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“Also Perfection Battle Art!”

Qin Feiyang avoided the falling broken stone while staring at Wang Zicheng two people, and the pumps radiance flashed.

What kind of people are these two people, and unexpectedly have the Perfection Supplement Battle Art?

To know.

Even in Divine City and Head Pagoda, Perfection auxiliary battle art is very rare.

Bang bang bang!

Hong long!

Wang Zicheng and youth robust man start a chase in the grotto.

But what puzzles Qin Feiyang is that two people not only have the same cultivation base, but also have Perfection Battle Art. In terms of strength, they can be regarded as equal.

But Wang Zicheng was just defensive from start to finish and never faced it.

Is this youthful man hiding some amazing means to prevent Wang Zicheng from confronting each other?

After a while.

Wang Zicheng faced bitterly, with a pleading tone, and said, “Da Manniu, is n’t it OK for the Young Master to apologize?”

“Can these things be resolved by an apology?”

Youth robust man extremely angry.

Wang Zicheng’s violent temper also came up, roaring: “What the hell are you doing?”

The youth robust man said, “Give me all the treasures you get here!”

“Nothing here, where’s the treasure?”

Wang Zicheng said angrily.

“Will the ruins left by one Battle Emperor have no treasure? Are you stupid as this Uncle?”

“Selfish scoundrel, die for this Uncle!”

The youth robust man angered soaring heaven, and one fist smashed it, persevering Changhong, shaking the whole island.

“Really, I didn’t lie to you.”

“Don’t believe you ask him.”

Wang Zicheng pointed anxiously to Qin Feiyang.

youth robust man frowned, stop at void, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang said: “We did find nothing here.”

He did not lie.

Before under lava, he and Wang Zicheng had searched carefully, but found nothing.

“Without treasure, what shit remains?”

Youth robust man glanced at the grotto, his rough face full of annoyance.

Wang Zicheng frowns saying: “Da Manniu, aren’t you supposed to be at inner sea? How could it be here? Are you following me?”

“hmph! ”

“Follow you, you deserve yourself too much.”

“This remains, this Uncle has long been discovered, but it has not been able to break the Array at the entrance.”

youth robust man coldly snorted.

Wang Zicheng said: “So, you didn’t stay in inner sea after we separated last time?”


“After the original separation, this Uncle came directly here, looking for a way to crack the Array, but there was no clue.”

“Just as this Uncle was leaving, you came.”

“I thought there was a great treasure in it, but didn’t expect even a hair, it’s a waste of time!”

Youth robust man.

“known long time ago……”

Qin Feiyang was thinking about it when the youth robust man was telling.

When the young robust man finished, he immediately asked: “You learned from that mouth of Falcon?”

“Do not.”

“It was that Falcon that learned from this Uncle, because this remains was first discovered by this Uncle.”

Youth robust man.

“Did you find out?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow and said, “Don’t tell me, that Falcon told me the location of the ruins. Did you deliberately design it?”


“It was designed by this Uncle.”

“Because this Uncle can’t help it, I want you to try it.”

“But this Uncle just let it tell you a person, but didn’t expect the scoundrel to follow you quietly.”

“Originally, this Uncle was kind of unpleasant.”

“But think about it, why don’t this Uncle have a mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind, and kill him here?”

Youth robust man looked towards Wang Zicheng, sneer again and again.

Wang Zicheng was furious and drank: “You bastard, unexpectedly really plan to kill the Young Master?”

“What about it?”

Youth robust man looked at him provocatively.

“Okay, well, Young Master will play with you today!”

Wang Zicheng extremely angry, laughing, imposing manner burst out.

“Come on, I am afraid of you!”

Youth robust man smirked, his muscles exploded, and he was filled with a devastating force.

“Okay, Young Master, I’ll see you back today!”

Wang Zicheng yelled, carrying a rolling attitude, and raged towards the young robust man.

See you.

Qin Feiyang quickly backed away.

The two people’s battle was not something he could participate in.

But when Qin Feiyang thought that when two people must kill a dark place, Wang Zicheng suddenly made a volley, swept into the tunnel like lightning, and then swept toward the deep ocean without turning back.

“what’s the situation?”

“Escape without war!”

Qin Feiyang looked wrong.

Youth robust man is also aggressive.

“haha ……”

“Da Manniu, do you think the Young Master is stupid, and you meet force with force? The Young Master doesn’t have that energy.”

“Young Master is going to see you, goodbye.”

Wang Zicheng’s proud laughter swayed inside the tunnel.

“Scoundrel, don’t run!”

Youth robust man immediately seething in anger, chasing Wang Zicheng.

“This is over?”

Qin Feiyang has a strange face. How do you feel the relationship between these two people, just like he and Wang You’er?

“Really 2 top grades.”

He shook the head, glanced at the cave in disappointment, and flew towards the tunnel.

Comes full of expectation, but didn’t expect it.

White is busy.

“Qin Feiyang, wait a minute.”

But suddenly.

A voice passed into Qin Feiyang’s ears.


Qin Feiyang stopped and looked down at Specter Snake Sovereign, which was coiled on his wrist.

“What does this Sovereign seem to have discovered?”

Specter Snake Sovereign said, breaking out of the sky, floating somewhere on the left side of the grotto, ethereal little eyes, constantly scanning on the front stone wall.

Qin Feiyang turned around and saw a fragmented pit on the stone wall in front of Specter Snake Sovereign.

It was exactly that one fist smashed out of the youth robust man.

He walked suspiciously, stood next to Specter Snake Sovereign, observed the meeting closely, but found nothing abnormal!

Just as he was about to ask, Specter Snake Sovereign suddenly looked up, staring directly above the big pit.

The rocks there are also broken.

“There is a problem!”

A few interest passes.

Specter Snake Sovereign’s pumps swept across a radiance.

“what is the problem?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


Specter Snake Sovereign flew up, lifted his tail, pointed at the broken rock, and said, “Look at this, is there a light different from the one strand and lava in this crack?”

“A different light from lava?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, flew to the Specter Snake Sovereign, and fixed his eyes.



There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Between the cracks of this rock, there really are rays of light of different colors in one strand.

Under the burning of lava, this grotto all year round has long turned red.

But the light coming out of this stone gap is white.

It’s just faint.

If you don’t look closely, you can’t find it.

“Is there something hidden inside?”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Specter Snake Sovereign.

“Will it be the treasure left by the Battle Emperor?”

Specter Snake Sovereign also looked at Qin Feiyang.


One person, one snake spirit.

Qin Feiyang immediately raised his hand and stuck it to the rock, immediately shocked.


With a deep sound, a large rock smashed instantly, and a bright Cave Mansion immediately appeared under the sight of Qin Feiyang and Specter Snake Sovereign.


A horrific heat surged from within Cave Mansion.

This heat flow is terrifying countless times more than the temperature of lava. Even the Specter Snake Sovereign of 9-Star Battle Ancestor can’t carry it!

Qin Feiyang immediately propped up a Battle Qi Array to protect Specter Snake Sovereign.

Follow closely.

Qin Feiyang and Specter Snake Sovereign glanced at the Cave Mansion in front of them.

Cave Mansion Yo-mo five-six zhang left and right, with a slap of flames floating in the center.

But this flame is different from other flames.

The whole body of the flame was white, like a bone fire, and it exuded a very high temperature, but it gave a sense of coldness.

And the light they saw outside before was the rays of light from this Pill Fire.

And under the flame, there is a jade box lying quietly on the ground, covered with a thick layer of dust.

Apart from this, there is nothing else within the Cave Mansion.

Qin Feiyang and Specter Snake Sovereign both looked at each other, swept into Cave Mansion, and landed in front of the white flame.

“It’s so hot, shouldn’t it be Pill Fire?”

Specter Snake Sovereign looked at the meeting, wondering.

“Try it out. If you can sign a blood contract, it must be Pill Fire.”

Qin Feiyang cut through his fingers, drops of Purple Gold Dragon Blood, and rushed toward the white flame.

After a while.

The flame unexpectedly vacated one strand of blood light.

Seeing this, Qin Feiyang and Specter Snake Sovereign were overjoyed.

Because this is a sign of a successful blood contract.

After successfully signing a blood contract, a stream of information also flooded into Qin Feiyang’s mind.


His body trembled, and his face was ecstatic.


Specter Snake Sovereign looked at him in surprise.

Qin Feiyang exhilarated, “This is Pill Fire, and it’s still a cluster of Grade 7 Pill Fire!”


Specter Snake Sovereign was dumbfounded.

Their luck is too heaven-defying. How long has this been to the Azure Sea and unexpectedly met a cluster of Grade 7 Pill Fire?

“Didn’t expect, really didn’t expect.”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Now, as long as you get the cluster of Grade 7 Pill Fire in the inner sea, there is only one kind.

It seems that it won’t be long before Underworld Demon Flame can be upgraded to Grade 8!

Sure enough, luck is here, and you can’t stop it!


Qin Feiyang stooped again and grabbed the jade box on the ground.

Pill Fire is all Grade 7, then the contents of this jade box must be even more amazing!

He couldn’t wait to open it.

However, he was surprised to find that unexpectedly he could not open this jade box.

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang froze.

Specter Demon Snake in one’s eyes is also full of suspicion.

Qin Feiyang tried it a few more times, simply put it away, and told Specter Snake Sovereign: “This will be studied slowly later. Look for it, is there anything else.”

One man and one snake immediately got up inside Cave Mansion.

“Yi! ”

“Come on, what are these white powders?”

After the interest rate.

Specter Snake Sovereign’s alarm sounded suddenly.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly walked over and looked down towards the ground, which was indeed covered with a layer of white powder.

He squatted on the ground, stretched out his index finger, touched the powder with his fingertips, smelled it on the tip of his nose, and frowned immediately.

“Did you smell it?”

Specter Snake Sovereign asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded, saying: “This is the ashes of a person, it should be the master of this Pill Fire.”

“This way!”

Specter Snake Sovereign immediately lost interest, but suddenly seemed to think, saying: “Since he died here, then his heaven and earth bag should be here too, why didn’t you see it?”

“The temperature here is so high, even if there is a heaven and earth bag, it has already turned into ashes.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head said with a smile.

“That’s right!”

Specter Snake Sovereign nodded, then turning one’s head looked towards elsewhere.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the ashes on the ground, and got up to continue searching. Although on the surface, no other things can be seen inside Cave Mansion, maybe there will be hidden dark cells or dark rooms!

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