pulled out his sword and split the head of the zombie with a sword.

"Yes, brother Lin. you're good, too." He smiles and concentrates on the zombie in front of him.

"I'll help you."

Lin Fei said, and they stand on the same front, a sword a zombie.

No matter what zombie it is, it's all solved with one sword.

Looking at Lin Lan with gorgeous sword moves, Lin Fei understands that it is not so easy to be a knight errant.

At least he won't be able to use these fancy swords.

Lin Lan looks at Lin Fei and continues to concentrate on dealing with the zombie in front of her.

Ten floors!

They really killed them from above.

Lin Fei also casually cut more than a dozen, and later the night without the moon in front of himself, quickly clearing the zombie.

Four people stand in front of the restaurant, there are no zombies around.

Night without the moon, Lin Lan and the girl's body more or less stained with zombie blood, only Lin Fei clean.

When you wake up, you don't get infected with the virus.

"It's time for us to leave. It's dark. This city is very dangerous. You should be careful," he said

After that, he took Lin Lan around and left.

"What shall we do?" The girl looked up at Lin Fei and said, "we still need a thousand points."

"Worse, worse." Lin Fei rubbed her head and said, "we can continue tomorrow."

"The liver of the gun will certainly come out tomorrow."

"Go back and cook. I'm hungry."

The girl nodded and whispered, "make the Mapo Tofu you like tonight."

"Love you." Lin Fei happily pinched a girl's Alchemy.

It made her blush.

"These words can't be said casually, especially to other girls."

"And, in fact, I'm very good." The girl was jealous, because today Lin Fei praised Lin Lan twice. She remembered it clearly.

"Yes, yes, yes."

"You are the best," Lin Fei said with a smile

"Perfunctory." The girl was proud, but she was in a good mood.

And now.

Ye Wuyue and Lin Lan are on their way back to the rally.

"What do you think, Lin Fei." Night no moon looks serious, way: "ordinary people can chop zombies with a sword?"

"Maybe he has powers, just a small increase in power." Lin Lan's face is cold.

"Didn't he have a sword? Maybe he's also a master. " The night without the moon guessed the way.

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