Invincible Sword Domain
Chapter 1071
浜戠洘Chamber of Commerce branch 搴熷涔嬩笂鍙墿涓嬩簲浜 纴鍒嗗埆鏄痀 纴鍒嗗埆鏄痀 Ye Ye 涓変 锛岃缮 锛岃缮 濡囦笌闾 濡囦笌闾 ray robe old man 銆
闄や 浠栦 浠栦 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠
Key 屽湪姝や箣鍓嶏纴杩欎簯鐩烠hamber of Commerce 鍐呰 frozen 瓒 湁鏁 湁鏁 崈澶 崈澶 崈澶
Yang Ye 娌°C湁鎯冲埌锛実 ray robe old man 涓庣编濡囦篃娌°C兂鍒帮纴娌°C兂鍒兂鍒伞锏锏涔涔”櫌镄勫鐢熶细瀵瀵簯鐩烠hamber Of Commerce branch Commerce 锛岃 锛岃 屼笖涓 屼笖涓 屼笖涓 屼笖涓 鍑 鍑 鍑
Yang Ye 鍙屾 缂撶紦绱 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 湅铡 湅铡 一 (1) 墠涓嶈 澶勶纴鍑 澶勶纴鍑 澶勶纴鍑 幇浜嗕簩鍗佸钖嶈 幇浜嗕簩鍗佸钖嶈 幇浜嗕簩鍗佸钖嶈绌 绌 昵琚岖殑 昵琚岖殑 Profound Warrior 锛屽叾涓纴 chain 夌 夌 屽湪浠栦 屽湪浠栦 屽湪浠栦 屽湪浠栦 琛 very very very very very very a very small 镄勨 树 tree Homework
鈥滀綘灏 槸闾 槸闾 ang Ye 锛熲€
浜 兢涔嬩腑锛屼 兢涔嬩腑锛屼 id 钖嶆 鎸佷竴镙 鎸佷竴镙 鎸佷竴镙 鎸佷竴镙 id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id €滀綘鏄笉鏄皬镞跺€栾剳琚嬭闂ㄥす杩囦简锛熲€
鍦ㄦ 鎸侀 鎸侀 妫岖殑闱掑 妫岖殑闱掑 瓙 瓙 瓙 涓 涓 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙
鈥滀粬灏忔椂 chain 栾鏄 夎闂ㄥす杩囷纴浼氲鍑 chain 夎闂ㄥす杩囷纴浼氲鍑 偅绉嶈鐏垜娉曟淳镄勭妫瑷 钖楋纻鈥濆悕鍙滠淇炵殑鐢峰瓙澶aid with a laugh 銆
鈥沧垜 夊缑锛屼篃 夊缑锛屼篃 chain 夊彲鑳 槸鑴戣琚┐韪 (four) stretch ah 鈥 € [€ [€
鈥沨sk tsk 锛屽师鏉ヨ伞瀹朵扎灏灏Yang Ye 锛屾垜鐪嬩粬涔熸病浠€涔堢壒娈娄箣澶勫槢銆备浠浠涔堟暍璇涔堟暍璇涔堟暍璇镫傝 纻鎴戠湡鏄兂涓嶆槑锏 纻鎴戠湡鏄兂涓嶆槑锏 纻鎴戠湡鏄兂涓嶆槑锏 € € 杺锛孻 ang ang 锛岃兘涓嶈兘 锛岃兘涓嶈兘 锛岃兘涓嶈兘 婅瘔鎴 婅瘔鎴 婅瘔鎴 婅瘔鎴 纴浣犱 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇欑璇濆憿锛熼毦阆 綘鑴戣鐪熺殑琚棬澶 綘鑴戣鐪熺殑琚棬澶 綘鑴戣鐪熺殑琚棬澶 锛焗 锛焗 锛焗 € € € € €
鈥沧垜瑙夊缑锛屾垜浠病蹇呰涓庝粬绛夊埌Acquired 浜嗭纴浠婂ぉ灏辫В鍐充粬锛屾€庝箞镙凤纻鈥
鈥滆 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 阆楄 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜繎浜 儏浜嗭紒鈥
Yang Ye the and the others 涓 鐪硷纴娌夐粯涓 鐪硷纴娌夐粯涓 浼 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 锛 锛 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜戠洘Chamber of Commerce 镄勪汉锛熲€濅粬Yang Ye 涓嶆槸涓€涓杽浜猴纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬旋翠笉鏄竴涓枩娆(四)繛绱埆浜虹殑浜恒€
鈥滀簯鐩烠hamber of Commerce 镄勪汉锛熲
鏋椾繛 鍦 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya 笉濂 剰镐濓纴钖埌浣燳 剰镐濓纴钖埌浣燳 ang Ye 鏉ヤ 锛屾垜浠お鍏 锛屾垜浠お鍏 浜嗭纴涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 浜 浜 浜 € €搸锛屾垜浠湡镄勪笉鏄晠镒忕殑銆 搸锛屾垜浠湡镄勪笉鏄晠镒忕殑銆 鏋滐纴濡傛灉浣犱 夊缑蹇 夊缑蹇 夊缑蹇 夊缑蹇 悊涓岖埥锛屾潵 撴垜浠晩锛乭 撴垜浠晩锛乭 撴垜浠晩锛乭鈥[€[€
鈥渉aha 鈥[€潵潵潵撴垜浠晩锛乭撴垜浠晩锛乭 鈥[€[€
鈥沧棭灏卞儚棰嗘暀棰嗘暀浣燳ang Ye 镄勯珮鎷涗 锛屾潵钖э纴鎴戜 锛屾潵钖э纴鎴戜 锛屾潵钖э纴鎴戜 宸茬粡楗ユ 宸茬粡楗ユ 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅嫚鍦版弶弶撴垜浠惂锛佲
鈥滀竴涓﹄篃鍒暀锛屼粖镞ワ纴灏 嬁杩欎簩鍗佷 嬁杩欎簩鍗佷 嬁杩欎簩鍗佷 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥
Yang Ye 镄勫0阔冲冲湪鍦湪鍦腑鍝嶈捣锛屾帴镌锛屾暣涓﹄锛屾暣涓﹄娑埚け鍦ㄥ娑埚け鍦ㄥ娑埚け鍦ㄥ鍦鍦纴鍐嶆鍑幇镞讹纴宸茬粡鍑幇镞讹纴宸茬粡鍑幇镞讹纴宸茬粡鍑ㄩ偅鏋椾繛and the others 浜虹兢涔嬩腑锛屾帴镌€锛屼竴Daoist 褰辩洿鎺ユ姏椋炰 鍑哄幓锛岀┖涓纴涓€阆搒word light 婵€灏勮 岃 岃 岃 岃 锛岄偅椋炲嚭铡荤殑锏 锛岄偅椋炲嚭铡荤殑锏 涔 涔 櫌瀛 櫌瀛 銆 銆 銆
Blood is like a column!
佸埌 佸埌 Yang Ye 涓変 锷ㄦ 锷ㄦ 锛屾滠 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩屾帴镌€锛屼竴镆刲ong spear 鐬棿镊充粬闱(一)墠銆
鏋椾繛heart startled 锛屼笉鏁(一)ぇ镒忥纴ぇ镒忥纴嬩腑 threshold嬩腑
鏋椾繛 嬩腑镄勯昵妫岖洿鎺ラ缇瑁 嬩腑镄勯昵妫岖洿鎺ラ缇瑁 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一幓锛岃 岃 岃 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye 镞讹纴Cutting through the deadlocks
鏋椾繛韬綋鐩存帴镣歌寮€鏉ワ纴镞犳暟椴滆鍐呰剰chain torch key
鍦 腑锛岃鍒 腑锛岃鍒 腑锛岃鍒 腑锛岃鍒 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 the the the the the the杞 晫浜嗭纴 晫浜嗭纴 晫浜嗭纴 晫浜嗭纴 屼笖杩樻槸涓ラ 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮
Key 屽 鍦ㄦ暟鎭殑镞堕棿 鍦ㄦ暟鎭殑镞堕棿 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ
闱(一)Yang Ye 涓変汉锛岀壒鍒槸鍦ㄩ锛岀壒鍒槸鍦ㄩ瀵筜ang 涓峣n Nanjing 镞讹纴璁稿浜浜牴 chain 涔嫔姏閮 涔嫔姏閮 涔嫔姏閮 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝€鍒伙纴鍓╀笅镄勯偅鍗佸嚑钖嶅鐢熷纴鍓╀笅镄勯偅鍗佸嚑钖嶅鐢熷涓缁忔湁浜嗘儳镒忎笌阃€镒忋€
鐒 屼粬澹 屼粬澹 屼粬澹 镆刲 镆刲 镆刲 镆刲 sp sp 鐩 帴镊﹄粬鑳 帴镊﹄粬鑳 绌胯 绌胯 绌胯 绌胯 绌胯 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 锛岃 锛岃 钖嶅鐢熻 钖嶅鐢熻 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴Emerald 浜 浜 浜 浜 腑鍧犺惤 腑鍧犺惤 腑鍧犺惤
Yang Ye 镄勫0阔冲湪鍦湪鍦湪鍦锛屼粬骞锛屼粬骞锛屼粬骞锛屼粬骞寚瀵寚瀵潃杩滃涓鎸囷纴涓鎸囷纴涓鎸囷纴涓鎸囷纴涓word鎸囷纴涓qi 阆搒 镊﹄粬鎸囧 婵屽嚭锛宻€屽嚭锛宻everal hundred zhang 涔嫔锛屼竴钖嶅鐢熻剳琚嬬洿鎺ユ姏椋炲嚭铡 紒
杩欎竴鎸囷纴鍙笉鏄崟绾殑sword qi 锛岄偅sword qi 鍙槸锷犳寔浜哣oid Realm Sword Intent 锛
Key 屾镞 Realm Sword Intent 锛岃呖灏戞槸褰揿垵镄勬暟 chain 嶅 锛
鍦╕ang Ye 涓変 镄勮仈 镄勮仈 嬩笅锛岃 嬩笅锛岃 嬩笅锛岃 嬩笅锛岃 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅Old man 涓庣编濡囩洿鎺ョ煶鍖栧湪铡熷湴銆
Half a mile, gray robe old man Looking at Yang Ye and An Nanjing, the throat rolled, said: “Is they too strong, or is this White Deer College student too weak?”
“These students should be just students from the outer court!” The beautiful woman said solemnly: “But it should not be so slaughtered!” In the voice of the beautiful woman, there was also a clear shock.
Silence for a moment, the beautiful woman flashed a touch of decisiveness, said: “The notice goes on, all the branches that I control are all open gambling, and all who buy the White Deer Academy winner: Baibi… No, ten to one, and buy the winner of Yunhai Academy. : One to one!”
“Eldest Young Lady…you…”
Gray robe old man The eyes are full of shock, this ratio means that in the eyes of the beautiful woman, the chance of winning Yang Ye and the others is very large. Of course, what he really shocked was that if the gamble was lost, they would be finished. Because he doesn’t have to know that once a gambling game is opened, I don’t know how many people will buy the White Deer Academy!
At that time, once Yang Ye and the others were defeated, they were really finished, and even the family would be shaken!
Beautiful woman took a deep breath, said: “The ancestors once said, starving and timid, daring, daugh lurks within the riches and honour. I am willing to take my own future to gamble once!”
Gray robe old man hesitated, then nodded, said: “That would be a big bet! I let people deal with it!”
The beautiful woman is nodded, then looks up towards the sky, and at this time, there are only three people left in the White Deer College.
The three did not choose to escape, because they found that their speed was not the opponent of Yang Ye, and all who wanted to escape were the first to die.
In less than a quarter of an hour, they came twenty, and only three were left!
Two Daoist shadows flew out, one of them was pierced and the other head flew out.
In this way, there is only one female student left in the White Deer College. The woman was about twenty years old. At this time, her hands clasped a sword in her hand. Although the surface seemed to be strong, her trembling sword sold her.
“Spicy hands destroy flowers, you can’t do it!”
The emptiness shook the shake one’s head and retreated to the side.
“If you are defeated, do you think she will show mercy to you?”
Yang Ye glanced at the emptiness and then wanted to shoot. At this moment, the space in the sky suddenly trembled. Then, the old man who had left before appeared again in the field.
When I saw the scene in the field, the old man’s face was instantly picked up, said: “Yang Ye, you are courting death !”
Said, it is necessary to start, and at this time, Yang Ye is a figure, a punched towards the robes old man banged. And An Nanjing, who is next to Yang Ye, is not idle. At the moment when she punches strictly, she holds the cracked hands in her hand and moves toward the robes. The old man is a throw, and the sky is instantaneous. In front of the robe old man, it is three points faster than Yang Ye!
The robe of the old man, the power contained in the spear makes him feel the heart, do not dare to resist, will be flashed, but at this moment, the two horrible Intent Domain suddenly pressed on him. !
The robe old man is horrified, the next moment…
The cracked sky directly hit the chest of the robe old man, the robe old man flew directly out, but the cracked sky did not pass through, because at the crucial moment, the robe old man within the body poured out a golden Light, this golden light blocked the crack!
And just in that robe old man sighed in relief, suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrunk, his body swelled up, then violently turned and took a palm!
Take out, a fist instantly, the two collide!
Ka cha !
A broken bone sounded in the field, and the old man robe flew out instantly, and at this time, An Nanjing suddenly appeared in front of him, and then, long spear swept his back.
The robe old man’s eyes are sharp and round, and the whole person falls down from the sky, and finally he squats on the ground, act recklessly.
Yang Ye was about to shoot again. At this time, the space in the sky suddenly broke open. A giant hand poked out of it and then slammed it to Yang Ye.
“Is the White Deer Academy so shameless? One can’t, come to a group, a bunch can’t, come old, old can’t, come older?”
Yang Ye’s voice fell, the ancient sheath appeared in his hands, and then, a sword was slammed into the ancient sheath, and the next moment, slammed!
Eighty superimposed D天Drawing Sword Technique!
A sword qi skyrocketed, and the sword qi teared the sky and slammed over the giant palm. Silence for a moment, the giant palm burst into pieces!
“A good Yang Ye, I am a little bit of you!”
There was a voice in the sky.
Yang Ye didn’t care about the voice, turned and looked towards the old man in the robe lying on the ground, flexing his finger, and screaming at the sword s qi, the old man’s head was suddenly separated from the body.
Yang Ye turned to look at the godless, said: “Take these people’s heads together with a rope. How can we come to the White Deer Academy for the first time? How can we give them empty hands? We will give them a big gift!”
Ps: Seeking amethyst……………………
闄や 浠栦 浠栦 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠 涔嫔锛屾暣涓﹄簯鐩烠
Key 屽湪姝や箣鍓嶏纴杩欎簯鐩烠hamber of Commerce 鍐呰 frozen 瓒 湁鏁 湁鏁 崈澶 崈澶 崈澶
Yang Ye 娌°C湁鎯冲埌锛実 ray robe old man 涓庣编濡囦篃娌°C兂鍒帮纴娌°C兂鍒兂鍒伞锏锏涔涔”櫌镄勫鐢熶细瀵瀵簯鐩烠hamber Of Commerce branch Commerce 锛岃 锛岃 屼笖涓 屼笖涓 屼笖涓 屼笖涓 鍑 鍑 鍑
Yang Ye 鍙屾 缂撶紦绱 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栨姮澶 湅铡 湅铡 一 (1) 墠涓嶈 澶勶纴鍑 澶勶纴鍑 澶勶纴鍑 幇浜嗕簩鍗佸钖嶈 幇浜嗕簩鍗佸钖嶈 幇浜嗕簩鍗佸钖嶈绌 绌 昵琚岖殑 昵琚岖殑 Profound Warrior 锛屽叾涓纴 chain 夌 夌 屽湪浠栦 屽湪浠栦 屽湪浠栦 屽湪浠栦 琛 very very very very very very a very small 镄勨 树 tree Homework
鈥滀綘灏 槸闾 槸闾 ang Ye 锛熲€
浜 兢涔嬩腑锛屼 兢涔嬩腑锛屼 id 钖嶆 鎸佷竴镙 鎸佷竴镙 鎸佷竴镙 鎸佷竴镙 id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id €滀綘鏄笉鏄皬镞跺€栾剳琚嬭闂ㄥす杩囦简锛熲€
鍦ㄦ 鎸侀 鎸侀 妫岖殑闱掑 妫岖殑闱掑 瓙 瓙 瓙 涓 涓 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙 瓙
鈥滀粬灏忔椂 chain 栾鏄 夎闂ㄥす杩囷纴浼氲鍑 chain 夎闂ㄥす杩囷纴浼氲鍑 偅绉嶈鐏垜娉曟淳镄勭妫瑷 钖楋纻鈥濆悕鍙滠淇炵殑鐢峰瓙澶aid with a laugh 銆
鈥沧垜 夊缑锛屼篃 夊缑锛屼篃 chain 夊彲鑳 槸鑴戣琚┐韪 (four) stretch ah 鈥 € [€ [€
鈥沨sk tsk 锛屽师鏉ヨ伞瀹朵扎灏灏Yang Ye 锛屾垜鐪嬩粬涔熸病浠€涔堢壒娈娄箣澶勫槢銆备浠浠涔堟暍璇涔堟暍璇涔堟暍璇镫傝 纻鎴戠湡鏄兂涓嶆槑锏 纻鎴戠湡鏄兂涓嶆槑锏 纻鎴戠湡鏄兂涓嶆槑锏 € € 杺锛孻 ang ang 锛岃兘涓嶈兘 锛岃兘涓嶈兘 锛岃兘涓嶈兘 婅瘔鎴 婅瘔鎴 婅瘔鎴 婅瘔鎴 纴浣犱 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇 涔堟暍璇欑璇濆憿锛熼毦阆 綘鑴戣鐪熺殑琚棬澶 綘鑴戣鐪熺殑琚棬澶 綘鑴戣鐪熺殑琚棬澶 锛焗 锛焗 锛焗 € € € € €
鈥沧垜瑙夊缑锛屾垜浠病蹇呰涓庝粬绛夊埌Acquired 浜嗭纴浠婂ぉ灏辫В鍐充粬锛屾€庝箞镙凤纻鈥
鈥滆 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 阆楄 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜 钖э纴涓岖劧锛屽埆浜繎浜 儏浜嗭紒鈥
Yang Ye the and the others 涓 鐪硷纴娌夐粯涓 鐪硷纴娌夐粯涓 浼 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 纴浠杝 锛 锛 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜戠洘Chamber of Commerce 镄勪汉锛熲€濅粬Yang Ye 涓嶆槸涓€涓杽浜猴纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬旋翠笉鏄竴涓枩娆(四)繛绱埆浜虹殑浜恒€
鈥滀簯鐩烠hamber of Commerce 镄勪汉锛熲
鏋椾繛 鍦 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 鐪硷纴鐒跺悗鏁呬綔 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 淎 iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya 笉濂 剰镐濓纴钖埌浣燳 剰镐濓纴钖埌浣燳 ang Ye 鏉ヤ 锛屾垜浠お鍏 锛屾垜浠お鍏 浜嗭纴涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 娉ㄦ剰锛屽嚭 浜 浜 浜 € €搸锛屾垜浠湡镄勪笉鏄晠镒忕殑銆 搸锛屾垜浠湡镄勪笉鏄晠镒忕殑銆 鏋滐纴濡傛灉浣犱 夊缑蹇 夊缑蹇 夊缑蹇 夊缑蹇 悊涓岖埥锛屾潵 撴垜浠晩锛乭 撴垜浠晩锛乭 撴垜浠晩锛乭鈥[€[€
鈥渉aha 鈥[€潵潵潵撴垜浠晩锛乭撴垜浠晩锛乭 鈥[€[€
鈥沧棭灏卞儚棰嗘暀棰嗘暀浣燳ang Ye 镄勯珮鎷涗 锛屾潵钖э纴鎴戜 锛屾潵钖э纴鎴戜 锛屾潵钖э纴鎴戜 宸茬粡楗ユ 宸茬粡楗ユ 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅嫚鍦版弶弶撴垜浠惂锛佲
鈥滀竴涓﹄篃鍒暀锛屼粖镞ワ纴灏 嬁杩欎簩鍗佷 嬁杩欎簩鍗佷 嬁杩欎簩鍗佷 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥 璺紒鈥
Yang Ye 镄勫0阔冲冲湪鍦湪鍦腑鍝嶈捣锛屾帴镌锛屾暣涓﹄锛屾暣涓﹄娑埚け鍦ㄥ娑埚け鍦ㄥ娑埚け鍦ㄥ鍦鍦纴鍐嶆鍑幇镞讹纴宸茬粡鍑幇镞讹纴宸茬粡鍑幇镞讹纴宸茬粡鍑ㄩ偅鏋椾繛and the others 浜虹兢涔嬩腑锛屾帴镌€锛屼竴Daoist 褰辩洿鎺ユ姏椋炰 鍑哄幓锛岀┖涓纴涓€阆搒word light 婵€灏勮 岃 岃 岃 岃 锛岄偅椋炲嚭铡荤殑锏 锛岄偅椋炲嚭铡荤殑锏 涔 涔 櫌瀛 櫌瀛 銆 銆 銆
Blood is like a column!
佸埌 佸埌 Yang Ye 涓変 锷ㄦ 锷ㄦ 锛屾滠 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 炵溂涓棯杩囦竴鎶筯 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩 姩屾帴镌€锛屼竴镆刲ong spear 鐬棿镊充粬闱(一)墠銆
鏋椾繛heart startled 锛屼笉鏁(一)ぇ镒忥纴ぇ镒忥纴嬩腑 threshold嬩腑
鏋椾繛 嬩腑镄勯昵妫岖洿鎺ラ缇瑁 嬩腑镄勯昵妫岖洿鎺ラ缇瑁 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 紑鏉ワ纴 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一幓锛岃 岃 岃 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 镞讹纴 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye 镞讹纴Cutting through the deadlocks
鏋椾繛韬綋鐩存帴镣歌寮€鏉ワ纴镞犳暟椴滆鍐呰剰chain torch key
鍦 腑锛岃鍒 腑锛岃鍒 腑锛岃鍒 腑锛岃鍒 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 骞旷殑娉曟淳 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 the the the the the the杞 晫浜嗭纴 晫浜嗭纴 晫浜嗭纴 晫浜嗭纴 屼笖杩樻槸涓ラ 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮 镄勮
Key 屽 鍦ㄦ暟鎭殑镞堕棿 鍦ㄦ暟鎭殑镞堕棿 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ 岋纴浜屽崄鏉ヤ
闱(一)Yang Ye 涓変汉锛岀壒鍒槸鍦ㄩ锛岀壒鍒槸鍦ㄩ瀵筜ang 涓峣n Nanjing 镞讹纴璁稿浜浜牴 chain 涔嫔姏閮 涔嫔姏閮 涔嫔姏閮 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝€鍒伙纴鍓╀笅镄勯偅鍗佸嚑钖嶅鐢熷纴鍓╀笅镄勯偅鍗佸嚑钖嶅鐢熷涓缁忔湁浜嗘儳镒忎笌阃€镒忋€
鐒 屼粬澹 屼粬澹 屼粬澹 镆刲 镆刲 镆刲 镆刲 sp sp 鐩 帴镊﹄粬鑳 帴镊﹄粬鑳 绌胯 绌胯 绌胯 绌胯 绌胯 岃 岃 岃 岃 岃 锛岃 锛岃 钖嶅鐢熻 钖嶅鐢熻 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴 竴Emerald 浜 浜 浜 浜 腑鍧犺惤 腑鍧犺惤 腑鍧犺惤
Yang Ye 镄勫0阔冲湪鍦湪鍦湪鍦锛屼粬骞锛屼粬骞锛屼粬骞锛屼粬骞寚瀵寚瀵潃杩滃涓鎸囷纴涓鎸囷纴涓鎸囷纴涓鎸囷纴涓word鎸囷纴涓qi 阆搒 镊﹄粬鎸囧 婵屽嚭锛宻€屽嚭锛宻everal hundred zhang 涔嫔锛屼竴钖嶅鐢熻剳琚嬬洿鎺ユ姏椋炲嚭铡 紒
杩欎竴鎸囷纴鍙笉鏄崟绾殑sword qi 锛岄偅sword qi 鍙槸锷犳寔浜哣oid Realm Sword Intent 锛
Key 屾镞 Realm Sword Intent 锛岃呖灏戞槸褰揿垵镄勬暟 chain 嶅 锛
鍦╕ang Ye 涓変 镄勮仈 镄勮仈 嬩笅锛岃 嬩笅锛岃 嬩笅锛岃 嬩笅锛岃 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 涔 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅 镄勯偅Old man 涓庣编濡囩洿鎺ョ煶鍖栧湪铡熷湴銆
Half a mile, gray robe old man Looking at Yang Ye and An Nanjing, the throat rolled, said: “Is they too strong, or is this White Deer College student too weak?”
“These students should be just students from the outer court!” The beautiful woman said solemnly: “But it should not be so slaughtered!” In the voice of the beautiful woman, there was also a clear shock.
Silence for a moment, the beautiful woman flashed a touch of decisiveness, said: “The notice goes on, all the branches that I control are all open gambling, and all who buy the White Deer Academy winner: Baibi… No, ten to one, and buy the winner of Yunhai Academy. : One to one!”
“Eldest Young Lady…you…”
Gray robe old man The eyes are full of shock, this ratio means that in the eyes of the beautiful woman, the chance of winning Yang Ye and the others is very large. Of course, what he really shocked was that if the gamble was lost, they would be finished. Because he doesn’t have to know that once a gambling game is opened, I don’t know how many people will buy the White Deer Academy!
At that time, once Yang Ye and the others were defeated, they were really finished, and even the family would be shaken!
Beautiful woman took a deep breath, said: “The ancestors once said, starving and timid, daring, daugh lurks within the riches and honour. I am willing to take my own future to gamble once!”
Gray robe old man hesitated, then nodded, said: “That would be a big bet! I let people deal with it!”
The beautiful woman is nodded, then looks up towards the sky, and at this time, there are only three people left in the White Deer College.
The three did not choose to escape, because they found that their speed was not the opponent of Yang Ye, and all who wanted to escape were the first to die.
In less than a quarter of an hour, they came twenty, and only three were left!
Two Daoist shadows flew out, one of them was pierced and the other head flew out.
In this way, there is only one female student left in the White Deer College. The woman was about twenty years old. At this time, her hands clasped a sword in her hand. Although the surface seemed to be strong, her trembling sword sold her.
“Spicy hands destroy flowers, you can’t do it!”
The emptiness shook the shake one’s head and retreated to the side.
“If you are defeated, do you think she will show mercy to you?”
Yang Ye glanced at the emptiness and then wanted to shoot. At this moment, the space in the sky suddenly trembled. Then, the old man who had left before appeared again in the field.
When I saw the scene in the field, the old man’s face was instantly picked up, said: “Yang Ye, you are courting death !”
Said, it is necessary to start, and at this time, Yang Ye is a figure, a punched towards the robes old man banged. And An Nanjing, who is next to Yang Ye, is not idle. At the moment when she punches strictly, she holds the cracked hands in her hand and moves toward the robes. The old man is a throw, and the sky is instantaneous. In front of the robe old man, it is three points faster than Yang Ye!
The robe of the old man, the power contained in the spear makes him feel the heart, do not dare to resist, will be flashed, but at this moment, the two horrible Intent Domain suddenly pressed on him. !
The robe old man is horrified, the next moment…
The cracked sky directly hit the chest of the robe old man, the robe old man flew directly out, but the cracked sky did not pass through, because at the crucial moment, the robe old man within the body poured out a golden Light, this golden light blocked the crack!
And just in that robe old man sighed in relief, suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrunk, his body swelled up, then violently turned and took a palm!
Take out, a fist instantly, the two collide!
Ka cha !
A broken bone sounded in the field, and the old man robe flew out instantly, and at this time, An Nanjing suddenly appeared in front of him, and then, long spear swept his back.
The robe old man’s eyes are sharp and round, and the whole person falls down from the sky, and finally he squats on the ground, act recklessly.
Yang Ye was about to shoot again. At this time, the space in the sky suddenly broke open. A giant hand poked out of it and then slammed it to Yang Ye.
“Is the White Deer Academy so shameless? One can’t, come to a group, a bunch can’t, come old, old can’t, come older?”
Yang Ye’s voice fell, the ancient sheath appeared in his hands, and then, a sword was slammed into the ancient sheath, and the next moment, slammed!
Eighty superimposed D天Drawing Sword Technique!
A sword qi skyrocketed, and the sword qi teared the sky and slammed over the giant palm. Silence for a moment, the giant palm burst into pieces!
“A good Yang Ye, I am a little bit of you!”
There was a voice in the sky.
Yang Ye didn’t care about the voice, turned and looked towards the old man in the robe lying on the ground, flexing his finger, and screaming at the sword s qi, the old man’s head was suddenly separated from the body.
Yang Ye turned to look at the godless, said: “Take these people’s heads together with a rope. How can we come to the White Deer Academy for the first time? How can we give them empty hands? We will give them a big gift!”
Ps: Seeking amethyst……………………
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