
Onimai Tsuji's miserable gaze shifted to the body of the lower string.

"Honorable Lord, if I could, I would like to live like them and give me more time to kill more ghost hunters, this is the only thing I have in my heart. "

"How much time will you need?How much help can you give me?How many ghost hunters will you kill?How much strength can you go now?Will you kill the pillars?Or kill ordinary ghost hunters?".

Ghost Dance Tsuji asked continuously with a blank face, and the ghost's eyes gradually showed killing intent.

No, he has to find a way to make them panic, he doesn't believe that this year's lower string ghost consciousness is so high!

"With the power in front of me, it may be weak for adults, but if I can, I can kill as many as I can, as long as I can do it, even if it is a pillar, I will kill you, if you can't kill him, then hit him hard!"

With a super high consciousness, the next string answered the question of the quality of the Onimai Tsuji's miserable 6 companies.

“...... What about you, do you think so too?".

No, he doesn't believe he can't kill one today!

I don't know if killing the ghost with his own hands is one of his few pleasures!?ah!!?

“...... The bright red blood of your fingertips is my faith in this life. "


Hmmm!?It looks like this understring is a bit interesting, huh? There are not many words, but it hits the nail on the head, that is, he needs blood!?

But how should he answer? Why is it so hard for Mader today?

"Do you mean that you want me to give you a little blood? Why should I give you blood? It's so brazen, you shoot so well on the back, and you don't weigh your own pounds. "

"Not really, my lord. I just believe in you, my lord! All the rights we belong to as the ghost of the lower string belong to you, and what you say is always absolute, and it will always be right! We have no right to refuse, and we don't want to refuse, because you are the direction of our ghost of the lower string! On the contrary, if we do something not good enough, then we deserve death!".


What the next string of the army said was a messy fall of smallpox, but the ghost dance Tsuji had no miserable and no rebuttal, and even suddenly felt very cool!

What is licking the dog, this TMD is licking the dog!!

No, no, no, this level is too low, and now licking the dog is the king of the world! At least this wave of speeches made the ghost dance Tsuji miserable.

"Interesting. What about you, the land of the next string!".

"The contemptible person can't speak, but the contemptible person will use everything he can to serve the adult, if the contemptible person does not do what the adult you want, you don't need to do it yourself, the contemptible person himself kneels from night to early morning and dies!"

After the outstanding employees finished speaking, Naruto was stunned on the side.

She didn't know how many times she had watched such gatherings, and each time she had either been killed by Onimai Tsujimi, or only one or two of the outstanding underdogs had been left. But what did she see, the corners of Onimai Tsuji's face were raised, obviously satisfied!

In addition to Jin Shouzhi, the first of the lower strings, I didn't expect that this group of ghosts of the lower strings is also a genius, and it is good and good! The ability may not be strong, but the consciousness is quite high!

This year's ghost of the lower string is a little interesting.,It's a little powerful!

"You... Very well, I kind of said the answer I wanted. "

The ghosts of the next string have said this, where did he still do it? Wouldn't it be even more difficult to start like this? And seeing that their consciousness is so high, they will definitely go to hunt those ghost hunters after this assembly is over, right?

Yes, yes, they are all malleable!

No, an excellent employee with such a high consciousness can't be killed like this, and a wave must be strengthened to let them kill more ghost hunters!

"Even though your answer is not very satisfactory to me, I suddenly feel that your consciousness is not bad, so..."


, Boom, Boom... !!

Five thick black shadows appeared behind the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, and in an instant, they stabbed down from a high place, causing all the necks of the five lower string ghosts to be pierced by the spikes, and after the blood was instilled, all the blood vessels in the neck suddenly burst out, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes with a quick pull.


Before the ghosts knew what was happening, they only felt a sharp pain in their necks and then spread throughout their bodies, and all of them fell directly to the ground, restraining the pain in their bodies and not daring to scream.

Because they know that if they let themselves lose their temper, they will definitely be killed by Onimai Tsuji no miserable, right?

"This is your reward, I gave you the blood, but you may not be able to bear the amount of blood and die. However, if you can 'adapt', all of you, without exception, will become stronger, and perhaps surpass the golden finger of the lower string that I have previously valued. "

Onimai Tsuji watched them all fall to the ground and endure the severe pain on their bodies, and no one dared to scream, but he was satisfied with this.

TMD, if the ghosts in every session were so powerful, the ghost killing team would have been killed a long time ago, right!?

"Once you're stronger, your only mission is to help me kill more ghost hunters, especially the pillars. If any of you kills the pillar, I'll share more blood with that one, and even cultivate it as a winding candidate. "

After saying that, Onimai Tsuji is also considered to have completed today's meeting.

Even if it was a little uncomfortable not to kill any of the lower strings, it might not be bad to see such a united and super-conscious lower string ghost for the first time.

"Time, a year, I don't care what you do in this year, even if you die. A year from now, I want to see you show up with a record that I am happy with. "

Then he stopped talking, and Naruto, who was kneeling behind her, also played the pipa very cooperatively, first sending off the satisfied boss, and then sending these ghosts back to their original place one by one.

Knock knock knock....

When they returned, the Lower String Demons began to scream as well, and at the same time accepted a picture of the Pillar and the members of the Demon Slayer Team.

"It's... Is it linked to the memories of Lord Ghost Dance Tsuji? The blood on the body is also... Ahhhhh!!h

After a while, the ghosts of the lower strings everywhere stood up one after another, and after feeling the power they had just gained, they all showed a smile that had succeeded in their plan.

How did the ghosts of the last session of the lower string suddenly die?,They just happened to know some inside information.,Except for the first one, they once got together and held a meeting.,And then what should be said about the rebuke of the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable.。

I have to say that they won the bet and at the same time got the power they wanted.

Of course, this is also thanks to the strings who promoted them, and it was their sudden good mood that gave them their status today, and they also survived the blame of Onimai Tsuji.

"Next, it's time to eat more people, it's time to kill more ghost hunters..."


It's a little bit of an alternative way to create the plot.,At the same time, it's almost out of part of the original setting.,So change it back through this plot and subsequent development.,Don't mind ha·=·.......

Other than that...... Monthly pass、I don't seem to be able to count on rewards.,It feels like it's on a stand-alone machine.,So I beg all readers to give me some flowers.、Comment on a little bit of motivation for these or somethingQAQ,It's going to be on the shelves soon.,After the shelves, whether it can explode more depends on whether you give enough power QAQ!

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