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Qin Feiyang took a few steps back, differently said: “unexpectedly could resolve this attack, which is not bad, not as bad as I thought.”

Although a little praised, Venomous Viper was very upset when he looked at his indifferent attitude and cold tone.

Because in his opinion, Qin Feiyang was laughing at him.

“Do you think you are who? Dare to speak to me in this gesture?”

“Wait, you’ll kneel on the ground soon, begging me to let you go!”

“Poison Dragon Art 2nd-Style, Poison Dragon Underworld Fire!”

As Venomous Viper’s words landed, the Poison Dragon towards the sky roared and deafened.

Follow closely.

Poison Dragon opened wide and spewed a green flame, which swept across the sky and rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

This flame is not a real flame, it is the condensation of Venomous Viper’s poison qi!

The terrible poison, diffused all directions, even Qin Feiyang couldn’t help getting dizzy.

He quickly served the next Detoxification Pill.

But because of the fast movement, Venomous Viper did not see a few Pill Marks.

“If Detoxification Pill can crack my poison qi, how can I dominate this Sea Domain?”

Venomous Viper sneered, his eyes full of ridicule.

Qin Feiyang was silent.

It is undeniable that Venomous Viper did equal terrifying on the accomplishments of refining poison.

The Detoxification Pill he just took is five Pill Marks.

And the Detoxification Pill of five Pill Marks, even the original ugly old woman refining Black Fiend Poison, can be removed, but now, it can only play a relief role and cannot be completely removed.

This can be seen.

Venomous Viper This poison qi is enough to kill the same realm.

It seems to do it quickly, or wait until the poison qi of the body accumulates, he will fall into a passive situation instead.

Clang! ! !

For a moment.

Scarlet Sword Qi from his Qi Sea pours out, dozens of flame sword shadows condensed, each one exudes the edge of world extinguishing!

“And these means?”

Venomous Viper was surprised.


Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted, sounding like thunder, shaking the several li Sea Domain, setting off a big wave.

铿 clang!

At the moment, the ten sword shadows are all set off, carrying 10000 1000 sword qi, and a brain is killed towards Venomous Viper.

The Poison Dragon Underworld Fire, without resistance, vanished into nothing.

It can be said to be dead!


Venomous Viper spit out blood, but without panic, his expression grew more and more frightened!

“Because you want to beat me, dream it!”

“3rd-Style, Poison Dragon Possession!”

With a big wave of Venomous Viper, the Poison Dragon dived down and turned into an unrolled bolt of white silk, which fell into his eyebrows.



A terrifying imposing manner, rushing out of Venomous Viper within the body.

And, this imposing manner is skyrocketing!

Almost instantly, his cultivation base hit 9-Star Battle Saint!

“See no, this is the true Profound Truth of Poison Dragon Art, which can improve my cultivation base for a small realm!”

“Now I’m 9-Star Battle Saint, and you’re still 8-Star Battle Saint. What do you fight with me?”

Venomous Viper growled, waved his hands, and evolved a python.

That python’s body is like a mountain, releasing a mighty fearful might, revealing sensible fangs, and it is like a hot knife through butter to smash away those ten sword shadows!


The sword shadow continued to shatter, causing Qin Feiyang to be severely wounded, and blood on the corner of his mouth was flowing directly.

“Poison Dragon Art Real Profound Truth?”

He looked at the poisonous snake at the moment, his eyes full of sarcasm.

On formidable power, this Poison Dragon Art is indeed the Perfect Battle Art of Peak Level, but in front of Kill Character Art, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Because of Poison Dragon Art, only a small realm can be added.

Kill Character Art, but can increase a great realm!

What a gap?

“A frog in well, really sad.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, hands condensing a seal on his chest, a mighty dragon might burst out like a volcano.



The next moment.

One square seal becomes apparent.

I can have a big palm, the whole body exudes a dazzling purple golden divine light, and at the bottom of the square seal, I am climbing a lifelike Purple Gold Divine Dragon!

That’s right!

It’s Divine Dragon Art 1st-Style, Divine Dragon Seal!

Divine Art is in this world, and all directions are terrified. Venomous Viper’s mind immediately emerges an unstoppable fear.

“Give me a sigh!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted, imposing manner like a rainbow.


The Divine Dragon Seal cut through the sky, the dragon roar shook the sky, the python hissed and crashed instantly, and then the Divine Dragon Seal carried the world startling might and suppressed towards Venomous Viper.


Magnificent, covering Heaven and Earth, Venomous Viper couldn’t help trembling physically and mentally, kneeling on void.

This kneeling, like thunder from a clear sky, made his mind rumbling!

“I’m one of Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea!”

“I’m King of same realm!”

“How can I kneel?”

“I need to……”

“Bastard, I’m gonna ruin you, so you will never be born!”

Venomous Viper stood up abruptly, and within the body waved a world extinguishing aura.

Qin Feiyang pupil shrank, it seems that Venomous Viper has jumped off the wall and needs to start the forbidden technique.

“Poison Domain!”


Venomous Viper exhausted a roar from the bottom of the room, and sprayed out a green mist mist, like a tide, rushing to all directions.

In an instant.

Qin Feiyang was drowned by the poison mist.


He felt that one strand of horrible poison qi drilled frantically towards his entire body.

Face, lips, and skin turn black quickly!

This is a sign of poisoning!

Qin Feiyang was shocked, and now this poison is terrifying several times more than before.

He quickly closed the pores with Battle Qi.

However, he was shocked to find that there was no sense in doing so!

Not only is it meaningless, that poison qi also has a terrifying erosive force, eroding his Battle Qi madly, including his power of bloodline.


Qin Feiyang was shocked by cold sweat.

He could feel that even in the face of these poison mists, even 9-Star Battle Saint could not escape.

Even if it’s 1-Star Battle Emperor, I’m afraid it’s hard to escape.

“haha ……”

“Crazy, keep going!”

Venomous Viper is like one Fiendgod, standing proudly in front of Qin Feiyang, laughing wildly.

Poison Domain is his forbidden technique!

The realm is shrouded in a circle of ten miles. Every living creature that enters this realm can’t escape unless it has overwhelming strength.

And these poison mists, once inside the living creature’s within the body, will immediately pounce on the vital points.

Like Qi Sea, the heart, and even the soul!

These places are undoubtedly the deadliest places.

Once caught in this poison qi, even if Divine Immortal descends, he cannot be saved.

Qin Feiyang glanced at those poison mists, looked towards Venomous Viper said with a sneer: “Then, as you wish, continue to show you crazy!”


His body shook, and Purple Gold Battle Qi broke out and turned into a huge Purple Gold Divine Dragon.


The Purple Gold Divine Dragon turned in a volley and issued a loud dragon roar to Venomous Viper.


A sound wave was born, like an invisible wave, sweeping through the sky, all the poison mist annihilated instantly!


Venomous Viper was horrified.

Can even the forbidden technique be forcibly broken? What level of Battle Art is this?


Just before he was distracted, the sound wave roared, immediately screamed, and the fleshhy body was drenched with blood.

The roar of Purple Gold Divine Dragon is not just a roar, it is Divine Dragon Art 2nd-Style, Divine Dragon Roar!

No suspence.

Venomous Viper was hit hard with a single blow, his body flesh was blurry, and he fell weakly downward, fresh blood imprint stained the sky.

“Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea, nothing more.”

Qin Feiyang sneered, stepping forward, one finger pierced through the Qi Sea of ​​Venomous Viper, abolishing his cultivation base.


both of his hands quickly condensing a seal, a Slave Seal quickly appeared, and then integrated into the top of the head of Venomous Viper.


Venomous Viper screamed while holding his head, and suddenly found that something seemed to be in his head.

He surprised and angry stared at Qin Feiyang and shouted, “What have you done to me?”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang’s hand, Battle Qi emerged, holding Venomous Viper in void, indifferently said: “This is the Slave Seal, which can control your soul. Now I only need my heart to move, let you the soul flew away and scattered. “


“How could there be such a thing in the world?”

Venomous Viper shook his head, his face pale.

Qin Feiyang didn’t bother to answer, and directly demonstrated it with actual actions. His mind moved slightly.

Venomous Viper When even miserable howl gets up, I feel like my head is about to crack, and a face is distorted.

this moment.

He really felt the death of Aura!

“Do not kill me……”


He called out quickly, panic-stricken.

Qin Feiyang stopped the Slave Seal, said differentially: “Tell me now, do I have any qualifications?”

“Yes, yes.”

Venomous Viper is nodded again and again.

I thought it would be easy to get rid of this person. Who would have thought that he was so outrageous?

Qin Feiyang served another Detoxification Pill to ease the poison within the body, and said, “So, do I need to remind you, what should I do now?”

“No need …”

Venomous Viper hurriedly waved his hands, then knelt on void and kept begging for mercy, continuously kowtow.

“I thought Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea were some amazing people? It turned out to be so boneless.”

Qin Feiyang both hands crossed near chest, mocked with a smile.


Venomous Viper scoffed.

What is the use of bones?

Only by living can there be hope, the future, and the opportunity.

Qin Feiyang shook his head, and it really confirmed the saying that in the face of death, nothing about self-esteem or face was worth anything.

He differentially said: “Say, why kill me by name?”


Venomous Viper hesitated.

The strength of the black clothed old man is even more terrifying than the person in front of him. If the news is leaked, I am afraid it will be an escape!

Qin Feiyang saw a Murderous Intention, shouted: “Come on!”

Venomous Viper’s eyes fluttered and he busily said, “It’s an old man trying to kill you by name, but I don’t know him.”

“Why don’t you help him?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“He forced me to take a poison. If I didn’t do what he said, he wouldn’t give me a cure.”

There was a hint of loathing in the tone.

If it wasn’t for the black clothed old man, why would he be where he is now?

“No way?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Isn’t Venomous Viper a master of refining poison? And the poison he couldn’t solve?

“I used to think that when it came to refining poison, I was World’s First, because even the Venom of Blood Killing Scorpion could be removed.”

“But when I met the old bastard, I knew that it was always just me who was deceiving myself, watching the bottom of the sky that’s all.”

Venomous Viper sighed, looking rather lonely.


“Even Blood Killing Scorpion’s poison can be eliminated?”

Qin Feiyang’s mind is immediately incredible.

The venom of Blood Killing Scorpion, he has experienced it himself, except for the venom of Blood Soul Spider, there is almost no solution.

But now Venomous Viper tells him that he can unlock the poison of Blood Killing Scorpion. How can he not be surprised?

After returning back to his senses, Qin Feiyang asked, “Is it the Blood Venom Venom?”


“It is an omnipotent antidote that I have prepared myself.”

Venomous Viper shook his head.

“Omnipotent antidote?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, hurriedly: “Show me soon.”

Venomous Viper took out a jade bottle, which contained a half bottle of milk-white liquid, with a hazy glow, and faintly felt a Sacred Qi.

Qin Feiyang took the jade bottle, opened the stopper, and smelled it on the tip of the nose. There was a good sweet scent, which can make the spirit glow.

Venomous Viper said: “This is sacred water, which can detoxify 100 poisons.”

“Detoxify 100?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised and said, “You didn’t lie to me?”

“Which dare cheat you now?”

Venomous Viper smiled bitterly.

Qin Feiyang dare not take it lightly, peeping into Venomous Viper’s thoughts in the dark, and confirming that there is no intention, just pour a drop of sacred water into his mouth.


He felt that the sacred water had turned into a majestic energy, pouring toward the limbs and 4 bones.

Wherever I went, the poison that had previously penetrated within the body was swept away.


Qin Feiyang shines with both eyes. There is no need to worry about it in the future.

Looking at Qin Feiyang’s expression, Venomous Viper said in his heart, flatteringly, “If you like it, I will give it to you.”

“Give me?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, teasing: “Even if I grab it, can you stop it?”

Venomous Viper froze.


Now everyone else has been reduced to prison, not to mention what is on him.

As long as the other party speaks, he has no capital to refuse.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Venomous Viper, and lowered his head, lost in thought.

For Venomous Viper, he came with a heart to kill.

But now he was hesitating again.

Because this person is still valuable.

If you stay with him, it may help him, and may even become his left and right arms.


Looking at Qin Feiyang’s silence, Venomous Viper couldn’t help getting nervous.

I don’t know how long it has been, Qin Feiyang looked up towards Venomous Viper and asked, “What does the old man who made you look like?”

Venomous Viper quickly used Battle Qi to imitate the illusory shadow of the black clothed old man.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the black clothed old man and asked Venomous Viper: “Have you ever seen him in the Azure Sea before?”

“I have never seen it.”

“It should be the first time you have entered Azure Sea.”

Venomous Viper shook his head, inferring.

“Entering Azure Sea for the first time …”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered, pumps flashed radiance suddenly, and the image crystal stone was taken out.


Not a moment.

A young man appeared, exactly Wu Yang.

Qin Feiyang pointed at the illusory shadow of the black clothed old man and asked, “Do you know him?”

Wu Yang glanced at the black clothed old man, his eyes were slightly trembled, and he was startled, “What are you asking him to do?”

“you know?”

Qin Feiyang asked, looking at his eyes.

Wu Yang said solemnly: “Of course I know, he is the previous Steward of Divine Python Tribe, called Old Qin, commonly known as Old Qin, is the trusted aide of Divine Python Tribe Chief, the means is very terrifying.”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised.

How could someone be a Divine Python Tribe?

Although he knew that Pei Changfeng was killed by Divine Python Tribe Chief, Divine Python Tribe Chief didn’t know that he knew it.

Therefore, if it is said to be killing people, there is no such thing at all.

But apart from this, what else?

There must be a reason for one person to kill another.

or is, this matter has nothing to do with Divine Python Tribe Chief, is it just an old Qin personal idea?

But he doesn’t remember, when did he offend this Old Qin!

What is going on?

Qin Feiyang 100 was puzzled.

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