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Central island.

People from Nine Great Super Tribes and Business Pavillion have returned.

They are all on their own, waiting for Pill Fire to be born.



A horrible murderous intention, like a tide, covered the entire island.


The ten were startled and looked up. When they saw Heart Demon Qin Feiyang coming from the earth, they were all surprised.


Heart Demon Qin Feiyang stopped over the volcanic crater. The lava that erupted could not bear his pressure at all, and it was floating in the sky.

Old Qin asked with a smile: “Little friend, why are you back?”

“I forgot one thing.”

Heart Demon corner of the mouth raise, glancing at the volcanic crater below.

Inside the volcano, he could feel the aura of Pill Fire.


The unborn Pill Fire is in this volcano.

Seeing Heart Demon glance at the volcanic crater, three people couldn’t help shivering.

Old Qin said calmly with a smile: “My little friend, there should be a first come first serve everything!”

“First come first come?”

“Are you laughing?”

“This world is bigger than the fist who is who.”

“Now I officially announce that the Pill Fire here is mine, and you can go.”

Heart Demon’s face was arrogant, and he didn’t take these ten people in his eyes.


There was no doubt that ten people were furious.

Not to mention their identities, only their strength, no one dare to speak to them in this tone.

Rolling the word is not only to humiliate them, but to trample on their dignity!

“Don’t you accept it?”

Heart Demon glanced at the audience, expression contempt to the extreme.

“Although Xiaoyou has great strength, we Old Guys are not too weak, so I advise Xiaoyou, it is best to do it yourself.”

Old Qin said with a laugh.

Heart Demon looked towards Old Qin, Mori said with a smile: “old fogey, it seems like you are the one who jumps the most, you haven’t heard of it, have you shot a bird?”


The words fall.

Heart Demon swayed a shocking murderous aura, swooped down and rushed towards Old Qin.


Old Qin a shivered.

Only now did he realize that no one else had spoken.

Why are you so confused?

He was annoyed.

But now it’s too late to regret it, he gloomy, coldly snorted and said: “If you shoot a bird with a gun, it depends on your ability!”


As the words landed, a terrifying Emperor’s might rushed out of his old body, hoping towards Qin Feiyang like hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“Finally see your cultivation base. I originally thought you were 6-Star Battle Emperor, but it turned out to be just 5-Star Battle Emperor.”

Heart Demon contempt smiled, and fell in front of Old Qin like lightning, volleyed by one fist.

No Battle Qi.

Did not use Battle Art!

Heart Demon scorned: “See, no deal with you, not even Battle Qi.”


“Mu Zuzong is crazy enough, but this person is even crazy than Mu Zuzong. It really is a biological brother.”

Wu Kai and the others pupil contracted.


Old Qin is also a 5-Star Battle Emperor anyway, and this person is only a 3-Star Battle Emperor, which is 2 small realm different. It is unexpectedly not even Battle Qi, is it too overkill?

Old Qin, without a doubt, was completely outraged by the words of Heart Demon.

“Brat, at once you will know that in front of the old man, you are not yet eligible for unbridled!”

Old Qin sternly shouted, the old arm stormed out, the Battle Qi surged in the palm, and one fist patted to Heart Demon without hesitation.

He thinks this way.

Since this person dares to entrust him, it is better to kill him with one fist!

After all, paper can’t catch fire.

If by any chance, something happened at the East Window and it was found that Mu Zuzong’s death had something to do with him, and the trouble was even greater.

So might as well cut weeds and eliminate the roots now.


After that, 2 palms strikes together.

But at the same time, a dazzling golden light emerged from the palm of Heart Demon Qin Feiyang.

‘—Return Character Art!


Old Qin Don’t blast out, arm torn skin and gaping flesh, blood flowing directly!


“Old Qin unexpectedly lost?”

Wu Kai and the others stunned.

You know, Old Qin used Battle Qi, and he couldn’t beat him?

what on earth is it?

“This power…”

“Unexpectedly will bounce!”

Old Qin himself has an incredible face. After holding his body, he looked at Heart Demon Qin Feiyang in horror.

“Looking at you like a terrible look, I thought how strong you were, it turned out to be so!

Heart Demon grinned and took the steps of mysterious, leaving one after another phantom in Old Qin all around, each phantom is extremely real, just like his avatar.

——Phantom Step!

“This is … Perfection auxiliary Battle Art!”

Wu Kai turn pale with fright.

There is a middle-aged married woman frowns saying: “Why is this Battle Art familiar?”

“look familiar?”

The crowd looked at her in horror.

“For a while I wanted to do not raise.”

“But this movement technique should be terrifying, because no one knows where his true body is.”

middle-aged married woman said solemnly.

Everyone is nodded, Old Qin may be troublesome.

Look at Old Qin again.

He was gloomy at the moment, glancing at the phantom of Heart Demon Qin Feiyang.

Indeed, as Wu Kai several people expected, in the face of the sky, he could not tell which one was the true body of Qin Feiyang.


It’s not impossible to crack, just destroy all the phantoms!

“Give me out!”

He gave the sky a scream, seeing in anger.

Imposing manner like rainbow, rolling all directions, that one after another phantom keeps annihilating.

“Old fogey, here I am!”


A playful voice rang in Old Qin’s ear.

Old Qin was erected immediately, one fist without the slightest hesitation blasted away.


Heart Demon grinned, patted his big hand directly, and the golden light in his palm reappeared.



With a scream, Old Qin was again shaken by the fly and his arm shattered on the spot.

“Unexpectedly it bounced back.”

Old Qin trembled physically and mentally.

Before, feeling the power that bounced back, he thought it was just an illusion.

Because in his opinion, there can be no such strange thing in the world.

But this time.

He felt so real.

That crushed arm is also the best proof!

“How did you get this Battle Art?”

Old Qin looked at Heart Demon in horror.

Because as far as he knows, another person also has the same Battle Art.

That is the notorious Qin Feiyang!

“What do you say?”

Heart Demon licked his mouth, looked up and volleyed, and suddenly shouted, “Returning Ruins!”

An invisible force, immediately growling towards Old Qin like a torrent.

“You are unbridled too much!”

Old Qin’s eyes were cold, and pieces of black aura broke out.

“Not good !”

“Quickly withdraw!”

Wu Kai and the others discolored and quickly retreated suddenly.

“what’s the situation?”

Heart Demon was surprised.

The next moment.

But I saw that the black aura that appeared from Old Qin within the body suddenly turned into a dark mist, and the earth-shattering rushed towards Qin Feiyang.

This dark mist carried a strong fragrance.

Heart Demon smelled it, immediately dizzy.


His eyes trembled.

Unexpectedly, I forgot that this old bastard is also an old poison.

And terrifying than Venomous Viper.

After all, even Venomous Viper can control.

He held his breath immediately and retreated backwards.

“haha ……”

“These poison qi are my biggest killing moves, comparable to Perfection Battle Art.”

“Even if you hold your breath, you can’t stop it, because they will penetrate into your pores.”

“Take a closer look, your skin is already festering. You don’t need ten breaths, you will be crushed.”

Old Qin laughed wildly.

Heart Demon was startled, quickly raised his hands, and looked down.


The skin of both hands has already seen traces of ulceration, and the black mist is like anthrax of the bones, which cannot be thrown off.

“Brat, I admit that you are strong, but there is a saying as the saying goes well, experience counts, you are still far behind.”

Old Qin looked at him dismissively.

“Tsk tsk tsk, a little bit cheaper for you, it is so proud, old fogey, your temperament, there is still to be exercised!”

Heart Demon shook his head and grinned, Purple Gold Dragon Qi soaring heaven, a Purple Gold Divine Dragon, quickly manifested above his head, dragon’s might shaking the world.


Then the Purple Gold Divine Dragon sent out a loud dragon roar, and an invisible sound wave rolled out.

For a moment.

This dark mist between Heaven and Earth has vanished!

Old Qin himself was also drowned by the sound wave, and he was drenched with blood all over his body, and some places even saw his bones.

Even Wu Kai and the others, who retreated to the distant place, had binaural spurting blood, and their heads were rumbling.

They are all shocked!

What is this Battle Art? Unexpectedly scary to such a degree!

Suddenly, they seemed to see one God come into the world, and an inseparable fear emerged from their hearts.


The volcano also collapsed, and lava erupted like fireworks!

But Pill Fire is not yet alive.

Heart Demon looked up at Old Qin, exposing a white tooth, said with a smile: “You are so unable to withstand a single blow?”

“Little bastard, I’m going to scrap you!”

Old Qin was in anger.

Dignified 5-Star Battle Emperor, unexpectedly beaten by a 3-Star Battle Emperor, or in front of so many acquaintances, where will his face be left in the future?

This humiliating shame must be washed away!


He was full of rage and opened in an imposing manner.

Follow closely.

A black python, which rises from behind him, is several hundred zhang long, like a towering mountain, exuding a shocking fearful might!

It’s his Battle Soul!

Pretending to be afraid, Heart Demon exclaimed, “Aiya, did you use a killing move so soon?”

“Little bastard, you won’t be proud anymore, Innate Divine Ability, Light of Annihilation!”

The words fall.

At the center of that python’s eyebrow, he suddenly shot a dark rays of light, exuding world extinguishing power, cut through the sky, and shot at Qin Feiyang.

“Then you may be disappointed, because I will continue to be proud, and sooner or later your Divine Python Tribe will be crushed by me. As for you, prepare to go to Hell to report now!”

Heart Demon’s eyes were flooded with blood-thirsty rays of light, Scarlet Sword Soul turned out, Innate Divine Ability awakened, and Flame Beast Shadow roared out.



2 great battle Souls go hand in hand with devastating power and pounce on the black light.

Hong long!

With a shocking loud noise, the black light dissipated.


2 great battle tricks towards python.


With a cry, python collapsed on the spot.


Innate Divine Ability and Battle Soul were destroyed one after another. Old Qin within the body was hit harder than ever. The body trembled from the distance and the old blood sprayed directly.

Watching that roaring Flame Beast Shadow, and Scarlet Sword Soul, he couldn’t help climbing a trace of despair.

Good terrifying means, so scary Battle Soul, how could Mu Zuzong have such a powerful brother?

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