It's not a way to continue grinding, but as long as you have the blood of the ghost king, you will awaken powerful power and a sharp nose, so Ye Yiming also asked Tanjiro, Misaka Cannon Sister and Bafang Tong to team up to find the traces of the ghost king, and they will search according to the information exposed by the ghost king Fujita.

I have to say that the hiding places of these ghost kings are also very unique, several of them are secluded in the mountains and forests and become hermits, and several of them have become very high-ranking positions, and they are protected by many samurai in the depths of important positions.

Anyway, find them first, and then let the members of the Demon Slayer Team who continue to train go and strangle them.

Half a year later, the ghost king Fujita was basically tortured and went crazy, and the information also leaked out more than a hundred ghost kings, and he didn't know the rest, and in the end Ye Yiming still killed him.

It's useless for him anymore.

"Very good, just do what you think, by the way, we don't have much money! Wait for the next month's harvest of new grain and give a little more. "

In half a year, talents were also recruited one after another, telling themselves that they wanted to become kings and overthrow the existing monarchs, many people were basically fooled by Ye Yiming to 03 to lameness, and then they were willing to follow Ye Yiming to create a new Guo Jia.

No way, many of Ye Yiming's ideas (actually copied from Baidu) made them refreshed, after seeing freedom, equality, harmony and many other contents, they thought of the current difficulties in life, plus Ye Yiming's goal and knowing the existence of the ghost king, they got on Ye Yiming's thief ship... Oh no, it's the King's team.

Other than that, money is a good thing!

Under the alchemy of turning stones into gold, the ghost killing team is really not short of money, and Ye Yiming asked many hidden members to hire farmers from many remote villages to cultivate the fields by spending money half a year ago, and using modern and efficient technology, for many foods such as easy growth, so there is no shortage of food at all.

In this way, just now, a civilian official came to meet Ye Yiming and proposed to start a mental change campaign from a small village, so that they could agree to Ye Yiming becoming a king or something, and promise food, safety, etc.

Ye Yiming naturally agreed with this, and he had to agree, after all, the country is people-oriented, what are the villagers afraid of?

It's not war, it's no food and no safety!

As long as Ye Yiming has ensured their lives and taught them new planting methods, how can they not be grateful to Ye Yiming?

"Huh? have you noticed... Then there is no way. "

picked up an important decision-making document, the content of the document was that this Guo Jia's monarch had noticed Ye Yiming, and also noticed that they wanted to rebel, and now he had gathered an army and was ready to give the ghost killing team to encircle and suppress.

Of course, it would be impossible for every ghost king to snitch, and the current development has always been carried out carefully, basically starting with very remote villages, and then going to the marginal areas.

Even the village chiefs are basically elected by the village itself, and there is not even a samurai or the like, except when there is a war, these high-ranking people remember that there are still people alive in this area, so they just levy all kinds of strong men and food.

"If you want to fight, let's fight. "

Although guns and cannons have appeared in the current era, due to the fact that Guo Jia is still mainly samurai, only a few use firearms or flintlock pistols and the like.

If you want everyone to have them, you might as well let them make rough armor and katana to fight.

"Purgatory Kyojuro, are you ready?"

Ten days later, after part of the ghost killing team was formed, and some strong men recruited by the village with high salaries also became soldiers, Ye Yiming appointed Purgatory Xingjulang as a general to prepare for the army.

However, the object is not a ghost but a human, so Ye Yiming has to ask them if they are mentally prepared when he starts a war.

"Yes, big brother, I'm ready for everything!!"

Purgatory Kyojuro showed a serious expression, he knew that there would be sacrifices on both sides of this journey, and the biggest sacrifice was the army on the opposite side.

However, for the sake of this Guo Jia, for the sake of all the civilians, these sacrifices are necessary! Many members of the Ghost Killing Team have been thinking about it for a long, long time, and now for half a year, Purgatory Xing Shoulang has long been mentally prepared, so he was appointed by Ye Yiming as a military general, conquering the road to the end of the world, and opening up the territory of the king!!

"Very good, then you can go, not our future, but also the future of the people! Overthrow the monarch who has been controlled by the ghost king, and overthrow all the systems that torture the people!"

Ye Yiming waved his hand, and then a knife formed by a wooden shield appeared in front of Purgatory Xing Shoulang.

Although this knife is made of wood, it contains Ye Yiming's huge magic power, coupled with his continuous strengthening of the hardness of the wooden shield, so even the Japanese wheel knife cannot be cut, and even it is cut off!

Of course, the intention of this knife is not to give Purgatory Kyojurou's so-called divine weapon, but to give him a belief.

"Big brother, just wait for us to return triumphantly!"

Today, the Ghost Slayer is no longer called the Ghost Slayer Team, under Ye Yiming's change, the Ghost Slayer Team has become a group similar to the Pro-Guard Team, and the country name of the declaration is called Ming!

The last word of Ye Yiming is used as the country name, and the word Ming also has many good meanings, so it is no longer appropriate to call it Ming.

"Okay! for our Daming!"

"For the !!! of the Ming Dynasty"

Morale boosted, the army of 3,000 men began to assemble in the wilderness, where they waited for the troops who were bound to pass through the road.

The opposing side was not very numerous either, with a total of 5,000 men, of which 200 were groups armed with flintlock muskets, 500 were heavy cavalry, and the rest were ordinary soldiers.

In such a situation, war is on the verge of breaking out, and there is no persuasion to surrender!

After all, this is a rebellion, a real big crime, plus there is a ghost king who is a hindrance, and the bullshit recruits, and when they meet, they will be killed directly.

"Tanjiro, I always feel that there will be a ghost king involved in this battle.370 Go ahead. "

The war continued, and after several days of fighting back and forth between the two sides, Ye Yiming suddenly felt a crisis, and this crisis was not obvious, as soon as he thought that nothing was happening here, it was like a fortress, so Ye Yiming thought of being in a place of war, so he immediately sent Tanjiro, who had just been dispatched.

Don't look at him, it's only been half a year since he defeated Onimai Tsuji, but in the past six months, his growth has surpassed that of all the gods, even Purgatory Kyojuro is under his hands, and the reason is that he is the only one who has awakened the markings and the transparent world, so his strength is also a strong mess.

If he fights against Onimai Tsuji Mumi's level of strength, Tanjiro is confident that he can kill him, and of course, he may be able to escape.

In any case, now that Tanjiro is capable of fighting against the Oni King, it is best to send him to intercept the Oni King's participation.

"What about war..."

Ye Yiming came outside and sighed towards the sun in the sky, and in the next second, his face was full of domineering and excitement.

After all, it's about being king!


Demon Slayer is coming to an end.,It's about to be the next world.,And if you want to watch that anime, you can leave a message in the comment area to choose!

Then, starting in December, the minimum guarantee is 4 every day, and more is to make up for the arrears and rewards, flowers, and monthly passes!

It's not easy to write here, and I hope you can support it a lot!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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