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Roar! ! !

oh la la! !! !!

inner sea, Southwest.

Over a piece of Sea Domain, one head of Sea Beast keeps roaring out, big as mountains, small as rocks, exuding a fearful might.

Below the sea, the waves are rolling and deafening!

And their fierce expression stared at a huge ship below.

It’s Saint King Ship!

At the bow, Wang You’er stood up to the wind, ice muscles jade bones, and blue silk flying, like a Fairy about to go by the wind.

Qin Feiyang, Young Master Hao, and Wang Zicheng are sitting on the side to meditate.

It has been 5 days since the Venomous Viper Ship was stolen.

In addition to the harassment of Sea Beast in these 5 days, it was quite calm.

Saint King Ship also sailed deep into the inner sea.

According to Wang Zicheng, there are only 2 days left from the location of Pill Fire.

And more and more Sea Beasts have been encountered.


Accompanied by a snarling roar, the Sea Beast on all four sides rushed towards Saint King Ship.

But Wang You’er didn’t panic, didn’t even take a look, and drove Saint King Ship forward.


Bang bang bang!

When those Sea Beasts came, Saint King Ship all around unexpectedly a light curtain emerged.

Follow closely.

Those Sea Beasts flew out after being bombarded 2 in a row.

Saint King Ship is Sacred Artifact. Unless Emperor Beast appears, no one wants to break into this restricted area and hurt Qin Feiyang four people.

Half an hour passed.

Wang You’er suddenly looked towards the left Sea Domain, whispering: “There is an island there.”

Qin Feiyang three people eyes opened and looked up.

I saw that there is indeed an island outside the huge li, and it is very large. It is estimated that there can be a fifty-sixty diameter in the diameter, but the island is barren and the stone forest is standing.

And in the middle of the island, another huge rock, the whole body is glowing with dark red rays of light, like a blood-stained Demon Sword, towering into the sky!

Wang Zicheng pupil shrunk slightly, said solemnly: “Don’t get near that island.”

“Any questions?”

Young Master Hao is puzzled.


“That island is called Devil’s Island. None of the living creatures that enter the island can survive, and it is one of the three most powerful places in the inner sea.”

Wang Zicheng said.

“So dangerous?”

Qin Feiyang three people were surprised.


“It is said that Devil’s Island has a mysterious power that will plunder the life and lifespan of living creatures.”

“And once you go in, it’s like going to jail and you can’t come out.”

“Don’t think that I’m frightening words to scare people.”

“I once saw a 2-Star Battle Emperor with my own eyes. I thought I was capable, and I broke into Devil’s Island despite the persuasion of my peers.

“As a result, lifespan was robbed a little bit by that mysterious power until it finally died in despair.”

Wang Zicheng said solemnly.

Qin Feiyang three people looked at each other in blank dismay.

There is no way to even enter the Battle Emperor. Is this too afraid right?

“Don’t believe it, you can take a closer look. The island is full of human and Sea Beast bones.”

Wang Zicheng said.

Young Master Hao asked, “Is it dangerous to approach?”

Wang Zicheng shook his head and said, “As long as you don’t step into the island, you won’t worry about your life.”

Young Master Hao Jing God One, turning one’s head looked towards Wang You’er, saying: “elder sister, let’s go and see.”

“Newborn calves do not fear tigers!”

Wang You’er shook the head, with a thought in mind, Saint King Ship slowly turned around and headed for Devil’s Island.

Seeing Saint King Ship heading for Devil’s Island, the Sea Beast chasing several people stopped in void.

The flashing pumps, which was originally vicious glint, also suddenly panicked.

Dong!! !

Followed by.

They successively got into the sea and disappeared.

Watching Sea Beast’s response, Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered, and it seemed that Devil’s Island was really not kind.


Saint King Ship headed in front of Devil’s Island, only half a mile away between the two.

Wang You’er didn’t dare to move forward and stopped Saint King Ship.

And at this point, no One Sea Beast came out to make trouble.

To be precise, it is the Sea Domain of Devil’s Island all around, no one Vicious Beast exists.

Except for the sound of wind and waves, the deathly stillness was still there.

Wang Zicheng got up and glanced at Devil’s Island, and warned repeatedly: “10000000 Don’t run into it with luck.”

In fact, Qin Feiyang three people didn’t dare to go in without telling him.

Because they had seen the bones above Devil’s Island.

As long as the place where you can see is full of white bones, it can’t be described by the word ‘stunning’.

It’s mountain of corpses and sea of ​​bones.

It’s Asura Hell!

Makes your hair scalp!


Qin Feiyang seems to be thinking, turning one’s head looked towards Wang Zicheng, saying: “You just said, there is a mysterious power on the island that can plunder the life and lifespan of living creatures?”


Wang Zicheng nodded.

Qin Feiyang said, “You also said that Devil’s Island is like a cage, can’t you get in and out?”


Wang Zicheng is nodded again.

Qin Feiyang looked again towards Devil’s Island, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

He thought of Black Dragon Glacier.

If what Wang Zicheng said is true, then here is exactly the same as Black Dragon Glacier.

Wang You’er suddenly looked towards the side again, wondering, “Well, look, there is an island over there.”

Qin Feiyang and Young Master Hao looked up.

There is indeed an island away from the several li of Devil’s Island, but it is much smaller than Devil’s Island, only 5 6 miles left and right.

On the island, trees and Sea Beast are faintly visible.

Young Master Hao exclaimed: “Brother Wang, shouldn’t that island be a fierce island?”

“How can there be so many fierce islands?”

“It’s just a very ordinary island with some Sea Beast on it.”

“But there was a ruin on the island before, but it has been swept away by us.”

Wang Zicheng evilly smiled.

Qin Feiyang said, “Is there a lot of ruins in inner sea?”

“Of course.”

“Especially under the deep sea, luck is good, you can find one in six months.”

“But there is a powerful Emperor Beast lurking in the deep ocean. The average person is afraid to go on an adventure.”

“Sometimes I’m in a whim, and then I’ll look for it.”

Wang Zicheng said.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Wang Zicheng’s remarks revealed a very important message.

Emperor Beast usually lurks beneath the deep ocean.

In other words.

Emperor Beast rarely appears on the sea. As long as you do not enter the deep sea bottom, you will not encounter any fatal crisis.

Wang Zicheng said: “Don’t delay, hurry up!”

Wang You’er nodded, steer Saint King Ship and continue towards Southwest.

Qin Feiyang has been paying attention to Devil’s Island, and there is an imperceptible strange light shining deep in the pumps.

And just after Saint King Ship went away, a silhouette suddenly burst out on the small island next to Devil’s Island.

It was a unkempt old man, over 100 years old, wearing a embarrassing black robe and holding a worn snakehead crutch in his hand.

The black robe old man looked at Saint King Ship from afar, the eyes hidden under the hair exuding green and ray of rays of light, giving a sense of cold like snake eyes.

And at the center of the eyebrow, like the one-eyed person, there is a Venomous Viper pattern.

“Jié jié! ‘

“I finally found you.”


The black robe old man chuckled and looked rather embarrassed, and then took out the image of crystal stone.



An illusory shadow of a gorgeous woman emerged.

The gorgeous woman asked, “Hei She, is there any news?”

The black robe old man said: “There is news that they are near Devil’s Island and should be ready to go to Blood Dragon Island.”

“Isn’t Blood Dragon Island the place where Pill Fire was born? It seems they all went to that Pill Fire.”

Gorgeous woman said.

black robe old man nodded.

“Okay, you’re waiting for me there. I’ll meet you at once.”

After the gorgeous woman spoke, the illusory shadow dissipated quickly.

Hundred breaths passed, and the gorgeous woman descended over the Sea Domain near Devil’s Island.

Also with him were more than 2 big tall and sturdy men, all fierce and fierce.

And on their brows, there is a Venomous Viper pattern.


They are all under Venomous Viper.

Hong long!


The gorgeous woman waved her hand, and a huge ship appeared out of thin air, falling on the sea on the side of herself, setting off waves.

The shape and size of the giant ship are exactly the same as ‘Venomous Viper Ship’, and it also exudes a terrifying sacred might.

The only difference is that the flag on the mast is printed with a ‘2’.


As soon as the gorgeous woman waved her hand, they brought that group of big tall and sturdy men and landed on the deck of the giant ship one after another.

Then the glamorous woman glanced at all directions, and soon saw the black robe old man standing over the island.

Gorgeous woman loudly said: “Hei She, what about yours?”

black robe old man jié jié With a smile, the old big hand waved, and another giant ship rose from the hills of the island below.

The giant ship is exactly the same as the Venomous Viper Ship, the only difference is the flag on the mast, which has a ‘3’ printed on it.

And on top of that huge ship, there were also a group of people, all of them were vicious aura, and at a glance, they knew that it was not a kind.

The black robe old man leapt forward, landed on the bow, and then steered the huge ship, landed on the sea, and galloped towards the gorgeous woman.

After meeting two groups of people, the black robe old man looked down on the gorgeous woman, disdaining: “The one-eyed person is really useless, not only lost the little life, but also the Venomous Viper Ship.”

“What does this mean?”

The gorgeous woman was suspicious.

“I saw them with my own eyes.”

“Two 2-Star Battle Saints, one 9-Star Battle Saint, one 1-Star Battle Saint, what kind of big waves can this cultivation base turn?”

black robe old man sneered.

“So weak?”

The gorgeous woman was surprised, and then wondered: “Since they are so weak, how did one-eyed person die?”

The black robe old man said: “It must have been taken lightly and was abolished by Wang Zicheng.”

“It makes sense.”

“After all, Wang Zicheng is not unable to open the forbidden technique, but he cannot open the forbidden technique at will.”

Gorgeous woman nodded, looking thoughtful.


“At the critical moment, Wang Zicheng will definitely not sit still, so when we catch up with them, we cannot be as careless as one-eyed person.”

black robe old man.

The gorgeous woman said coldly with a smile: “I don’t need you to say it, I know it.”

“Let’s go!”

black robe old man pupils cold light flashed, the giant ship underneath immediately transformed into a stream of light, and broke the waves.

The gorgeous woman was also riding the giant ship, right next to the black robe old man.

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