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Qin Feiyang expression is wrong.

“You may not know that, among our Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea, Da Manniu is not the most powerful, but it is the most difficult one.”

“As long as he is there, we have a chance to snatch Pill Fire, almost half of it.”

Wang Zicheng said.

“Is it so difficult?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“Nonsense, haven’t you seen his forbidden technique? His forbidden technique gives him extremely terrifying power.”

“Let me tell you this, as long as he opens the forbidden technique, we Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea, no one dares to meet him with force.”

Wang Zicheng said.

Qin Feiyang said suddenly, “It’s no wonder that when you played against each other, you were always avoiding.”

“As far as I am, when he starts the forbidden technique, one fist can blast me into a meat pie. Can I avoid it?”

Wang Zicheng said.

Qin Feiyang helplessly said: “Well, I didn’t understand what you meant, and I apologize to you.”

“Apologizing is a fart, hurry up and catch up.”

Wang Zicheng turned his eyes to him and turned into a stream of light, breaking away like lightning.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

These Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea, it turns out that everyone has a catty in their hearts.


Just as he was about to chase away, the image crystal stone suddenly made a noise.

Qin Feiyang took out the image crystal stone.

An illusory shadow quickly emerged, it was fatty, but I saw an anxious expression on fatty’s face.


Qin Feiyang asked.

fatty said solemnly: “The big thing is bad, Li He and Shen Feiyun are killed!”


Qin Feiyang body trembling, quickly asked: “When will it happen?”

“last night.”

Fatty road.

Qin Feiyang surprised and angry, “How come, I’m not asking Yan Wei to pay attention to Fu Anshan?”

“The person who killed them was not Fu Anshan.”

“That is who?”

Qin Feiyang.


Fatty road.


Qin Feiyang staring blankly endlessly, saying: “I’m in the Azure Sea, how could it be possible to kill them? Not to mention I don’t have this ability.”

Fat said, “Of course Fat Master knew it wasn’t you, but someone saw you at the scene.”


Qin Feiyang.

Fat shook his head and said, “I don’t know, this person is hiding deeply. After spreading the news, it disappears without disappear without a trace.”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “Anyway, find this person.”

The person who killed Li He and Shen Feiyun must be the one who spread it.

Even if it wasn’t for him, he knew who the real murderer was.

“I will continue to investigate.”

“But now everyone has believed that you did it.”

“Not only has Head Pagoda Lord personally ordered that must kick you out, even Li He’s children are looking for you in 4 places.”

“And the Pavilion Lord of Business Pavillion has also issued a killing order against you.”

Fatty road.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“As long as the Miss Mu Family and Dragon and Phoenix Building don’t say, no one knows that I am Qin Feiyang.”

“Hurry up and investigate this matter. I’ll contact Yan Wei.”

Qin Feiyang.


fatty nodded, close the image of crystal stone.



Yan Wei’s illusory shadow also emerged.

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s gloomy’s face, Yan Wei pupil shrank a little, and said, “It seems fatty has told you the death of Li He two people.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, frowns saying: “Don’t I let you pay attention to Fu Anshan? Why is this happening again?”

“I swear, I’ve been monitoring him for this time.”

“And I can guarantee that Fu Anshan did not leave the Northern City Business Pavillion half a step when the incident happened last night.”

Yan Wei said.

“Did not leave half a step?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

He originally thought that the murderer was Fu Anshan.

Because there is only Fu Anshan, and there are festivals with Shen Feiyun and Li He at the same time.

Shen Feiyun killed Fu Xiong, hatred of killing son cannot live under the same sky, Fu Anshan will certainly not give up.

And Li He, because of the succession of Vice Pavillion Lord, Fu Anshan also had the idea of ​​removing Li He.

So this murderer, as it should be by rights, should be Fu Anshan.

But now Yan Wei tells him that Fu Anshan has never left the Northern City Business Pavillion.

Doesn’t this mean that this matter has nothing to do with Fu Anshan?

As for saying that Yan Wei lied to him, it was impossible.

Because there is a Slave Seal.

Moreover, Yan Wei, who is now living up to follow him, will not deceive him even without the constraints of Slave Seal.

But not Fu Anshan and who?

Although Fu Anshan hasn’t left the Northern City Business Pavillion, will he be directed by others to do it?

In short.

Regardless, Fu Anshan’s suspicions are the biggest.

Yan Wei suddenly said, “Would you say it’s Mu Family?”

“Mu Family?”

Qin Feiyang is slightly stared blankly. If you think about it, it seems that it is not impossible, after all, Mu Family has framed him like this before.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Where did they die?”

Yan Wei said: “Outside the city, in a valley far away.”

Qin Feiyang said, “What about corpses?”

Yan Wei sighed: “When we got the news and rushed, their bodies had been poisoned by Vicious Beast, with only 2 arms left.”

“oh! ”

Qin Feiyang is deeply sighed.

For Li He, he has always had a good opinion.

Because this old man is not hypocritical, what he wants to do, what he wants to say will be directly said.

And Shen Feiyun.

Although they almost killed them in Azure Sea City some time ago, in fact, they are pretty good.

He deeply deplores the death of these two people!

Qin Feiyang exhaled, looking towards Yan Wei: “Is the origin of the 5 colorful fruits, has Li He been detected?”

“Unclear, he didn’t mention it at this time.”

Yan Wei shook his head.

Qin Feiyang said: “Then I will give you a task now, readjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, enter Northern City Business Pavillion, and get Fu Anshan’s trust as soon as possible. I want to master his every move.”

“it is good.”

Yan Wei nodded.

Qin Feiyang closed the image of the crystal stone, lowered his head, and fell into deep thought.


He still plans to ask Mu Qing.

Because Mu Qing this person is arrogant, if Mu Family did it, he would definitely not deny it.


After a while.

Mu Qing’s illusory shadow emerges.

When he saw it was Qin Feiyang, Mu Qing screamed, “Aiya, isn’t this the big celebrity of our Forgotten Continent? Big celebrity, is there something wrong with my nameless pawn?”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes fell, and he said, “Speak less rumors, did you kill Shen Feiyun and Li He?”

Mu Qing said with a laugh: “Sure enough, as I expected, you will definitely suspect that this is related to my Mu Family.”

“Is that right?”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

Mu Qing looked at him playfully and said, “Guess what.”

“My patience is limited.”

Qin Feiyang gloomy.

“Hey hey hey, is there anything wrong, now you are asking me, how can I use this attitude?”

“But then again, you this person is really an innate black physique. No matter where you go, someone will frame you.”

Mu Qing said with a smile.

Looking at this picture of Qin Feiyang, he felt inexplicably happy.

“So, isn’t it your Mu Family?”

Qin Feiyang.

“Nonsense, if it’s my Mu Family, I’ll accompany you here?”

Mu Qing rolled her eyes.

“That’s all right.”

Qin Feiyang said, ready to close the image of crystal stone.

“Wait a minute.”

“I think it’s necessary to give you some advice.”

“Be careful at Azure Sea.”

Mu Qing said.

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Mu Qing indifferently said: “It’s not interesting. Someone is curious about you and may go to get you in trouble.”

Qin Feiyang coldly snorted and said: “I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. I am born of this person who is not afraid of trouble.”

“Don’t be too confident. The opponents this time are not ordinary, because they are all influential figures of my Mu Family.”

Mu Qing smiled, and the illusory shadow disappeared instantly.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered.

It seems that Mu Family has also received the news of Pill Fire’s present, and intends to insert a foot.

“Influential figure …”

“Huh, I’ll see how great it is!”

Qin Feiyang snorted from nose, then put away the crystal stone and flew towards inner sea.

Wang Zicheng two people must be caught up now.

Because he was too late, the two people were both 9-Star Battle Saints, too much faster than him, so he planned to go to Wang You’er two people.

But not long after, he unexpectedly saw Wang Zicheng in front, but saw Wang Zicheng alone standing over the Sea Domain, his eyebrows tightened.

“Willn’t you wait for me?”

Qin Feiyang mumbled and flew over quickly.

Wang Zicheng said with displeasure: “What you are doing later will wait for you half a day.”

“Really waiting for me?”

“What exactly does this person want to do?”

Qin Feiyang was extremely confused, but there was nothing strange on his face. He apologized for saying with a smile: “Sorry, I temporarily received a summoning, which took a while.”

“You are really a busy man.”

Wang Zicheng snorted.

Qin Feiyang embarrased smiled, glanced at all around void, and asked, “What about that silly big man?”

“It’s long gone.”

Wang Zicheng pursed his lips, but immediately said with a smile: “But this is also good, walking with him, always guarding him, too tired.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Then you have to guard me, too, because I may also be bad for you.”

“is it?”

“I really don’t see it, you have the courage.”

Wang Zicheng looked at him with a sense of fun in his eyes.

“Ha ha.”

Qin Feiyang laughed and said nothing.

Actually, it was Wang Zicheng who guarded him.

Although they have known each other for 2 months, they do not know each other at all, nor have they been so close.

But this person, unexpectedly waiting for him here, is too abnormal.

Wang Zicheng turned around, also a meaningful smile, and then took Qin Feiyang and quickly disappeared at the end of Sea Domain.

At the same time!

At the junction of the open sea and inner sea, there is a huge island.

The island is about several dozen li, like one giant Vicious Beast, lying on the sea.

On the island.

The peaks are stacked and the vegetation is lush.

A wide river, like a python, winds its way through East, West, North, and South.


Located on the east side of the island, there is a five-six hundred left and right mountain peak, and a man and a woman sit on the mountain summit.

The male body is slender and the instrument is extraordinary.

The girl’s body is exquisite, black hair like a waterfall, her skin is crystal clear, and her dress is not stained with dust.

Two people are Young Master Hao and Wang You’er.

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