The ghost killing team is going to be strengthened again, and the ordinary members are put aside for the time being, and the members above the D level are all proficient in breathing and have a certain ability to fight and kill ghosts alone, so they are also called to share their experience in elemental mastery.

Ye Yiming didn't know how much experience would increase in the future, but he knew that in the future, the ghosts created by the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable would only be killed in seconds, and in the face of the ghosts of the lower and upper strings, they could also fight alone against the enemy or even kill.

It's just that the target that Ye Yiming gave them was not these, but the ghost king!

How strong is the Ghost King, at least the stronger level of the Onimai Tsuji No Miserable, according to Oda Takei's own combat ability, it takes at least 5 or more pillars with awakened markings to be able to fight, and the pillars without awakening markings are not clear.

By the way, except for the protagonist's aura, the world transparency does not count.

Ye Yiming is not very clear about the transparent world and the like, after all, he has not mastered this ability, and he does not need to master this ability, so Ye Yiming does not know how to guide them, and can only summarize the experience of the element mastery of the breathing method and the awakening method of the markings and then teach them all.

5 days later, all the staff gathered in the secret place arranged, in the open space specially opened up in the mountains, all the members of the ghost killing team above the second grade arrived, the pillar arrived, and the sick and weak Sanyashiki Yaoya also arrived with the hidden members pushing the cart.

Everyone is waiting for Ye Yiming's appearance, Ye Yiming's prestige as a divine pillar in the ghost killing team is the highest except for the lord, and even surpasses the lord in fame, if Ye Yiming wants to usurp the throne and become the lord, it is estimated that more than half of them will support Ye Yiming.

After all, Ye Yiming is the son of a god, and his special divine power can ensure that they can be recovered in the event of injury, which is the ability they rely on the most.

"Yaoya. "

"Yi Mingjun. "

Ye Yiming appeared through the Flying Thunder God Technique, and after coming here with Tanjiro, Ku Rabbit and others, he saw the house of the makeshift wooden house, and Yaoya Yashiki was sitting quietly inside.

Let Tanjiro and the others go to Ganlu Temple to stay with the Mili and Shitou brothers, Ye Yiming also walked into the house to greet him, and then there was not much nonsense, and he directly began to inform the existence of the ghost king and the ultimate purpose between the ghost kings.

The Ghost King will be the demon who subverts this Guo Jia, their purpose is to dominate this Guo Jia, dominate the world, if they succeed, the world will be in chaos.

After all, these are ghosts! Not humans!

If it's a war caused by humans, then they can ignore it, but if it's a ghost, they can't ignore the meaning of their existence! Even if it is to make this Guo Jia mess up!

After Ye Yiming finished talking about the existence of the ghost king, and also said that the ghost dance Tsuji was just the target who was placed in front of the stage to attract them, he also began to comprehensively inform about the real use of the breathing method.

If you want to use real elemental control, you can't do it without a certain physical strength, this is Ye Yiming's summed up experience, only a strong body can complete the transformation, just like the breath of the sun.

So the next time is the time when Ye Yiming began to teach the reed celebrity swordsmanship and the reed celebrity fighting technique, after which is the breath of the sun, and then the elemental control.

Elemental control is still difficult to achieve in the end, but the breath of the sun can still be done as long as they work hard, so after conveying all the knowledge, the Demon Slayer team ushered in training on this day.

Tanjiro and the others went back for the time being, and after they took the training formula given by Ye Yiming, they asked Scales to train them in the near future, and the remaining members of the Ghost Slayer Team and Zhu began to train each other in prison.

Ye Yiming's words have also become a similar position of chief instructor, constantly accompanying them.

It just so happens that the number of appearances of ghosts has been less recently, and the ghosts and ghosts of the upper winding have not appeared again, so I started training with this gap.

After that, you become a member of the Demon Slayer and can participate when there are no ghosts to kill.

Half a year later...

Purgatory Kyojuro, Tsuto, and Fukuoka Yoshiyu arrived, and joined Pillar's training team directly as stepsons.

Half a year later, Tanjiro arrived, and also joined Pillar's training team as a stepson.

"Is there only a B grade this year? a little bit..."

Although he has made such a great contribution and effort, because he has not received results, his experience has not increased too much, and most of them have directly obtained the evaluation experience that has skyrocketed to the B level by killing the ghost king Oda Wuyi, and Ye Yiming has no matter how much he starts to open this year's birthday package.

- Ding

【Fountain of Evolution】


"That's it, it's B-class, but this..."

[Huh? You have shit luck again host!]


What's the matter, the opening of a B-grade birthday gift package is equivalent to shit luck?

Ye Yiming didn't complain about the system temporarily, so he decided to watch it carefully first in case he was slapped in the face, and then he was really shocked.

No wonder the system will say that Ye Yiming is lucky again, in fact, this is just an outbreak of the Lucky Star European Emperor's anger once a day. [Evolution Spring], a total of 10 tons of spring water, can provide ordinary people to soak in hot springs, anyone who soaks in the Evolution Spring for 1 hour can get half of the effect of the Essence Cleansing Pill.

It does not expel impurities from the body, but it can increase one's potential and become twice as strong.

In other words, an ordinary person soaked in the Fountain of Evolution, and after he came out, he had the power of two ordinary people. For example, the strength is only 100KG before entering, and 200KG after coming out, and the speed is the same, and it has the same potential as the Myelin Cleansing Pill, making its own upper limit higher.

"It can be used as a spring water made by throwing in a large number of marrow cleansing pills, but it's a pity that one person only has one chance. "

No matter who it is, as long as it is not strong enough to an exaggerated level, you can go in the hot springs, and you can be strengthened after you come out, Ye Yiming took out 5 tons of the Evolution Spring and put it in the world he gradually created, and after coming out, his physical fitness really doubled.

"Let's take out the remaining 5 tons of water, fortunately, no matter how much you soak, it won't reduce the effect of the Evolution Spring, the only thing worth paying attention to is the cleanliness. "

With this Evolutionary Spring, all members of the Ghost Slayer Team can also increase their combat effectiveness again, which is a good thing!

[So isn't it very powerful, host? Sure enough, you can prescribe what you are thinking, and the next time you want to try it, imagine what you need most while activating the European Emperor's breath of the lucky star once a day]

[Just like you've been worrying about making the members of the Demon Slayer stronger this year, that's why the Fountain of Evolution has been opened in this year's birthday pack!]

"Is that so? It seems to be a little related. "

Recalling some of his abilities, Ye Yiming also began to look forward to the next year's birthday gift, but he knew that he would still stay in the mountains to train the ghost killing team next year, so he didn't have much evaluation experience, so Ye Yiming also set the desired gift according to his level.

"If I can, I want a nuclear bomb!"


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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