The original plot is the original plot.,After all, it's all a two-dimensional world.,And in this real world, everything will be very real.,So when Toichiro will attack them, in fact, there is a certain probability.。

For Shitou Ichiro, he now has a younger brother and a house, and his parents are dead, so only the only younger brother is left, and his elder brother must be to protect his stupid Oudoudou.

It can be said that his innocent brother is his reverse scales from time to time, and whoever touches it will die!

Even if Ye Yiming in front of him looks powerful and the most dangerous, and the birthhouse next to him is also Tianyin, although he is very beautiful, his eyes are only on his younger brother!

"Goodwill? Tell me why you're here. "

Shitou Ichiro put down the wood he was carrying, and asked with his right hand faintly on the handle of the small axe at his waist.

"Yes. I, the "130s", are members of the Ghost Slayer Squad, and I have some relationship with you. Your ancestors were powerful swordsmen who wielded the breath of the sun and were among the first members of the Demon Slayer to be created. "

Sanyashiki Tianyin bowed her head slightly and explained slowly, her eyes were on Shitou Ichiro's body, full of high appreciation and love.

Her character is like this, although she is the wife of the lord of the ghost killing team, and she also has a very high status as a priest, but she will not overwhelm people with power, but will treat everyone gently. The two brothers in front of him are descendants of the breath of the sun, so if they are brought into the Demon Slayer team, the Demon Slayer team is bound to become stronger than ever.

Descendants of the Breath of the Sun have a high probability of learning the Breath of the Sun, right? And as the wife of the lord of the ghost killing team, and as a priest, her vision is also very unique, and Ye Yiming can see that the wood they are carrying is at least two hundred catties, and they can easily carry such a heavy piece of wood without any fatigue, you can imagine how strong their natural physical fitness is.

Perhaps, another genius like the honey glass of Ganlu Temple?

"Ghost Slayer? We have not heard of it, and we don't even know about our ancestors, who knows if you are lying to us? "

Shi Tou Ichiro frowned, and said with some displeasure, and his muscles tightened even more, after hearing the key words of swordsman, he also thought of the purpose of Ye Yiming and the others' arrival.

I just want them to become ghost slayers, swordsmen and the like and then live in battle.

Since he chooses to fight, there will inevitably be injuries and deaths, so how can he accept it as an elder brother? Not to mention himself, even his brother won't agree if he wants to go!

"Trust us, we're not lying to you. And the purpose of our visit this time is also to formally invite you to join the Demon Slayer Team, as the descendants of the Sun Breath Swordsman, you must have extremely high talents and talents, such as your current strength is not greater than ordinary people, isn't it? Including the way you are dressed, you only wear two clothes on this winter snowy day, and you can also see that the physical aspect is very good. "

Sanyashiki Tianyin didn't care about Shito Ichiro's attitude, but continued to explain and explain the meaning very understandingly.

"It would be a waste to stay in the mountains and become an ordinary farmer living in the mountains like this, wouldn't it? Join the Demon Slayer and slay humanity's greatest enemy, Evil, as the guardian of humanity. We sincerely invite you brothers, and hope that you can work with us to fulfill the expectations of your ancestors, to slay all the demons, and to restore peace to the world! "

“...... No, I refuse. My brothers and I imagined that we were just ordinary peasants, so please leave. "

Shi Toto Ichiro sighed in his heart that it was really like this, and immediately refused without giving face, he was very sorry for his life, and he also valued his younger brother. Don't say whether he has talent or not, even if he has talent, he won't agree! And the gifted younger brother is even more unlikely to let him go, after all, once he goes, he will be valued, and then pushed to the front line to fight in the most dangerous places.

Where did he accept such an outcome?

"Vigilant and protective, I know why you refused, but there's one thing I want you to know."

Hearing Shitou Ichiro's words, Sanyashiki Tianyin wanted to give up for the time being, and come back to ask in a few days, she hoped to impress the two of them with her true feelings and sincerity. However, Ye Yiming didn't think so, or maybe he didn't want to do it.

Just kidding, how can he rush his S-level evaluation if he gives up like this? You can get an S-level birthday package, but you can only get an A! He's not going to do it!

"Listen, I am the son of God who came down from heaven, the god who lives in this world, and I am here to put an end to the ghosts... Despite this, my abilities are still limited, I can't run all over the world, and I can't devote too much energy to killing the entire Guo Jia's hidden ghosts, so I need the help of you outstanding talents in the future. "

"Don't worry, I know you don't believe it, you must be curious about this wooden house, right? It's made by my ability, like now..."

Shi Tou Ichiro didn't believe Ye Yiming's nonsense at all, but Ye Yiming couldn't help but believe it, so he would use tenderness on their brothers, but told them very simply and clearly, you don't have a choice!

With a lift of their right hand, the trees around them that had been depleted immediately became lush in the winter weather, and the lush green shade of each tree shocked the brothers. In the next second, Ye Yiming appeared on the top of a tree, through the ability of instantaneousness.


The left hand was raised, the transparent aura spread, and Ye Yiming's long-unused surgical fruit ability appeared again, and after this ability covered the range of the hundred-meter sphere, all the wooden houses and numbers were cut into pieces by the Sun Wheel Knife that Ye Yiming pulled out, and then returned to one under their frightened gaze, as if nothing had happened.

"It's not some special ability, it's a divine power, now do you believe in my identity? Ah, you actually have a scratch on your left leg, right? If nothing else, it should have been accidentally scraped by sharp wood while chopping wood. "

The righteous eyes of the demon god unfolded, Ye Yiming saw the injury of Touichiro at 5.5 o'clock, and then came to him in an instant, when he nervously pulled out the small axe and slashed at him, he only stretched out two fingers and clamped it steadily, and then the free hand came out with a green light, and instantly healed his right leg.

Whether it has been cured or not, the person concerned knows best. After the faint pain in his right leg disappeared, he was also frightened and immediately rolled up his pants, and then saw his right leg intact.

"Now, do you believe it?"

Ye Yiming turned on the flicker mode again!


6 more tonight, guaranteed 5 more + reward plus 1 more!

Tomorrow is also 6 more, guaranteed 5 more + flower evaluation plus 1 more!

Thank you all for your support and hope to continue to support me! Can you update more, see if the motivation you give is enough! _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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