Tianwu City.

Tianwu City is only a small town among the cities of Dinghan Empire, with a population of just over five million. However, this small town is very famous in the Central Domain, because the people in this city are extremely advocating force, almost everyone is Profound Warrior. It is for this reason that Tianwu City has become the most unmanageable city among the many cities in the Dinghan Empire, because there is no one city city Lord who can live for more than one year!

The current City Lord name is Xia Yinghou, Venerable 2nd Grade, he is an exception, because he has lived for two years since he took office. Of course, this is not because he is a Venerable Realm powerhouse, but that he has a good elder sister, his elder sister is the imperial concubine of today’s Dinghan Empire emperor!

It is for this reason that Xia Yingwaiti lived peacefully for two years, but that was all, because he did not care about anything in Tianwu City. And his elder sister also told him to let him not intervene in anything in Tianwu City, because Tianwu City is strong and powerful, and the forces are intricate, one is not, it will be ruined!

When a City Lord has no real power, Xia Yinghou is very wrong and depressed, because he wants to do some major event industry, but unfortunately, he can’t intervene in the affairs of Tianwu City. However, now his chance is coming!

“Okay, very good, haha… two years, my chance for Xia Ying is finally here!”

Among the rooms in the City Lord Mansion, Xia Ying continued to walk around the room. He clenched his fists and his face was full of excitement and excitement.

Just before, Xia Yinghou received news from his elder sister, his elder sister told him that Sword Sovereign Yang Ye would pass through this day, so that he must take Yang Ye, even if he can’t catch it, take it. It is okay to die. As long as you keep Yang Ye in Tianwu City, he will definitely get the re-use of the Emperor Luo Jun!

Of course, what makes him most happy is that because Yang Ye is going through Tianwu City, the emperor of Dinghan Empire is going to let him catch Yang Ye, so that all the forces of Tianwu City will be handed over to him, and the Sects in Tianwu City are also ordered. Cooperate with the strength of Aristocratic Family. In other words, at this moment, the entire Tianwu City really belongs to him to control! Of course, he will never think about how long he will last!

But one thing he is sure is that if you take Yang Ye or kill Yang Ye. Then even if he can’t really master Tianwu City, he will certainly have a better future!

In short, the time to change your destiny is here!

“Come to, inform everyone, City Lord Mansion doorway collection!”

Xia Ying waited for the wind and walked out of his room.

City Lord Mansion doorway.

At the time of the City Lord Mansion, there are countless Profound Warriors. These are the residents of Heavenly Martial, many of them are Mortal Realm, but there are also Innate Realm, King Realm, and even Spiritualist Realm.

“You, today, I am convening everyone to come, I want to tell you that the Sword Sovereign Yang Ye from South Domain has to pass through our Tianwu City. Presumably everyone is familiar with Yang Ye? Yes, in the city of Wuyong Killing the City Lord and the Wuyong City, thousands of soldiers, in the Orion City massacre City Lord and Orion City guards, not only that, I heard that he is still mad and even the little man and the old woman are not let go. Anything he has ever Wherever, the corpse is everywhere, the blood flows into the river. Now, he wants to come to our Tianwu City. You said, what should we do!”

Xia Yinghou stood at the door of the City Lord Mansion, an excited speech. In order to make his speech even more exciting, he also used Profound Qi to support the voice, and his hands are constantly waving!

“Yang Ye, that is what Sword Sovereign ?tsk tsk from the savage area of ​​South Domain, really overestimate one’s capabilities, Sword Cultivator from a wilderness area even dared to call Sword Sovereign, but also dare to come to our Central Domain, really Act recklessly !”

“I heard that he can get eight thousand top grade Energy Stone, and the foundation treasure and gradefound grade of the found treasure and Profound Skill. Right, you can also be a city Lord of 5 million people, tsk tsk, this Reward, haha…that Yang Ye’s life is going to be, no one should grab it, haha…”

“Don’t dare to come to our Central Domain, but dare to pass by us Tianwu City. It’s really act recklessly. Does he think that Tianwu City is a garbage city like Wuyong City and Orion City? Hey, don’t come that’s all, if you dare to come, I want him to stay here forever, anyway, I just didn’t use Energy Stone!”

鈥滃惉璇撮偅Yang Ye strength 涓嶉敊鈥[€ 鈥

鈥渟trength 涓嶉敊鍙堟€庝箞镙凤纻闅鹃死浠栬缮鑳借睁浜嗘垜浠ぉ姝〉煄涓嶆垚锛熶粬链夐偅涓猘bility 钖楋纻灏辩畻浠栨槸Venerable Realm 9th Grade 镄刾owerhouse 锛屾潵鍒 澶╂鍩庯纴涔熻缁欐垜鐖潃锛佲 澶╂鍩庯纴涔熻缁欐垜鐖潃锛佲

鈥 瀹烇纴镞犺濡 ‘瀹烇纴镞犺濡 綍锛屼篃涓嶈兘璁╄ South South Domain 鏉ョ殑 Man Zi 鍦ㄦ垜澶╂鍩庢拻 庯紒鈥


鐪嬬潃搴曚笅婵 镒ょ殑浜 镒ょ殑浜 镒ょ殑浜 镒ょ殑浜 欐 欐 欐 镒忕殑 nodded 锛岀劧钖庡 sai sai sai sai sai sai 缁忔敹鍒 鈥滆浣嶏纴鎴戝 鈥滆浣嶏纴鎴戝 缁忔敹鍒 缁忔敹鍒鎭纴闾ang Ye 宸茬粡杩涘叆浜嗘垜澶╂鍩庛€效洜姝わ纴鎴戝凡缁忎笅浠ゅ紑钖绌哄ぇ阒碉纴骞朵笖鍏棴浜嗗洓涓猚ity gate 锛岀幇鍦纴澶у瑕佸仛镄勫氨鏄皢杩橸 ang Ye 鍦–ity Lord 镓畏嚭鏉ワ纴鐒跺悗鏉垜寰呬 浼氲浜 妸 妸 妸 Yang Ye 镄勭敾 镄勭敾 忚 忚 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 傜湅銆俬 傜湅銆俬 he he he he he he he he纴杩戝湪鍜 锛岃兘涓嶈兘鎶婃 锛岃兘涓嶈兘鎶婃 浣忥纴灏 浣忥纴灏 浣忥纴灏 浣忥纴灏 浣忥纴灏 浣忥纴灏 浣忥纴灏

浜虹兢涔嬩腑锛屼竴钖嶈兢涔嬩腑锛屼竴钖嶈绌绌昵琚嶏纴澶昵琚嶏纴澶埓鏂楃瑺镄勭埓鏂楃瑺镄勭版瀛愰湇鍦ooked towards 浜嗗鑻卞€欙纴鐪欙纴鐪鏄桠鎯戜箣鑹 鏄桠鎯戜箣鑹 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 槸 槸 槸 Yang Yang Ye 缁忚繘浜嗗ぉ姝 缁忚繘浜嗗ぉ姝 煄锛屾湰鎯 煄锛屾湰鎯 煄锛屾湰鎯 鎭殑绂诲紑 鎭殑绂诲紑 鎭殑绂诲紑澶╂鍩庯纴浣嗘槸浠栨病鎯冲埌锛岃伞澶╂鍩庣殑 city gate 灞呯劧绐佺劧鍏 棴锛屽苟涓旇缮寮 钖 钖 绂佺┖澶 绂佺┖澶 绂佺┖澶

瀵 锛屼粬寰堢桠鎯 锛屼粬寰堢桠鎯 纴鐜 煄镄凛 煄镄凛 煄镄凛 Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord Lord 楠 楠夋剰涓 箣銆 箣銆 彧鏄粬 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱 姞鐤戞儜浜嗭纴锲犱瑕佺煡阆掳纴姝ゆ椂浠栧彲浠ョ ‘瀹泛纴娌 °C 湁浜 浣曚笢瑗垮湪璺熻 浣曚笢瑗垮湪璺熻 浣曚笢瑗垮湪璺熻 浣曚笢瑗垮湪璺熻

闅鹃死鏄疭overeign Realm powerhouse 鍑 锛

Ye冲埌杩欙纴Yang Ye 鑴歌壊娌変简涓嬫潵锛屽洜涓哄鏋沧槸杩欐牱锛岄偅浠栫殑澶勫灏卞ぇ澶т笉濡欎 銆俈 銆俈enerable Realm powerhouse 浠栨墦涓嶈 杩 杩 彲浠ヨ窇锛屼絾濡傛灉鏄疭 overeign Realm powerhouse 鍑 锛岄偅浠栬繛璺戠殑 锛岄偅浠栬繛璺戠殑 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰 轰

Yang Ye 娌夐粯浜嗕竴浼泛纴鐒跺悗灏哸ncient sheath 鏀朵简璧锋潵锛岃浆韬寮韬寮銆銆C槸涓嶆槸Sovereign Realm powerhouse 鐩笂浜嗕粬锛岀幇鍦ㄥ鎯 病 変 変 変 湪浠栬 湪浠栬 湪浠栬 湪浠栬 庝箞浠庤 庝箞浠庤 庝箞浠庤 庝箞浠庤 庝箞浠庤 庝箞浠庤 鍩庡 鍩庡 鍩庡 鑴辫 鑴辫 鑴辫 鑴辫 鑴辫欓噷闱€€傝€屼笖涓€镞“浜哄彂鐜浜哄彂鐜浠栫殑韬浠栫殑韬浠栫殑韬存锛屼粬缁濆浼氲缇ゆ镊


Yang Ye 姝e嗳澶囨嫄杩涗竴涓︼钀 mustard 椂锛岃 钖庣獊鐒 钖庣獊鐒 紶鏉ヤ 紶鏉ヤ 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阔 阔 阔 阔 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye 寰 寰 寰 寰 寰€鍓嶈蛋銆

Speculation ou are courting death 鍟婏紒鈥

涓€阆揿姴椋庤嚜Yang Ye 钖庤儗琚潵锛孻ang Ye pot 滀笅浜呜剼姝ワ纴杞 鐚涘湴涓 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鎷 鍑 鍑 鍑 纴涓庢潵浜 纴涓庢潵浜 纴涓庢潵浜 纴涓庢潵浜 纴涓庢潵浜杞板湪浜嗕竴璧凤纴鈥榢 a cha 鈥欎竴澹 纴鏉ヤ 纴鏉ヤ 镄勬暣鏀 镄勬暣鏀 镄勬暣鏀 镊傜洿鎺ユ柇瑁傦纴韬綋椋炰 镊傜洿鎺ユ柇瑁傦纴韬綋椋炰ㄥ湴涓婂悗鐩存帴鏄忔浜呜帴鏄忔浜呜汇汇

Yang Ye looked towards Ye 锛岀珯镌 锛岀珯镌 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 钖峛 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Yeぇ鐪硷纴镶╀笂鐪嬬潃涓€镆勬瘮浠栬偐鑶€杩桦镄勫ぇ鍒€銆

Big person 鐪嬩简涓€鐪难汉鍦ㄥ湴涓奱ct recklessly 镄勯潚骞达纴鐒跺悗鎶ごlooked towards Yang Ye 锛宻aid锛 鈥滃ソ韬落锛屾垜杩檅rother宸茬粡鏄疜ing Realm 7th Grade 锛屽彲鏄繛Your Excellency 涓€鎷抽兘鎺ヤ笉浣忥纴鐪媃our Excellency 骞寸邯涔熶笉澶э纴鎴戝緢濂邯涔熶笉澶э纴鎴戝緢濂姝〉煄浠€涔堟椂chain椤嚭浜哬our Excellency 杩欑瓑genius 锛佲€

Yang Ye   瀵 涓 涓 涓 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞 鐪硷纴杞


Chain 夌牬椋庡0鍦ㄥ満涓搷璧枫€

Yang Ye 杞 锛屼 锛屼 嬩竴鎶掳纴涓 嬩竴鎶掳纴涓 鍙猧 鍙猧 arrow arrow 涓纴 涓纴 涓纴 Yang Ye 鐩厜looked towards 浜嗛偅钖嶅コ瀛愩€

鈥渊our Excellency 浼や 鎴慑 鎴慑 other other other other other 锛屽 鎯 鎯 鎯 鎯 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔

Big person 绐佺劧闂槾锛宲upil suddenly shrink 锛屽洜涓哄湪Yang Ye 嬩腑镄勯偅鏀浠ユ瘮鍏埚墠杩 嬩腑镄勯偅鏀浠ユ瘮鍏埚墠杩 嬩腑镄勯偅鏀浠ユ瘮鍏埚墠杩 揩鏁 岖殑阃熷 岖殑阃熷 岖殑阃熷 岖殑阃熷 岖殑阃熷浜嗕粬韬梺镄勫コ瀛愩 コ瀛愬ぇ鎯婏纴濂 コ瀛愬ぇ鎯婏纴濂 湪 湪 湪 person person person person person person person person 湪 湪 ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig ig涓 鏂╋纴锷埚湪浜嗛偅鏀 ron ron arrow 涓婏纴iron arrow suddenly 椋烇纴鍙槸 椋烇纴鍙槸 big person 镄勮劯鑹 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏 洿锷爏镌 镌 澶 澶 垁镄勬 垁镄勬 鍦ㄩ 鍦ㄩ 鍦ㄩ

Yang Ye 鐪嬩 涓 涓 鐪 鐪 鐪 懆锲撮偅浜涜杩欓噷鎯婂姩 懆锲撮偅浜涜杩欓噷鎯婂姩 懆锲撮偅浜涜杩欓噷鎯婂姩 懆锲撮偅浜涜杩欓噷鎯婂姩 屽洿杩囨潵镄勪 缇わ纴 缇わ纴 硅 硅 硅 硅 硅 硅嬶纴杞 灏辫 灏辫 灏辫 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝 銆傝 绉嶆椂 绉嶆椂 欙纴浠栧疄鍦ㄤ笉鑳 毚 毚 毚 毚 毚 毚 毚 毚

“You are Yang Ye!”

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛孻ang Ye 韬悗绐佺劧浼犳潵浜嗙矖镫人 ig person 镄勬€掑枬澹like €

Yang Ye ?

杩欎袱涓瓧鐜 湪鍙槸涓嶅缑浜嗭纴钖埌绮楃妫 big person 镄勫 0 纴铡熸湰闾 阔 纴铡熸湰闾 簺鐪嬫垙镄勪 簺鐪嬫垙镄勪 鐬棿鑴 鐬棿鑴 鐬棿鑴 鐬棿鑴 簺鐪嬫垙镄勪鍙 锛岀劧钖庡叏閮ㄦ秾浜呜 鏉ワ纴灏哬 ang Ye 杩樻湁绮楃妫big person and the others 锲翠璧璧璧潵锛屽苟涓斿洿镄勪潵锛屽苟涓斿洿镄勪銆

镓€ chain 変汉閮界洰鍏変笉锽勭殑鐩潃 Yang Ye 锛

Yang Ye 锅滀笅浜呜剼姝ワ纴杞韩璧板悜big person 锛宻aid锛 鈥沧垜浠庢潵娌¤杩囦綘杩欎箞鎯砪ourting death 镄勪汉锛佲€濊鍒 锛孻 锛孻 ang Ye pot alisman 锛屽 鎷垮嚭浜 alis alisman 绗旓纴鐒跺悗鍦ㄤ Mark紬浜虹殑鐩厜涔嬩腑锛屽紑濮嬬粯鍒殑鐩厜涔嬩腑锛屽紑濮嬬粯鍒捣鏉ワ纴涓嶅埌涓浼浼浼寮爌寮爌寮爌ful talisman 鍑虹幇鍦ㄤ幇鍦ㄤYang Ye 嬩腑銆

Yang Ye 鎷 潃闾 潃闾 e紶powerful talisman 杞 涓 鍦堬纴 鍦堬纴 鍦堬纴 锛 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊渚 渚 鐪熼 鐪熼 鐪熼 鐪熼 鐩ず浜 鐩ず浜 鐩ず浜 鐩ず浜 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 惂锛熲 惂锛熲 惂锛熲

佺姸锛屽懆锲 佺姸锛屽懆锲 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 殑浜 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊紬浜哄綋鐒 笉浼 笉浼 幓 幓 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 钖峊 one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one傜暀涓嬫潵镄勪竴浜涗 鍒椤皢鐩厜钀 ig ig ig person and the others 韬笂锛岀溂涓纴婊 °C槸鎴忚檺涔嬭壊銆

绮楃妫big person and the others 鍦╕ang Ye 鍏竷浠栨槸Talisman Master 韬 镞讹纴浠栦 镞讹纴浠栦 镞讹纴浠栦 镄勮劯鑹 鍙樼殑闅 鍙樼殑闅 鍙樼殑闅 鍙樼殑闅 叾瀹烇纴浠 叾瀹烇纴浠 叾瀹烇纴浠栦竴寮 濮嬫 濮嬫 涓奁 ang Ye 锛岀洰镄勫彧鏄兂 缀 ang ang Ye 镵旀 锛屾瘯绔熷涓 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 浠 忓槢銆鏄粬娌°C兂鍒帮纴浠栨 涓婄殑杩欎 浜哄眳鐒 浜哄眳鐒 浜哄眳鐒 涔堟婳锛岄笩閮 涔堟婳锛岄笩閮 涔堟婳锛岄笩閮 笉楦熶粬锛屾洿 笉楦熶粬锛屾洿 笉楦熶粬锛屾洿 笉楦熶粬锛屾洿 浜嗕粬镄刡 浜嗕粬镄刡 浜嗕粬镄刡 浜嗕粬镄刡 rother 銆

褰撶劧锛屾洿读嶈镄勬槸浠栧彂鐜 Dress up his person 镄剆trength 寰埚己锛岄潪宁稿 锛岃呖灏戜粬 锛岃呖灏戜粬 畾涓嶆槸瀵 畾涓嶆槸瀵 锛 锛佽 璁╀粬鎯 埌浜哬 埌浜哬 ang Ye 锛岀劧钖庝粬涓嬫剰璇嗗 璇 璇 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 佸埌 Yang Ye浠栨椂锛屼粬蹇冧腑杩桦湪搴嗗枩锛岃寰椾粬鐚滃浜嗭纴鐒 孻€孻ang Ye 鍏竷镊繁韬韬纴浠栦笉浠呯寽阌欎简锛岃缮offend 涓€钖峊alisman Master 锛岃€岃 Umbrella 钖峊alisman Master 杩樻槸涓€钖峱owerhouse 锛

鈥沧湅鍙嬶纴鎶 瓑锛屽湪涓嫔嚑浜 瓑锛屽湪涓嫔嚑浜 槸镞犳瀬瀹梙 onorary disciple 锛岃 umbrella 娆 °C 槸鎴戜 镄勯敊锛屾垜缁欎綘阆撴瓑锛佲 镄勯敊锛屾垜缁欎綘阆撴瓑锛佲

绮楃妫姹夊瓙绔嫔嵆鏀句绠浜呜韩娈甸姝夈姝夈姝夈傝槠鐒傝槠鐒粬鏄棤鏋佸畻镄onorary disciple 锛屼絾鍙槸璁板悕悕屽凡锛屾棤鏋佸畻 畾鏄粷瀵 畾鏄粷瀵 笉浼 笉浼 笉浼 浜嗗嚑涓猦 onorary disciple offend 涓€钖峊alisman Master 镄勩€

鈥沧棤鏋佸畻honorary disciple 锛熼 姝夛纻鎴戜笉鎺ュ 姝夛纻鎴戜笉鎺ュ 鈥 [€[€

鏂楃涓嬶纴Yang Ye 鍢 娉涘嚭浜嗕竴鎶 娉涘嚭浜嗕竴鎶 娉涘嚭浜嗕竴鎶 喎镒忥纴杩欎 喎镒忥纴杩欎 欎 欎 欎 ect ect Sect 鏉ュ▉鑳佷粬锛

鈥沧垜鐪媃our Excellency 杩樻槸鎺ュ弹镄勫ソ锛佲

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛屾梺杈 紶鏉ヤ 紶鏉ヤ 涓 阆揿 阆揿 阔 阔 阔 阔

Ps锛氭劅璋10€榯lovec jade mutual 鏉ョ殑鏀寔涓庡叧蹇冿纴璋(4) Auntie preparations 鍝佸尯 chain 夌偣鍐锋竻锛屽笇 chain涘ぇ瀹跺澶 彂瑷 彂瑷 锛屼笉鐖 锛屼笉鐖 殑涔熷彲浠ュ悙妲 殑涔熷彲浠ュ悙妲 殑涔熷彲浠ュ悙妲 殑涔熷彲浠ュ悙妲

Chain 钖庯 钖庯 钖庯 涓滀笢 涓滀笢 € € € € € €

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