Invincible Sword Domain
Chapter 1568
Single headed?
铏界劧浠栫幇鍦ㄨ鏂哕鐢峰瓙缁椤帇鍒讹纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬鑻ユ槸鎷煎敖鍏ㄥ姏锛岃缮鏄彲浠ヤ笌鏂哕鐢峰瓙涓 鎴樼殑銆 鎴樼殑銆 鎴樼殑銆 鎴 h鎴 埌浠 埌浠 涔堟椂 chain 欙纻
涓嶈兘鐢ㄥ叚涓佺鐏纴涓嶈兘鐢ㄦ槦娌 墤锲撅纴浠栦笌瀵 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴€傛瘯绔熶粬娌” 娉曞 娉曞 娉曞 鏉 瀵 瀵 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂
戠尓灏戝コ绛夊コ鏄 戠尓灏戝コ绛夊コ鏄 戠尓灏戝コ绛夊コ鏄 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 鐞嗭纴褰 鐞嗭纴褰 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 ear ear ear鐒朵竴闂︼ 岃 岃 岃 锛岄殢镌 涓 涓 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂コsuddenly 琚渿鍒 简 several hundred zhang 寮 澶栵纴鍗 澶栵纴鍗 澶栵纴鍗 鏄 鏄 鏄 濂 濂 濂 濂 纴涔熻 纴涔熻 纴涔熻 纴涔熻 € € € 湁 湁
佸埌杩欎竴骞曪纴佸埌杩欎竴骞曪纴Yang Ye expression suddenly 镞犳瘮serious stare 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栫洰鍏夎惤鍦ㄤ简闾f寔spear 鐢峰瓙镄勮韩涓娿€
So strong!
鍏跺疄锛屼笉鍙︼ 鎸乻 鎸乻 ear ear 鎸乻 鎸乻 瓙锛岄偅姊 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇
Key 岄偅浣滀 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 镄勬 . . . . . . . . 阔 阔 阔 阔
鈥滃皬蹇冿纴姝や汉涔僺pear 鍦c€傗€
灏卞湪杩欐椂锛岀洸濂崇殑澹 煶绐佺劧鍦╕ ang Ye 鑴戜腑鍝嶈捣锛屸€沧浜簊pear 阆揿凡缁忓嚭绁炲叆鍖栵纴absolutely 涓嶅彲灏忚銆傗€
Spear 鍦o纻
Yang Ye 鐪夊ご镄 镄憋纴 镄憋纴 镄憋纴 镄憋纴 屽 屽 屽 屽 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 瀛愬嵈鏄啀娆鍒 纴涓 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂
Yang Ye 嬭厱涓 嬭厱涓 锷纴妫 锷纴妫 锷纴妫 锷纴妫 湪浜呜嚜宸 湪浜呜嚜宸 殑闱 一 (1) 墠銆
闅忕潃涓 阆撶偢鍝嶅 阆撶偢鍝嶅 鍝嶈捣锛孻 鍝嶈捣锛孻 鍝嶈捣锛孻 Ye Ye Ye hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧嵆鍑虹幇鍦ㄤ简浠栫殑闱(一)墠锛屾帴镌€锛屽张鏄竴鍒€moved towards 浠栧妶浜嗕笅鏉ャ€
杩欎竴娆★纴Yang Ye 娌°C湁阃夋嫨鎸★纴纴屾槸鎶屾槸鎶屾槸鎶潃妫潃妫 oved towards 闱(一)墠鐚涘湴灏墠鐚涘湴灏槸涓镰镰
鍒 涓庢 鏉愮洊鍒 鏉愮洊鍒 鏉愮洊鍒 wave wave wave wave wave i wave 渚挎槸鐚涘湴 moved towards 鐩镐氦澶勭垎鍙戝紑鏉ワ纴 Yang Ye 涓庢柇镊傜 涓庢柇镊傜愮灛闂 鍑哄幓銆 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 纴涓や 纴涓や towards towards towards towards towards towards towards towards
杩欐椂锛孻ang Ye 涔熸墦鍑虹伀浜嗐€
姝ゅ埢锛屼粬鍐嶆鍌姩浜咶orce of Monster God 锛屾湁浜咶orce of Monster God Read 弑uddenly 澧炲姞浜嗘暟 chain嶏纴姝ゅ埢锛屼粬镄勫姏 忓 忓 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 鏂哕鐢 瓙銆 瓙銆 瓙銆 瓙銆哕鐢峰瓙镄勬垬鏂楁剰璇嗘瘮浠栧ソ澶锛岃瓙镄勬垬鏂楁剰璇嗘瘮浠栧ソ澶锛岃屽鏂屽鏂垁阃熷お蹇纴浠栨牴 Sne Sword Breaking Myriad Arts 锛
Key 屽湪Yang Ye 涓庢柇镊傜 瀛愭垬镄勫悓镞讹纴涓 镞佺殑鐩 镞佺殑鐩 镞佺殑鐩 コ锲涘コ涔熶笌闾 寔 寔 f寔spear 鐢 peak 瓙鎴 璧 璧 潵銆傛寔 潵銆傛寔 spear 鐢峰瓙镄剆trength 锛屼笉寰椾笉璇撮潪宁哥殑鎭愭€栥€竴浜哄崟鎸戠洸濂竴浜哄崟鎸戠洸濂竴浜哄崟鎸戠洸濂洓浜鸿屼笣姣笉钀屼笣姣笉钀屼笣姣笉钀笅椋庛 Effectヨ锛岄櫎浜嗙洸濂 锛屽叾浣欑殑涓夊コ镙 锛屽叾浣欑殑涓夊コ镙
Yang Ye 涔熷 夊埌浜呜 夊埌浜呜 夊埌浜呜 夊埌浜呜 骞曪纴浠栫煡阆掳纴缁 骞曪纴浠栫煡阆掳纴缁 骞曪纴浠栫煡阆掳纴缁 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹
Be aware that there is one of the biggest enemies.
Silence for a moment, Yang Ye a sword retreats from the broken arm man, then a right hand wave.
A dragon scream suddenly rang out in this battlefield, and then a golden giant dragon appeared in the sky.
When I saw this golden giant dragon, everyone in the field stopped. The spear man and the broken arm man looked towards Yang Ye with a doubtful color in his eyes.
Not only they, but also the side of the pig girl, the four women also have doubts and curiosity.
In particular, riding a pig girl and a female girl and a light girl, before Yang Ye to let the golden giant dragon disappear, they are already very curious. Now I saw Yang Ye calling out the golden giant dragon, and they were even more confused.
After the emergence of the golden giant dragon, immediately moved towards the spear man rushed over.
In the distance, holding the spear man eyes slightly narrowed, the next moment, his right hand holding the hand long spear slammed into the golden giant dragon is a thorn.
The golden giant dragon in the air was directly relegated to Earth Shaking by this spear!
Seeing this scene, Yang Ye expression serious stare is very incomparable, this spear man is not generally strong!
“Hands! Speed solved!”
Just then, the voice of the blind woman suddenly sounded in the field.
The sound fell, she took the lead to move towards the spear man rushed over, riding the pig girl and the border girl and the light girl was moved towards the broken arm man rushed over.
They are very clear that even with the golden giant dragon help, it is difficult to kill the spear man, because the strength of the other side is too strong and too strong. Therefore, the three women decided to help Yang Ye to kill the broken arm man first. Compared to the spear man, this broken arm man is better at killing some.
With the addition of the pig girl and the light girl and the women, the broken arm man suddenly fell into the wind, no, it should be said that it was completely suppressed.
Yang Ye is weaker than the broken arm man, but the Jiejie is not weaker than the broken arm, but now it is four dozen, how can the broken arm man be beaten?
In less than a moment, the broken arm man has been defeated, and the blind woman plus the golden giant dragon has not suppressed the spear man, but at the moment, the spear man can not blindly and golden giant dragon.
After a quarter of an hour, the broken arm man could not support under the siege of Yang Ye, and when he was about to be completely killed, the blind female four women suddenly became complexion changed and then disappeared at the same time.
Yang Ye stunned and then quickly followed.
Soon, Yang Ye and the four women came to another battlefield. This battlefield is the battlefield between the blood girl and the Fanyin.
In this battlefield, there is a strong bloody smell.
The blood girl is opposite to the Fanyin feather, and the distance is almost three hundred hundred zhang.
When I saw the scene in the field, not only the blind women and three women, Yang Ye’s face changed. Because at this moment, the blood female’s arms are gone. Not only that, but the blood in his mouth is still overflowing.
There is no doubt that the bloody woman has lost!
Yang Ye looked towards that Fanyin feathers, the unprecedented serious stare in the eyes. This woman’s strength is probably the strongest of the people he has seen so far.
The robe old man and Xiaoyao Zi naturally don’t count, after all, he doesn’t really meet with them.
At this time, the maiden and other women also came to this battlefield. There is no dead on the side of the Nether Temple. On the side of the Fanyin Yu, except for the broken-armed woman killed by Yang Ye, the rest are still fine. Of course, the golden giant dragon is now Yang Yang.
In the distance, the Fanyin feathers faintly looked at the blood girl. “The blood field is really good, but for me, it is not enough!”
Said, she suddenly turned to look forward to Yang Ye, “You really let me somewhat unexpected. It is also my negligence, although strength is not as good as her, but there is a lot of treasure, and there is Sword Domain. Of course, Your strength is also really good. But well, she is dead under the sword skill she created, which is a good destination for her!”
Yang Ye said solemnly: “She is very strong!” This sentence is from the heart. If he doesn’t have the Heavenly Eye stone that Xiaotian gave him, he will definitely hang with Sword Domain.
Fanyin Yu said: “In this continent, since the history, except for Xiaoyao Zi and Jian Wuji, her Sword Dao innate talent is the strongest, no, her Sword Dao innate talent is actually not weaker than them. Unfortunately, she is in her heart. I am too deep to understand myself. If she can let go of her mind and reach the mental state of Xiaoyao Zi, her Sword Dao will become even jealous.”
Speaking of this, she suddenly looked towards Yang Ye, “Why do you not use Sword Intent when she is playing against you?”
Yang Ye shook the shake one’s head.
Fanyin feather said: “She has abolished her own Sword Intent.”
“Why?” Yang Ye did not understand.
The Fanyin Yu was silent for a moment, then said: “She doesn’t want to practice the sword. To be precise, she doesn’t want to be alive. Unfortunately, it’s a pity.”
Yang Ye was silent. He suddenly remembered that at the moment, when the woman was facing the sword with him, the people did not use Sword Intent at all, and he used two Intent Domains. And if the other party uses the Intent Domain and the Sword Intent Sword Cultivator, it is the real scary Sword Cultivator. If the other party’s Sword Intent does not disappear, use the Sword Intent, needless to say, the coffin cover does not necessarily block the other’s sword reincarnation!
At this time, the Fanyin feather suddenly looked towards the golden giant dragon, the golden giant dragon saw the Fanyin feathers, the eyes suddenly appeared in fear, and then ran directly to Yang Ye’s Hongmen Tower.
Yang Ye: “…”
At this time, Fanyin feather looked toward towards Yang Ye. “It’s really unexpected, I can let it surrender to you. No, you are not that capable. Is that little girl helping you?”
Yang Ye asked, “What is the little girl?”
Fanyin feathers slightly startled, then asked: “You don’t know?”
Yang Ye shook the shake one’s head.
“This is interesting!”
Van Gogh’s eyes have become more interesting. “It’s really interesting. In fact, what I am really curious about is how she will be with your comprehend Void Realm Killing Intent. Under normal circumstances, she should hate you.”
“She said to teach me to be a good person!” Yang Ye said.
“Good guy?”
Fanyin Yu looked at his eyes and then said: “Last life!”
Yang Ye: “…”
At this time, Fan Yinyu glanced at the blood female and the others. “I don’t think it is a waste of time. This time, let’s solve it completely.”
The sound fell, and the feather fan in her hand suddenly lifted up. The next moment, the Void battlefield suddenly trembled fiercely, just like the boiled water, the whole space began to violently boil!
At the same time, a horrible force appeared in all around. When this force appeared, Yang Ye’s face suddenly changed, because his body bent straight down. At this moment, on his back, it seems like a few more The giant mountain is generally, gradually, his body is getting more and more curved, at the same time, his body is constantly tearing!
This is the power of the domain!
It’s just that Yang Ye doesn’t know what the other side is doing. Of course, he has no mood at the moment to manage what the other side is playing. He only knows that if he continues, he will be finished!
Because the power is too strong and strong, he can’t resist it!
Sword Domain !
Yang Ye is ready to play Sword Domain against the other side, and at this moment, the power suddenly disappears.
Yang Ye stunned, and he glanced at all around, but found that the eyes of the Nether Temple were ecstatic.
God girl?
Yang Ye looked towards the Fanyin feather, while the latter looked towards the right. “I thought you were not coming!”
“how come!”
In the distance, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance.
Then, a Daoist shadow slowly came out of the space.
When Yang Ye saw this person, he suddenly caught up. For a while, he regained composure, then looked at the man, “you…”
……… ..
Ps: New Year’s Eve! ! !
I wish you all a Happy New Year! ! ! !
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铏界劧浠栫幇鍦ㄨ鏂哕鐢峰瓙缁椤帇鍒讹纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬鑻ユ槸鎷煎敖鍏ㄥ姏锛岃缮鏄彲浠ヤ笌鏂哕鐢峰瓙涓 鎴樼殑銆 鎴樼殑銆 鎴樼殑銆 鎴 h鎴 埌浠 埌浠 涔堟椂 chain 欙纻
涓嶈兘鐢ㄥ叚涓佺鐏纴涓嶈兘鐢ㄦ槦娌 墤锲撅纴浠栦笌瀵 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴 鎴樼殑璇濓纴€傛瘯绔熶粬娌” 娉曞 娉曞 娉曞 鏉 瀵 瀵 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂 屽鏂
戠尓灏戝コ绛夊コ鏄 戠尓灏戝コ绛夊コ鏄 戠尓灏戝コ绛夊コ鏄 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 劧涔熺煡阆撹 鐞嗭纴褰 鐞嗭纴褰 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 阆搒 ear ear ear鐒朵竴闂︼ 岃 岃 岃 锛岄殢镌 涓 涓 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 鍝嶈捣锛岄獞鐚皯濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂 コ澶栵纴濂コsuddenly 琚渿鍒 简 several hundred zhang 寮 澶栵纴鍗 澶栵纴鍗 澶栵纴鍗 鏄 鏄 鏄 濂 濂 濂 濂 纴涔熻 纴涔熻 纴涔熻 纴涔熻 € € € 湁 湁
佸埌杩欎竴骞曪纴佸埌杩欎竴骞曪纴Yang Ye expression suddenly 镞犳瘮serious stare 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴浠栫洰鍏夎惤鍦ㄤ简闾f寔spear 鐢峰瓙镄勮韩涓娿€
So strong!
鍏跺疄锛屼笉鍙︼ 鎸乻 鎸乻 ear ear 鎸乻 鎸乻 瓙锛岄偅姊 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇 煶缇
Key 岄偅浣滀 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 镄勬 . . . . . . . . 阔 阔 阔 阔
鈥滃皬蹇冿纴姝や汉涔僺pear 鍦c€傗€
灏卞湪杩欐椂锛岀洸濂崇殑澹 煶绐佺劧鍦╕ ang Ye 鑴戜腑鍝嶈捣锛屸€沧浜簊pear 阆揿凡缁忓嚭绁炲叆鍖栵纴absolutely 涓嶅彲灏忚銆傗€
Spear 鍦o纻
Yang Ye 鐪夊ご镄 镄憋纴 镄憋纴 镄憋纴 镄憋纴 屽 屽 屽 屽 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 鍦ㄨ 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 柇镊傜 瀛愬嵈鏄啀娆鍒 纴涓 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂 阆揿瘨鍏夌灛闂
Yang Ye 嬭厱涓 嬭厱涓 锷纴妫 锷纴妫 锷纴妫 锷纴妫 湪浜呜嚜宸 湪浜呜嚜宸 殑闱 一 (1) 墠銆
闅忕潃涓 阆撶偢鍝嶅 阆撶偢鍝嶅 鍝嶈捣锛孻 鍝嶈捣锛孻 鍝嶈捣锛孻 Ye Ye Ye hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧 傜劧嵆鍑虹幇鍦ㄤ简浠栫殑闱(一)墠锛屾帴镌€锛屽张鏄竴鍒€moved towards 浠栧妶浜嗕笅鏉ャ€
杩欎竴娆★纴Yang Ye 娌°C湁阃夋嫨鎸★纴纴屾槸鎶屾槸鎶屾槸鎶潃妫潃妫 oved towards 闱(一)墠鐚涘湴灏墠鐚涘湴灏槸涓镰镰
鍒 涓庢 鏉愮洊鍒 鏉愮洊鍒 鏉愮洊鍒 wave wave wave wave wave i wave 渚挎槸鐚涘湴 moved towards 鐩镐氦澶勭垎鍙戝紑鏉ワ纴 Yang Ye 涓庢柇镊傜 涓庢柇镊傜愮灛闂 鍑哄幓銆 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 纴涓や 纴涓や towards towards towards towards towards towards towards towards
杩欐椂锛孻ang Ye 涔熸墦鍑虹伀浜嗐€
姝ゅ埢锛屼粬鍐嶆鍌姩浜咶orce of Monster God 锛屾湁浜咶orce of Monster God Read 弑uddenly 澧炲姞浜嗘暟 chain嶏纴姝ゅ埢锛屼粬镄勫姏 忓 忓 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 缁忓畲鍏ㄤ笉杈撹 鏂哕鐢 瓙銆 瓙銆 瓙銆 瓙銆哕鐢峰瓙镄勬垬鏂楁剰璇嗘瘮浠栧ソ澶锛岃瓙镄勬垬鏂楁剰璇嗘瘮浠栧ソ澶锛岃屽鏂屽鏂垁阃熷お蹇纴浠栨牴 Sne Sword Breaking Myriad Arts 锛
Key 屽湪Yang Ye 涓庢柇镊傜 瀛愭垬镄勫悓镞讹纴涓 镞佺殑鐩 镞佺殑鐩 镞佺殑鐩 コ锲涘コ涔熶笌闾 寔 寔 f寔spear 鐢 peak 瓙鎴 璧 璧 潵銆傛寔 潵銆傛寔 spear 鐢峰瓙镄剆trength 锛屼笉寰椾笉璇撮潪宁哥殑鎭愭€栥€竴浜哄崟鎸戠洸濂竴浜哄崟鎸戠洸濂竴浜哄崟鎸戠洸濂洓浜鸿屼笣姣笉钀屼笣姣笉钀屼笣姣笉钀笅椋庛 Effectヨ锛岄櫎浜嗙洸濂 锛屽叾浣欑殑涓夊コ镙 锛屽叾浣欑殑涓夊コ镙
Yang Ye 涔熷 夊埌浜呜 夊埌浜呜 夊埌浜呜 夊埌浜呜 骞曪纴浠栫煡阆掳纴缁 骞曪纴浠栫煡阆掳纴缁 骞曪纴浠栫煡阆掳纴缁 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹 杩欐牱涓嫔幓锛岃偗瀹
Be aware that there is one of the biggest enemies.
Silence for a moment, Yang Ye a sword retreats from the broken arm man, then a right hand wave.
A dragon scream suddenly rang out in this battlefield, and then a golden giant dragon appeared in the sky.
When I saw this golden giant dragon, everyone in the field stopped. The spear man and the broken arm man looked towards Yang Ye with a doubtful color in his eyes.
Not only they, but also the side of the pig girl, the four women also have doubts and curiosity.
In particular, riding a pig girl and a female girl and a light girl, before Yang Ye to let the golden giant dragon disappear, they are already very curious. Now I saw Yang Ye calling out the golden giant dragon, and they were even more confused.
After the emergence of the golden giant dragon, immediately moved towards the spear man rushed over.
In the distance, holding the spear man eyes slightly narrowed, the next moment, his right hand holding the hand long spear slammed into the golden giant dragon is a thorn.
The golden giant dragon in the air was directly relegated to Earth Shaking by this spear!
Seeing this scene, Yang Ye expression serious stare is very incomparable, this spear man is not generally strong!
“Hands! Speed solved!”
Just then, the voice of the blind woman suddenly sounded in the field.
The sound fell, she took the lead to move towards the spear man rushed over, riding the pig girl and the border girl and the light girl was moved towards the broken arm man rushed over.
They are very clear that even with the golden giant dragon help, it is difficult to kill the spear man, because the strength of the other side is too strong and too strong. Therefore, the three women decided to help Yang Ye to kill the broken arm man first. Compared to the spear man, this broken arm man is better at killing some.
With the addition of the pig girl and the light girl and the women, the broken arm man suddenly fell into the wind, no, it should be said that it was completely suppressed.
Yang Ye is weaker than the broken arm man, but the Jiejie is not weaker than the broken arm, but now it is four dozen, how can the broken arm man be beaten?
In less than a moment, the broken arm man has been defeated, and the blind woman plus the golden giant dragon has not suppressed the spear man, but at the moment, the spear man can not blindly and golden giant dragon.
After a quarter of an hour, the broken arm man could not support under the siege of Yang Ye, and when he was about to be completely killed, the blind female four women suddenly became complexion changed and then disappeared at the same time.
Yang Ye stunned and then quickly followed.
Soon, Yang Ye and the four women came to another battlefield. This battlefield is the battlefield between the blood girl and the Fanyin.
In this battlefield, there is a strong bloody smell.
The blood girl is opposite to the Fanyin feather, and the distance is almost three hundred hundred zhang.
When I saw the scene in the field, not only the blind women and three women, Yang Ye’s face changed. Because at this moment, the blood female’s arms are gone. Not only that, but the blood in his mouth is still overflowing.
There is no doubt that the bloody woman has lost!
Yang Ye looked towards that Fanyin feathers, the unprecedented serious stare in the eyes. This woman’s strength is probably the strongest of the people he has seen so far.
The robe old man and Xiaoyao Zi naturally don’t count, after all, he doesn’t really meet with them.
At this time, the maiden and other women also came to this battlefield. There is no dead on the side of the Nether Temple. On the side of the Fanyin Yu, except for the broken-armed woman killed by Yang Ye, the rest are still fine. Of course, the golden giant dragon is now Yang Yang.
In the distance, the Fanyin feathers faintly looked at the blood girl. “The blood field is really good, but for me, it is not enough!”
Said, she suddenly turned to look forward to Yang Ye, “You really let me somewhat unexpected. It is also my negligence, although strength is not as good as her, but there is a lot of treasure, and there is Sword Domain. Of course, Your strength is also really good. But well, she is dead under the sword skill she created, which is a good destination for her!”
Yang Ye said solemnly: “She is very strong!” This sentence is from the heart. If he doesn’t have the Heavenly Eye stone that Xiaotian gave him, he will definitely hang with Sword Domain.
Fanyin Yu said: “In this continent, since the history, except for Xiaoyao Zi and Jian Wuji, her Sword Dao innate talent is the strongest, no, her Sword Dao innate talent is actually not weaker than them. Unfortunately, she is in her heart. I am too deep to understand myself. If she can let go of her mind and reach the mental state of Xiaoyao Zi, her Sword Dao will become even jealous.”
Speaking of this, she suddenly looked towards Yang Ye, “Why do you not use Sword Intent when she is playing against you?”
Yang Ye shook the shake one’s head.
Fanyin feather said: “She has abolished her own Sword Intent.”
“Why?” Yang Ye did not understand.
The Fanyin Yu was silent for a moment, then said: “She doesn’t want to practice the sword. To be precise, she doesn’t want to be alive. Unfortunately, it’s a pity.”
Yang Ye was silent. He suddenly remembered that at the moment, when the woman was facing the sword with him, the people did not use Sword Intent at all, and he used two Intent Domains. And if the other party uses the Intent Domain and the Sword Intent Sword Cultivator, it is the real scary Sword Cultivator. If the other party’s Sword Intent does not disappear, use the Sword Intent, needless to say, the coffin cover does not necessarily block the other’s sword reincarnation!
At this time, the Fanyin feather suddenly looked towards the golden giant dragon, the golden giant dragon saw the Fanyin feathers, the eyes suddenly appeared in fear, and then ran directly to Yang Ye’s Hongmen Tower.
Yang Ye: “…”
At this time, Fanyin feather looked toward towards Yang Ye. “It’s really unexpected, I can let it surrender to you. No, you are not that capable. Is that little girl helping you?”
Yang Ye asked, “What is the little girl?”
Fanyin feathers slightly startled, then asked: “You don’t know?”
Yang Ye shook the shake one’s head.
“This is interesting!”
Van Gogh’s eyes have become more interesting. “It’s really interesting. In fact, what I am really curious about is how she will be with your comprehend Void Realm Killing Intent. Under normal circumstances, she should hate you.”
“She said to teach me to be a good person!” Yang Ye said.
“Good guy?”
Fanyin Yu looked at his eyes and then said: “Last life!”
Yang Ye: “…”
At this time, Fan Yinyu glanced at the blood female and the others. “I don’t think it is a waste of time. This time, let’s solve it completely.”
The sound fell, and the feather fan in her hand suddenly lifted up. The next moment, the Void battlefield suddenly trembled fiercely, just like the boiled water, the whole space began to violently boil!
At the same time, a horrible force appeared in all around. When this force appeared, Yang Ye’s face suddenly changed, because his body bent straight down. At this moment, on his back, it seems like a few more The giant mountain is generally, gradually, his body is getting more and more curved, at the same time, his body is constantly tearing!
This is the power of the domain!
It’s just that Yang Ye doesn’t know what the other side is doing. Of course, he has no mood at the moment to manage what the other side is playing. He only knows that if he continues, he will be finished!
Because the power is too strong and strong, he can’t resist it!
Sword Domain !
Yang Ye is ready to play Sword Domain against the other side, and at this moment, the power suddenly disappears.
Yang Ye stunned, and he glanced at all around, but found that the eyes of the Nether Temple were ecstatic.
God girl?
Yang Ye looked towards the Fanyin feather, while the latter looked towards the right. “I thought you were not coming!”
“how come!”
In the distance, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance.
Then, a Daoist shadow slowly came out of the space.
When Yang Ye saw this person, he suddenly caught up. For a while, he regained composure, then looked at the man, “you…”
……… ..
Ps: New Year’s Eve! ! !
I wish you all a Happy New Year! ! ! !
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