This year has been a rather pleasant year, and the new year is the spring of the new year.

It's just that this spring is destined not to be peaceful, according to the news from Sister Misaka and the Eight Directions, that is, the twelve ghost moons are all assembled, and the original empty one of the lower strings has also been filled.

Now Onimai Tsuji has given an order to Naruto to include all demons in the new Infinity City to live temporarily, and then appear at the location of the Oni Slayer headquarters at the right time.

Hearing this news, Ye Yiming also waved his hand and asked most of the members of the Ghost Slayer Team to return to the headquarters, and the members in the training base also graduated temporarily.

Now that the ghost has gathered his combat strength, then Ye Yiming's side has also assembled accordingly, and they are all waiting for the real decisive battle to come. So, when the storm came, the whole area also fell into a somewhat eerie calm.

"Whew... Haven't you come yet? Obviously, "410" has already sold such a good flaw. "

At night, Ye Yiming stayed outside the delivery house and smoked a cigarette and said impatiently.

It's been almost a month since the end of the year, but Onimai Tsuji still hasn't given the order to attack, and all of them stay in Infinity City. And Ye Yiming, naturally, stayed outside the house of Yaoyashiki to see if Onimai Tsuji would come here alone to show off and announce the start of the war according to the original book.

Unfortunately, Onimai Tsuji finally learned to be obedient and didn't make any fools, and even deliberately delayed time, so that those ghosts stayed in Infinity City and continued to increase their desire for 'food' before they became weak, so as to improve some combat effectiveness.

This kind of treatment method has to be said to be quite a set.,I didn't expect that such a crumb boss would think of such a method.,Let the ghost increase more desire to eat while ensuring that the combat power is maintained.,This combat power will also increase, which will give the ghost killing team a huge difficulty.。

After all, whether it's a human, a ghost, or another creature, who cares about you once you're hungry?

Fear in battle?

Sorry, I'm hungry, let me eat enough and then feel these fears, okay?

This is still an ordinary person, if it is a ghost, he will lose his mind on the spot and go berserk to increase his combat effectiveness Ye Yiming does not feel that this matter is abnormal, on the contrary, it is normal for such a situation to occur, and Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumiao also intends to do this, and if he is Ye Yiming, he may also do it.

War, it's all about strategy, isn't it?

In many cases, whoever has a strong strategy and deploys quickly wins.

"Whew... Tsk, sleep and sleep, I don't think it will come tonight. "

After smoking, Ye Yiming burned the cigarette butt with a flame and returned to the temporary house where he lived, sleeping with his goddaughters who were constantly sticking to him. Just as Ye Yiming thought, the ghost dance Tsuji still didn't come this night, and they didn't even come until the snow had melted in winter.

Now Sister Misaka is in a helpless state with Bafang, and through the connection between Fallen Ji and the ghost mother, they are also hungry now.

At present, the second ghost month that is closest to Onimai Tsuji is miserable, and they can't guess what happened to Oni Tsuji, and it just so happened that Infinite City ushered in a new guest today, but this guest is a little strange.

The smell is almost the same as that of Onimai Tsuji, and at first the Twelve Onitsuki mistakenly thought that Onimai Tsuji was miserable and promoted that person to become the alternate of the Twelve Onitsuki or something.

However, the pure swordsmen of Black Death and Woowoza were full of wariness of this guest, even if they knew that it was a guest invited by Onimai Tsuji.

Because the Black Death Mou and the Zodiac sat on him felt a stronger aura than the Onimai Tsuji Miserable, if the Onimai Tsuji Miserable in their hearts was already the Ghost King, then the guests invited in front of them were ghosts, right?

Even if this guest didn't release too much breath, he didn't mean to suppress them, but just standing there, Black Death Mou and Yi Woza felt a huge pressure, and others who were not from martial arts didn't feel it, and they always thought it was a junior.

"Wu Miaojun, your subordinates are very good. "

"Hehe, Fujita-kun said with a smile. "

The guests invited by Onimai Tsuji are wearing long white hair in a ponytail, wearing a scholar-like suit, and carrying a book in his hand as if he was a student from a celebrity college.

However, in the face of him, Onimai Tsuji Miru reined in all his tempers and had to restrain all his tempers.

Because the other party is a ghost king, and he is just a big ghost who has not yet advanced to the ghost king. It's actually an accident to meet him.,When Onimai Tsuji no miserably thought he was a talent, he wanted to turn him into a ghost.,It turns out to be a shocking insider.。

That is, the so-called ghost king is not only him, there are 379 of them, and compared to him, these 379 are the real ghost kings, who can live in the sun, and can completely disguise themselves as ordinary people, and it is difficult for people to notice... 0

And this so-called Fujita-kun is a member of the Ghost King, and after he found out that Onimai Tsuji was not miserable, he intended to join in to help, destroy the Ghost Killing Team together, and also give advice, so there was such a scene.

The reason why those ghosts are hungry is because they will go wild because of their appetite after seeing humans and increase their combat effectiveness.

He definitely couldn't come up with this kind of scheme, but Fujita-kun could, and promised to give him blood to help Onimai Tsuji become a real ghost king, and join the ghost king to become the 380th.

Although he is very unwilling, he also wants to be incompetent and angry, but since he knows that there are 379 ghosts who are stronger than him, Onimai Tsuji has lost his previous arrogance and domineering, and can only bend his knees, praying that the other party can give the blood of the ghost king to help him become the real ghost king.

After all, the attraction of living under the sun is too great for him, so big that even if he wants to join in, it is no problem, and it is not bad to join them and unify this Guo Jia together.

Anyway, he can't succeed alone, so why don't you join the organization?

"Well, that's good. This is the blood of the Ghost King that I promised you, enough for you to advance to the real Ghost King. "

"Hehe, then thank you Fujita-kun. "

In this way, Onimai Tsuji sold all his subordinates, and after spending a day becoming 5.4 as the Oni King, Onimai Tsuji's hair also turned white, and his body was also covered with markings.

This is the form of the Oni King, which makes Onimai Tsuji unprecedentedly strong and confident.

"Hahahaha!Let's go!Attack the Ghost Slayer headquarters!!"

From this moment, the name was formed, and after the end of this battle, these so-called subordinates were no longer his subordinates, but belonged to all the subordinates of the ghost king, providing them with a series of tasks, and then began to overthrow this Guo Jia and become the real overlord.

This battle is bound to attract the attention of all the ghost kings, even if these ghosts can't kill the ghost killing team in the end, it doesn't matter, after all, these ghost kings originally wanted to use the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable as a gun, the purpose is to see how powerful the so-called son of God is.

And Fujita-kun, one of the ghost kings, is an observer of this battle...

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