姝ゆ椂姝ゅ埢锛屼粬 嶆槑锏 嶆槑锏 嶆槑锏 纴涓 纴涓 粈涔堣 粈涔堣 粈涔堣 粈涔堣 濂 杩欎箞鎭愭 杩欎箞鎭愭 杩欎箞鎭愭 杩欎箞鎭愭 杩欎箞鎭愭 杩欎箞鎭愭

榛勬硥娌 紒

Found 浜嗛粍娉夋渤锛岃 岄粍娉夋渤杩栾 岄粍娉夋渤杩栾 锛屽 锛屽 Profound Warrior 鏄 夐檺鍒剁殑锛岃 chain umbrella reading Monkey 纴鏄彲浠ヨ揪鍒  key

杩椤 鏄 鏄 浠 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 涔堣澶 榛勬硥娌 榛勬硥娌

绁炶€呬笌Yin-Yang Realm Xiangfan 璺濇湁澶 Argon ぇ锛

Real 锛岀幇鍦纴浠栫煡阆 锛岀幇鍦纴浠栫煡阆 粬涓嶆槸 粬涓嶆槸 粬涓嶆槸 粬涓嶆槸 God Real 锛屼絾鏄纴 濊 粬涓嶆槸 粬涓嶆槸 Real Real Real Real Real Real Real €屽畠浠牴屽畠浠牴笉鏄笉鏄濂充镄勫镄勫镄勫镄勫嬨


浠ュ笣锜掑畠浠殑strength 锛屽湪杩椤コ瀛愰 鍓嶏纴閮 鍓嶏纴閮 鍓嶏纴閮 濂 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭 铡嬶纴鍑犱箮杩炶缮 铡嬶纴鍑犱箮杩炶缮 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭 搴曞簳镄勭涢兘娌°C湁锛

Key Realm peak 镄刾owerhouse 鍟婏紒Key屼笖杩樻槸闾g娌°C湁姘村垎镄凣od Realm peak 锛

浣嗘槸锛屽湪杩椤コ瀛愰 鍓嶏纴瀹冮櫎浜嗘尐 鍓嶏纴瀹冮櫎浜嗘尐 gallium 撹缮鏄尐 gallium 掳紒

Key 孻 ang Ye 锛孻 ang Ye 灏 笉鐢ㄨ浜嗐 傝鍗曟墦镫枟锛屼粬鍙兘杩樻墦涓嶈 傝鍗曟墦镫枟锛屼粬鍙兘杩樻墦涓嶈 傝鍗曟墦镫枟锛屼粬鍙兘杩樻墦涓嶈 濊 濊 濊 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥 銆傛柀澶〥纴浣嗘槸涔熸棤娉旷鏉 纴浣嗘槸涔熸棤娉旷鏉 濊 濊 濊 濊 濊 鍟娿 傝 傝 傝 傝 屽镌 濂 濂 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏S死鍙犲姞镄勬柀澶〥 rawing Sword Technique 锛屼篃涓嶈 嶅垰濂 嶅垰濂 嶅垰濂 嶅垰濂 瀵 瀵 瀵 镄勭毊 镄勭毊 镄勭毊 镄勭毊 镄勭毊 镄勭毊 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽


涔熸墦涓嶈 锛

濡傛灉杩樿兘澶熷偓锷ㄦ槦娌硈word qi 锛屾垨璁歌璇曡瘯锛屼絾闂鏄纴浠栫幇鍦ㄨ兘鍌姩钖楋纻链掓槸鑳斤纴浣嗘槸浠栨暍钖楋纻褰撶劧涓嶆暍锛岀幇鍦ㄥ偓锷ㄦ槦娌硈word qi 锛屼篃璁镐笉鏄鏂规锛岃姝汇€

鍦 腑锛孻 ang Ye 鑻 瑧浜嗙瑧锛屼笉寰椾笉璇 瑧浜嗙瑧锛屼笉寰椾笉璇 纴杩欐镊 纴杩欐镊 纴杩欐镊 銆傜幇鍦纴浠栨兂鍒 銆傜幇鍦纴浠栨兂鍒 銆傜幇鍦纴浠栨兂鍒 銆傜幇鍦纴浠栨兂鍒 銆傜幇鍦纴浠栨兂鍒 銆傜幇鍦纴浠栨兂鍒 銆傜幇鍦纴浠栨兂鍒嫔墠闾 浔娌 浔娌 浔娌 浔娌 偗瀹 偗瀹 偗瀹 偗瀹 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 闾 eaven Raising Mountain Range Chain 変簺鍙戞咙锛屾牴 chain  chain is full of tension

it’s good now.


Ye 瓙鍙 瓙鍙 夌 夌 夌 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye 瑕佸 瑕佸 瑕佸 瑕佸 瑕佸 瑕佸 瑕佸 瑕佸 瑕佸 €岃伞镞讹纴Yang Ye 绐佺劧said锛 鈥渂ig sister 锛屾姇闄嶈涓嶈鍟婏纻鈥

濂冲瓙寰井startled 锛屼笅涓€鍒伙纴濂筫xpression 绔熺劧 変簺镫 変簺镫 変簺镫 潵锛屸 滀綘鍙垜 滀綘鍙垜 sister sister sister sister sister sister sister sister sister sister垜寰堣€佸悧锛熲€

Yang Ye: “…”

杩欐椂锛屽コ瀛愮獊鐒 寮 Y Y Y Y Y Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Idle 屼粬镄勫墤鍗 屼粬镄勫墤鍗 槸琚袱镙 槸琚袱镙 鎸囧ご缁椤す浣忎 鎸囧ご缁椤す浣忎 鎸囧ご缁椤す浣忎 鎸囧ご缁椤す浣忎

濂冲瓙鐪嬬潃Yang Ye 锛屸€沧垜寰堣€佸悧锛熲€

Yang Ye 鍢 寰娊锛岃 寰娊锛岃 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚 儚寰埚湪镒忚ょ湡said锛 鈥滀笉 侊纴涓 镣 镣 镣 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 侊纴闱炲 杞 杞 杞 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 涓崭笅铡讳 銆 銆 笉鏄浠栧湪璇 笉鏄浠栧湪璇 笉鏄浠栧湪璇 笉鏄浠栧湪璇 缭蹇 殑璇濓纴 殑璇濓纴 殑璇濓纴 殑璇濓纴 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆

鐪煎墠杩椤コ浜Hong槠鐒 镌韩镌€绱犺锛屼絾鏄纴瀵规纭疄寰堟纾浜纴杩欑偣浠栧纭疄寰堟纾浜纴杩欑偣浠栧纭疄寰堟纾浜纴杩欑偣浠栧掓槸娌¤囥

鈥滈偅浣犲彨鎴慑ig sister 锛熲€濆コ瀛愭姝荤湅镌€Yang Ye 銆

鈥滆 umbrella 鏄皧绉 鏄皧绉

Yang Ye 姝h壊said锛 鈥滆 umbrella 涓嶆槸灏婃暚浣犲悧锛熸仼锛岄偅涓纴杩樻湁锛屾垜瑕佽 娄笅锛屾垜涔嬫墍浠ユ潵 reading鍒 伞 伞 岋纴鏄洜涓 岋纴鏄洜涓 岋纴鏄洜涓 岋纴鏄洜涓 岋纴鏄洜涓 岋纴鏄洜涓 岋纴鏄洜涓 Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel

When he finished, he turned and left.

Key 岃 镞讹纴闾 镞讹纴闾 コ瀛愬嵈鏄獊鐒跺嚭鐜 コ瀛愬嵈鏄獊鐒跺嚭鐜 コ瀛愬嵈鏄獊鐒跺嚭鐜 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y纴鏉ヤ 杩欓噷锛岃缮鎯 杩欓噷锛岃缮鎯 嚭铡 嚭铡 纻鎴戜笉鐭ラ 纻鎴戜笉鐭ラ 纻鎴戜笉鐭ラ 闾 闾 鍎掗吀涓 鍎掗吀涓 鍎掗吀涓 浣狅纴涓嶈 浣狅纴涓嶈 浣狅纴涓嶈 浣狅纴涓嶈 浣狅纴涓嶈 娌 娌 娌 娌 叧绯潵鏉€涔熸槸涓€镙镙

璇寸潃灏辫锷ㄦ潃灏辫锷ㄦ锛岃岃岃岃Yang Ye 鍗存槸绐佺劧said锛 鈥滀负浠€涔堬纻涓轰粈涔堟垜涓粈涔堟垜涓灏 潪瑕佹潃鎴 潪瑕佹潃鎴 纻镐诲缑 纻镐诲缑 変 変 変 鐞嗙敱钖э纻鈥濊 lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac lac屼絾鏄鏂 嵈闱炶缃粬浜庢鍦 嵈闱炶缃粬浜庢鍦 嵈闱炶缃粬浜庢鍦 纴杩欐湁镣 纴杩欐湁镣 纴杩欐湁镣 鍟婏紒 e father


濂 瓙澹 瓙澹 煶钀 煶钀 笅锛屼 笅锛屼 笅锛屼 铡熷湴锛屽啀娆 铡熷湴锛屽啀娆 铡熷湴锛屽啀娆 铡熷湴锛屽啀娆 铡熷湴锛屽啀娆 椂锛屽 椂锛屽 鍦╕ 鍦╕ 鍦╕ 鍦╕ 鍦╕ 鍦╕ 鍦╕ 鍦╕

Yang Ye complexion changed Ye 笉鏁屽鏂癸纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬鍙笉浼氭潫 笉鏁屽鏂癸纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬鍙笉浼氭潫 笉鏁屽鏂癸纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬鍙笉浼氭潫 嫔 嫔 嫔 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽纴闾eコ瀛愭湰鏉ユ姄钖戜粬镄勬コ瀛愭湰鏉ユ姄钖戜粬镄勬绐佺劧绐佺劧滃湪浜嗙┖涓纴鐒跺悗濂滃湪浜嗙┖涓纴鐒跺悗濂瓙榛涚湁韫欎璧璧潵銆傝潵銆傝潵銆傝浜嗕竴浼濂筫xpression 娓愭笎镆斿拰浜呜捣鏉ワ纴寰埚揩锛屽ス鍙埚彉鎴愪Yan Ye Chain 鍒濊鍒板ス镞剁殑镙峰瓙銆

鑴镐笂娌°C湁鍗婂垎鍐板喎锛岀溂涓甫镌€婊°C arc镄勬煍鎯咃纴瀹屽叏灏卞儚鏄竴涓猵retty daughter in a humble family 銆


濂 瓙闱炲 瓙闱炲 瓙闱炲 Y Y Y Y Y Y Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye瓑鍒 綘锲炴潵浜嗭紒鈥濊镌 锛屽ス鐩 锛屽ス鐩 锛屽ス鐩 帴 戝埌浜哬 戝埌浜哬 戝埌浜哬 戝埌浜哬 戝埌浜哬 € € 揣鎶 揣鎶 揣鎶 揣鎶 揣鎶 潃 潃 潃 Yang Ye 锛岀敓镐昚ang Ye 娑埚け浜嗕竴鑸€

Yang Ye 宸茬粡瀹屽叏镒d綇锛岃 Umbrella 濂 Chong 殑鎼炲摢涓 鍑 鍑 纻

杩欐椂锛屽コ瀛愮獊鐒舵涧寮€浜哬ang Ye 锛屽ス绱х揣鎷変綇Yang Ye 镄勬 锛宻aid锛 鈥淗usband 锛岃蛋锛屾垜浠洖瀹讹纴鎴戜 锲炲锛屾垜浠湪涔熶笉鍒嗗紑浜嗐 锲炲锛屾垜浠湪涔熶笉鍒嗗紑浜嗐 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝

璇 inch潃锛屼粬鎷夌潃Yang Ye 镄勬 灏卞 杩滃镄勮 杩滃镄勮 杩滃镄勮 灞嬭 € €

杩椤コ浜 湁鐥咃紒

Yang Ye looked at the woman who was called Su Xin for a long time and came to this conclusion. The other party did not seem to be wearing it at all, because he saw the tears in his eyes. Since it is not installed, it must be ill!

This is a good thing for him, because the other party does not seem to want to deal with him now. As long as the other party does not shoot, he has a chance to escape.

Is to escape!

This woman is the powerhouse of Yin-Yang Realm. It is not that he can compete now. This is far more than his realm. There is a limit to the more difficult challenges, and he has not yet reached the point where he can. After reaching the gods, you may be able to fight with the other side, but now, no.

Yang Ye is very clear about her strength, facing this woman, can only choose to escape!

However, at this time he still dared not run, this woman has been holding him, in case he escaped, stimulating this woman, let this woman become the former look, it is not fun.

In this way, Yang Ye was pulled into the hut by the woman. The hut looked a bit rude from the outside, but the interior was not simple, but the decoration was somewhat luxurious, and there were some.

The woman took Yang Ye to the bed, then she held Yang Ye’s arm in her hands and leaned her head on Yang Ye’s shoulder. Softly said: “Husband, why don’t you come back for so long? Do you forget? Sustained?”

Yang Ye was about to talk. Suddenly, he felt his shoulders cool. He turned his head and saw that he didn’t know when the woman had already shed tears.

Yang Ye certainly won’t have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, joking, this woman is not his woman, and the other party is not crying for him! What he is thinking now is how to slip away.

He didn’t forget where he is now, here, but the forbidden land of the fierce domain!

Must slip!

With his strength, I can’t survive here. It is also okay to meet this woman who is not very normal. If he encounters another Yin-Yang Realm powerhouse, he must have finished.

Yin-Yang Realm powerhouse !

With the current strength of the strength, you can’t compete with each other!

Yang Ye glanced at the woman and then said: “You, do you remember what happened just now?”


The woman looked up towards Yang Ye. “I just didn’t wait for Husband just now?”

Can not remember!

Yang Ye took a deep look at the woman, and now he can be sure that the woman is really sick.

At this time, the woman buried her head on his shoulder, softly said: “Husband, why don’t you come back for so long? You know, you are alone here, so lonely!”

“Why don’t you go out?” Yang Ye asked.

Susan shakes shake one’s head, “Can’t go out, can’t go out.”

“Why?” Yang Ye curious asked.

Shake one’s head, “Because you will die, Husband, don’t go out in the future. I, we are here and have a good life, how are you?”

Going out to die?

Yang Ye’s brow wrinkled. The people here can reach Yin-Yang Realm, such as this woman, her strength is so terrible, but she is afraid to go out, that is to say, this place, there must be something against them.

Then the problem is coming.

Who is it, has such a strong strength, can trap these powerhouses that reach Yin-Yang Realm?

This fierce domain is more mysterious!

Of course, he didn’t have the mood to think about these things. What he wants now is how to escape from this ghost place and then go to the dark forest! To escape from this ghost place, the first thing is to get rid of this woman next to you!

And this woman, holding his arm, for fear that he left the general… He can of course break free, but if the woman is stimulated, the girl’s day will be restored before the day…

Bad luck !

Very bad luck!

Yang Ye smiled bitterly, but said that it was good, but Huang Quanhe, but did not expect that the wrong place was still in this ghost place. It’s good now, it’s easy to come in, it’s hard to go out!

Just then, Yang Ye suddenly heard a faint breath on his shoulder. Yang Ye turned around and saw that the woman had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Fell asleep?

Yang Ye slightly startled, then a hi, because this is a good opportunity for him. He said that the good opportunity is naturally to escape.

Kill each other?

Unrealistic, not at all realistic. When you reach a woman’s level of powerhouse, it is definitely very sensitive to danger. As long as he dares to reveal the Killing Intent, he must be shocked!

Therefore, he chose to escape.

Yang Ye right hand was placed on the heart of the hand, and was preparing to gently start the other’s hand. Suddenly opened his eyes and then looked up at him.

Cold expression, cold eyes.

Yang Ye’s expression froze.


Ps; thanks: book friend 35546595, rest in the wind, God refers to Immortal Realm, micro-mad, Chen Dong 6638 and other friends of the reward and support! !

Many readers said that they would like to see Xiaoyao Zi’s outside.

There will be! !

The plot will speed up and the veil of the fierce domain will soon be unveiled.

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