Originally saw two A-level, the heart pressure is very big, but now there is an E-class mixed here, they feel this is very ridiculous.

To be a jerk, not to look at their own level.

"Is it so funny?" The girl said coldly, the cold wind around her.

Huang shaotian stopped laughing immediately.

"I see. You have a good relationship." He looked at Lin Fei and said, "Congratulations, you found such a powerful girlfriend."

The two B-class nearby couldn't laugh at once.

Finished, a little envious.

Just an E-class, there is an A-level strong protection.

However, this person is still so good-looking. Although he looks green now, he will be absolutely gorgeous when he grows up.

Two gnashing teeth, hateful, envious, jealous!

"I don't care."

Huang shaotian glanced at Lin Fei and said, "you follow me, but I don't care if you live or die."

"When you get your points, ask your friends to ask for my 20000, or mine."

Leave this sentence and he's heading for the city.

The other two B levels immediately followed.

The water dragon couldn't believe it and asked, "Lin Fei, were you just joking?"

"You're so strong, how can you be an E-class?"

Lin Fei didn't explain. He took out the card and showed them a look. All of them were speechless.

"There must have been something wrong during the inspection."

"Who knows." Lin Fei said, "let's go. They're going to go far."

The water dragon three people want to talk but stop, but finally follow up.

They don't understand.

Why is Linfei so powerful, or E-class?

So what are their B grades?

It's a joke.

Under the leadership of Huang shaotian, several people soon came to the block where the body wave broke out last night.

The corpses are still all over the ground, and the sword mark more than ten meters deep is still there.

"What is the situation?"

Seeing such a scene for the first time, all the people in the field except the girl and Lin Tian were stunned.

"The wounds of these corpses are very smooth. They seem to have been split by a sharp sword. There are also sword marks on the road."

Huang shaotian calmly analyzed: "this should be done by Lin Lan. After all, only she used the sword in our meeting."

"With so many corpses, there should be no mistake in intelligence. There is indeed a wave of corpses here."

"Go in the direction of the body wave, there must be something there," he said

Several B-level have not spoken, one is do not understand these, second, how dare to speak in front of this A-level?

"He's serious." Lin Fei and the girl said.


The girl nodded, but her impression of Huang shaotian was not good, and she even hated the man.

Several people walked forward for a long time.

There are more and more footprints on the ground. What monster can leave footprints on the hard road?

"It's a bull." Huang shaotian frowned and said, "there used to be more than one bull passing by here."

"At least dozens of them!"

"There are still some footprints that I don't know whose footprints are. I will never lose to the bull!"

Seeing the dense footprints on the ground, Huang shaotian could not help but take a breath of cold air.

What's the situation?

"I'm afraid there will be an unprecedented wave of corpses." He said with a dignified face.

He took out his mobile phone, took some pictures of the scene, and then said, "our task is finished. It's time to go back."

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