There is nothing to see in this battle, it is nothing more than watching Onimai Tsuji be miserable and incompetent and angry, and throw his ultimate, and Tanjiro is too, he was suppressed to the death, and then he threw his ultimate, and then tried to fight back, but he was almost killed.

However, the most critical part of this battle is still the last moment!

At this moment, Tanjiro probably entered the memory mode of the marquee, after all, this is the case in the original book, and through this, Tanjiro has gained new abilities again and again, and strengthened his combat effectiveness, so this battle can also be called Tanjiro's awakening battle.

Not only did the markings spread stronger, but it also awakened the transparent world, and through the transparent world, he saw the picture that ordinary people couldn't see, so he mastered the fire element, and at this moment, he mastered all the movements of Onimai Tsuji no miserable.

As a result, Tanjiro broke out and performed a lore that even Ye Yiming had to admit.

After all, the maximum speed of the last slash Yan Dragon Slash is twice the speed of supersonic speed, and Ye Yiming is about to break through twice and enter triple supersonic speed, but even so, when he casts it, he will still leave traces, and even the sound of sound barrier appears.

Just like the moon step, each step will make a sound.

And what about Tanjiro's Yanlong Slash?

Silently, even disappearing!As if teleporting, he appeared in front of Onimai Tsuji and slashed the strongest sword.

And this sword 577 is no longer the breath of the sun, but the element of fire! In this way, Onimai Tsuji's body will be burned by the flames, making him feel real pain in the air.

So Ye Yiming also had to admit that this Yanlong slashed Tanjiro surpassed Ye Yiming!

"It's a pity, if you're in a state of perfection, you can still take advantage of the victory to pursue, but now that you're seriously injured, you also rely on the newly awakened return to the light, through the last breath of this move. "

Seeing that Tanjiro was completely powerless to continue fighting and began to fall from the air, Ye Yiming also used the Flying Thunder God Technique to pull Tanjiro in front of him, and then held him in both hands and put him on the floor to use the ability of healing fruits to recover.

Now he has not completely passed out, so Ye Yiming's praise just now can be heard clearly, so he also showed a victorious smile very heartlessly.

"Senior brother... I won!"

"yes, you won. "

Onimai Tsuji fell to the platform where Tanjiro was lying and received the flames, and for a while he couldn't get rid of the flames that he couldn't extinguish if he was contaminated, so he could only roll in place and scream in pain while trying to extinguish it.

"Tanjiro, remember this moment, I believe you will be the strongest under me (ACFA). "

"Yes, brother!!"

The body was healed by Ye Yiming's full strength and quickly recovered, even though a lot of blood and physical strength were lost, Tanjiro still responded hard, and then Ye Yiming rewarded him with a snap of his fingers and asked him to lie down obediently.

"Okay, you don't want to participate in the next battle, just follow me and watch it end. "

A few minutes later, Tanjiro was completely healed, and after all the wounds were gone, Ye Yiming threw a new dress to him, and then walked to the edge of the platform to watch Onimai Tsuji no miserable.

"Hehe, the strong man cut his wrists, not bad, smart. "

Seeing Onimai Tsuji's body being cut into pieces by himself, the remaining parts were slowly assembled to recover after cutting out the burned parts, and then revealing a hideous and terrifying look.

This body is nothing more than an e...

Half of his body is covered with red hair.,And then he has a hideous mouth.,He was wearing a suit before, so he couldn't see it.,But now you can see it clearly.

How to say it...

Monsters, right? Anyway, it's disgusting.

“...... Ye Yiming!!!Tell me, what's his name!?"

"Oh, are you interested? Then listen up, the name of the person who defeated you is Tanjiro Kamado, who was born by selling charcoal!"


Hearing Tanjiro's true name, Onimai Tsuji stared at Ye Yiming in shock, trying to tell from the expression on Ye Yiming's face that he was joking.

"It's not... A descendant of the first generation of the country?"

"Not really, but it's a little bit of a connection. Ji Guoyuan had a relationship with his ancestors, and then taught a simplified version of the breath of the sun. What the hell did you think it was a descendant of Jiguo Yuanyi?"


Onimai Tsuji didn't speak miserably, he was already desperate, he didn't expect that the person who defeated him was not a descendant of Jikoku Yuanichi...

"Hehe, okay, let's get dressed, it's too ugly. "

Even if it is covered by hair, it is always not good to be naked, so Ye Yiming was also kind enough to throw a wide kimono to him, and after he put it on with a confused face, under Ye Yiming's Flying Thunder God Technique, all the members returned to the position of the Ghost Slayer Headquarters again.

And then...

That's waiting!

Ghost Dance Tsuji is still controlled by Ye Yiming, sitting there and waiting for the battle report, and Ye Yiming is too.

This time, it just happened that the sun was about to appear, and the ghost killing team finally killed all the ghosts that had to be killed after nearly six hours of fighting, and the ghosts that could be saved were also fed with antidotes, and then arranged to the foot of the mountain to let the hidden Chengyuan who rushed over take care of them.

For the rest, it was naturally all gathered to start the trial of Ghost Dance Tsuji, and he also knew his fate, so he could only wait for Ye Yiming's trial.

At least, he can still die a dignified death now, instead of being beheaded and burned alive by Tanjiro.

"Ye Yiming... Can you let me see the sun first? and... Give me another pleasure!"

"You're asking for a lot, but I'm going to promise you. "

Onimai Tsuji is still a king in the end, and if you don't kill these kings at the first time, then it's okay to give a decent death.

After all, Ye Yiming didn't hate him very much, what he hated was just that the ghosts he created attacked the Butterfly Sisters and others, in fact, the people killed by this crumb boss can be counted, and the only thing that can't be counted is how many ghosts he killed and how many ghosts he created.

"Thank you..."

Onimai Tsuji also figured it out, since he was going to die, then enjoy the best way to die, and he also wanted to see the sunrise, to see the picture he wanted to see most in thousands of years, after all, he didn't have time to see it after becoming the ghost queen.

Of course, hiding in the shadows and watching the sun doesn't count, what he wants is to be able to stand in the sun and watch the sun!

"No misery, have you repented?"

At this time, Yaoya also walked out of the house with the support of Tianyin, and he didn't blame Ye Yiming after knowing that he wanted to fulfill his few wishes, but understood Ye Yiming's approach very well.

Anyway, he is also a dying person, dying under the eyes of all the members of the Ghost Slayer Team, so what if he is allowed to die at night? Besides, the ultimate goal of the Ghost Slayer Team at this moment has also changed.

The real enemy is no longer Onimai Tsuji, but the remaining 379 Oni Kings!


The ghost slayer will be written in a few days.,I'm going to write down a world.,And then write what you leave a message to vote in the top of the comment area.,I'll give options.,And if there are more recommendations outside the options, I'll also write.,When you recommend, you also explain what you want to see.,Thank you for your support!_

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