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“That can’t tell you.”

“Don’t threaten me, because I promised him that no one can say it, including my father.”

“Don’t try to force him, so as not to let him know and say I’m talkative.”

Young Master Hao.

Wang You’er really wanted to threaten him, but he gave up as soon as he heard this.

Young Master Hao’s personality, she still understands, promises that others will definitely do it, but if you don’t figure it out, she will feel like an ant is biting in her heart, and she will not feel well.


Her eyes flashed.

Since the threat can’t work, come softly!

“Brother, you also know my personality, and my curiosity is very strong. If I figure it out, my heart will always be in a mess, and it will be difficult to land.”

“Just tell me, I promise you, never tell anyone.”

“I don’t believe it, I can swear.”

Wang You’er showed pitiful expression, looking at Young Master Hao.

Young Master Hao was very determined and shook his head: “No, no, I can’t lose faith with others.”

Wang You’er immediately became frustrated and said, “Do you have to force me to use the charm technique?”


“Don’t you embarrass me?”

“If i had known earlier, I shouldn’t have told you.”

Young Master Hao annoyed.

“Okay, I don’t embarrass you, I still take care of you so much, White-Eyed Wolf, paying more attention to a lover than friends.”

Wang You’er coldly snorted, unhappy.

“Paying more attention to a lover than friends?”

Young Master Hao twitched his face, exasperated: “What do you want? Old Brother Mu and I are pure revolutionary friendship.”

“Purity, what else do you want to explain? To cover it.”

Wang You’er sneered.

Young Master Hao rubbed his forehead and said weakly, “Well, I confess, you can say whatever you like.”


At this time.

The sound of another breaking the sky came.

Young Master Hao looked up, and immediately saw two figures coming from the lightning breaking the sky.

Young Master Hao’s face immediately emerged with a smile.

Because here, it is Qin Feiyang.

But when he saw Wang Zicheng next to Qin Feiyang, the joy on his face dissipated again, and he was full of doubts.

“How could this scoundrel be with him?”

When Wang You’er looked up, he was even angry on the spot.


At the edge of the pond below, the scar big person and the others also eyes opened, looked towards Qin Feiyang two people.

“It’s him!”


The scary intention in the eyes of the big person scars out.

The other 9 husky fellows are also vicious glints.

At the same time!

Over the sea, Qin Feiyang also saw the island, but Young Master Hao two people and the scar big person and the others did not notice.

Wang Zicheng glanced at the island, said with a smile: “The end of the island is inner sea, that guy should have gone in.”

The guy in his mouth was referring to the youth robust man.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the inner sea. Immediately, he climbed a hint of suspicion, but he saw the sky of the inner sea, dark clouds, and thunder and lightning.

Although still far away, he could already faintly hear the loud thunder.

The sea surface is also a strong wind and waves!

With the open sea, it is simply 2 pieces of Heaven and Earth.

Wang Zicheng said: “It’s shocking!”

Qin Feiyang nodded, frowns saying: “What’s going on?”

“I do not know either.”

“But between the inner sea and the open sea, there is an invisible barrier.”

“This barrier goes deep into the sea.”

“Whether it is the storm of the inner sea, or our humans, or Sea Beast, we cannot cross this barrier.”

“The only entrance is this island.”

Wang Zicheng explained.


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Completely didn’t expect, between inner sea and the open sea, unexpectedly there is still such a thing.

Wang Zicheng said a little silence, and said, “However, there are rumors that this barrier was laid by one God.”


Qin Feiyang stared.


“It is said that a long time ago, inner sea was born one Divine Beast.”

“Listen clearly, it’s not Divine Beast with Divine Beast power of Bloodline, it’s one true God Level Divine Beast.”

“But what exactly is Divine Beast, no one knows.”

“It is said that this Divine Beast is very ambitious. If you want to rule this continent, you will lead numerous Sea Beasts and invade our human World crazy.”

“It is conceivable how terrifying the scenes invaded by these Sea Beasts.”

“It is said that in the past few years, the earth was buried at 1000000 corpses, and blood flow became a river. Humans were not their opponents at all.

“Seeing that human was about to perish, a mysterious powerhouse suddenly came.”

“This person has great strength, and that Divine Beast bloody battle for 3 days and 3 nights, finally finally surrendered that Divine Beast and drove all Sea Beast back to the Azure Sea.”

“After that, the mysterious powerhouse laid an Array here to prevent those Sea Beasts from making a comeback.”

Wang Zicheng said.

Qin Feiyang heard stared blankly stared blankly and said, “How do I feel so incredible?”

Wang Zicheng said with a smile: “This is a legend, no one can prove it, of course it sounds incredible.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, but immediately shook the head, saying: “The legend may not be false, it is just what we witnessed.”


“However, whether this legend is true or not, this barrier does protect our humanity.”

“Because of the Sea Beast of the inner sea, the lowest is Sacred Beast.”

“If they launch a beast tide, the consequences are simply unpredictable.”

Wang Zicheng solemnly.

Qin Feiyang did not deny this.


He glanced over the island, frowns saying: “No, although the barrier can stop Sea Beast, they can completely escape from the island?”


“It is said that this island contains the will of that mysterious powerhouse. Only we humans can come in and out of freedom, and the Sea Beast of inner sea will be killed instantly after passing here.”

“As for Sea Beast in the open sea, you can also enter inner sea through here, but as long as you go in, you can never go out.”

“It means that for Sea Beast here, this entrance can only be entered but not accessible.”

“Because of this, our descendants will call this island Divine Island.”

“And Divine Island has a more amazing phenomenon, no matter how you destroy it, you can’t destroy it.”

“Where it is destroyed, 2nd day will be restored.”

Wang Zicheng said.

“Is it so magical?”

Wang Zicheng’s words immediately impressed Qin Feiyang’s curiosity.

He has heard a lot of strange stories in the world, but this kind of strange news was really heard for the first time. It seems to be a good insight.

After a while.

Two people finally entered the island.


Qin Feiyang stopped at the moment, and a bit of suspicion appeared between the eyebrows.


Wang Zicheng looked at him suspiciously.


By the pond.

The big person with the scar was also shrinking, and murmured, “Did he find out?”

Above the mountain summit.

Wang You’er looked at Qin Feiyang and Wang Zicheng, said with a sneer: “Sure enough, things are clustered together, and people are clustered.”

Young Master Hao pouted: “elder sister, I don’t agree with that.”

“Did I say you? You step in.”

Wang You’er exasperated.

Young Master Hao was dissatisfied: “I’ve been with him often during this time. When you say this to him, you’re saying me!

“Less nonsense.”

Wang You’er fiercely stared at him, looked again towards Qin Feiyang, coldly snorted and said: “unexpectedly and the inferior embryo following the bad example of others, see that I don’t clean him up today!”

Just pick up your clothes and get ready for a big fight.

But at the same time.

Young Master Hao seems to have found something, looking down towards the scar big person and the others, and suddenly the complexion changed, grabbing Wang You’er, secretly thought: “wait a minute!”


Wang You’er was a little angry.

Young Master Hao pointed at the scar big person and the others, crossing the road: “Look at their bodies as if there is a murderous aura.”


Wang You’er was startled, and immediately looked down, and it really felt a Murderous aura on those people.

“Did their goal be Mu Zuzong?”

She retracted her gaze and looked at Young Master Hao in amazement.

“Old Brother Mu stands with the inferior embryo in your mouth, but their eyes have always locked on Old Brother Mu, obviously it is!”

Young Master Hao said solemnly.

Wang You’er was surprised: “This shouldn’t be, he is now your father’s discipline, who dares to attack him?”

“Leave it alone, let Old Brother Mu know.”

Young Master Hao.


Over the island.

Seeing Qin Feiyang lowering his head, hesitated, Wang Zicheng lost his patience and urged: “brother, what’s the matter? Just say something!”

“it’s wired.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head mumbled.

“What’s strange?”

Wang Zicheng frowned.

Qin Feiyang looked up towards Wang Zicheng and said, “As soon as I entered the sky above the island, I felt a special kind of taste.”


Wang Zicheng’s face turned dark, and he sent Qin Feiyang a big white eye, speechless saying: “You are dreaming, this is the first time you come, how can you feel kind?”


Qin Feiyang frowned.

He can be sure that this is not a dream, because that intimacy has always been there.

But Wang Zicheng is not wrong. This is indeed the first time he came to Divine Island. How could he feel this way?

“Don’t delay, go quickly!”

Wang Zicheng dragged Qin Feiyang and flew forward.


Two people went deep into the island 5 6, and only half a mile away from Wang You’er two people and the big person and the others.

With the deepening, the intimacy of Qin Feiyang to Divine Island has become stronger.

He kept his head down, thinking about it.

“Old Brother Mu, watch out, someone is going to attack you!”


A violent loudly shouted exploded in Qin Feiyang’s mind.


He immediately shivered and stopped instinctively, glancing at the mountain river below.

“What happened to you?”

Wang Zicheng is going crazy.

Qin Feiyang didn’t say a word, and frowned slightly creasing. If I heard correctly, it should be the voice of Young Master Hao?

“The person who wants to sneak attack on you is at a pond half a mile away from you. There are ten people in total, 9 9-Star Battle Saints, and 1-Star Battle Emperor.”

That voice sounded again in Qin Feiyang’s mind.

“It really is Young Master Hao!”

Qin Feiyang was unexpected.

I thought Young Master Hao and Wang You’er had entered the inner sea, but didn’t expect that he was still waiting for him.

But expression has not changed at all.

He looked up towards Wang Zicheng, sound transmission said: “We may be in trouble again.”

“What do you mean?”

Wang Zicheng was suspicious.

Qin Feiyang secretly thought: “Somewhere in the front half, someone ambush, 9 9-Star Battle Saints, one 1-Star Battle Emperor.”


“Why did I not see it?”

Wang Zicheng glanced at the suspect suspiciously, then turning one’s head and looked forward.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly said, “Don’t look, let them think that we haven’t found them yet.”

Wang Zicheng stiffened his body, pretending to glance at 4 random places, then retracted his gaze and looked at Qin Feiyang secretly thought: “Are you sure?”


“Because of my Sixth Sense, I have never made a mistake.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark responded.

“Sixth Sense?”

Wang Zicheng’s mouth was fiercely twitched, isn’t the female talented having Sixth Sense? But looking at Qin Feiyang’s serious look, he didn’t seem to be joking, so he asked in the dark, “Will they come for you or for me?”

“Where do I know, anyway it is possible.”

Qin Feiyang is vague.

“It’s really recklessly!”

In Wang Zicheng’s eyes, immediately cold light surged, and sound transmission asked, “Can your Invisibility Technique be started?”

“What do you say?”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

“The hunt, let’s start!”

Wang Zicheng laughed, Battle Qi surged, rolled up Qin Feiyang, then dived, and disappeared into the jungle below instantly.

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