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Da Manniu six people also live in dreams.

Sou! !

Heart Demon emblazoned with both hands, and six Slave Seals appeared one after another, quickly controlling the six people.

Pill King Cai said with a smile: “Congratulations, congratulations, join your master.”


six people looked at each other in blank dismay.

“It was called Slave Seal, and it can control everyone’s soul. That is to say, your little life is now held in the master’s hand.”

“Remember, don’t have a disobedient heart, because the master can erase your soul with only one thought.”

“What it means to wipe out the soul, I believe you need to know without me.”

Pill King Cai, Venomous Viper, and Black Monkey are all smiling.

Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea have been captured, and now they are more balanced.


Da Manniu six people are all horrified.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing!

I finally understood what Wang Zicheng was talking about.

The Specter Empress glanced at Pill King Cai three people, and said angrily, “You are not captured, you are dragging us into the water, you are just scoundrel!”

poisonous snake said with a smile: “Don’t worry, although you hate us now, but wait, you will thank us.”


Six people seem to have heard the biggest joke in the world, all sneer and sneer, expression gloomy to the extreme.

“Do not believe?”

“Then let’s wait and see!”

Venomous Viper.

Heart Demon glanced at everyone, said with a laugh: “Well, let’s introduce yourself!”

The top ten monsters of Azure Sea have finally been incorporated into his Majesty, and his mood is very good now.

“hmph! ”

Six people coldly snorted, silent.

“Are they dumb?”

Heart Demon’s gaze was cold and his thoughts moved. Six people immediately held their heads miserable howl.

Da Manniu exasperated: “We are all so familiar, and need to introduce ourselves?”

Heart Demon stopped Slave Seal and looked at Da Manniu. “You don’t really need it, but what about you?”

He looked towards Specter Empress and other five people.

Deadman Face stepped forward and said, “My name is Deadman Face, and everyone calls me that.”

Heart Demon glanced at the pale face of Deadman Face, nodded and said: “It really looks like a Deadman Face.”

Deadman Face folded his hands, holding back the anger in his heart, and set aside.

Specter Empress followed, saying, “My name is Specter Empress.”

Heart Demon reads ‘Specter Empress’.

This woman, dressed up vigorously, seduces the attractive body vividly and thoroughly, and her skin is as soft and smooth as sheep fat.

The most attractive thing is her eyes, like crystal clear and near-transparent.

It is no exaggeration to say that this woman’s good looks can compete with Wang You’er.

Heart Demon licked his mouth, jié jié said with a smile: “The cocky cock, the cocky ridge, which is exactly the type I like, are you interested in being my woman?”


Specter Empress’s face turned black.

Heart Demon shook his head in disappointment: “Good-looking is good-looking, but unfortunately the character is too hot for me, next.”

Another woman came forward.

Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea has only 2 women in total, the first is Specter Empress and the second is her.

This person is wearing a long snow white dress, exquisite body, long hair fluttering, and exquisite facial features.

On good looks, she is no worse than Specter Empress, but her face is as cold as frost.

“Ice and Snow Empress.”

After the woman spoke, she stepped aside and remained silent.

the name speaks for itself, giving people a coldness of being beyond a thousand li.

Heart Demon looked towards those 2 young men.

These two people, about 1.7 meters 8 left and right, facial features are like a knife, full of fortitude and sharpness.

They all have one fiery long hair.

And if you look closely, you will find that they are similar in size, similar in age, and even very similar in expression and appearance.

Heart Demon asked: “Your biological brother?”


two people nodded.


Heart Demon asked again.

two people again nodded.

Heart Demon’s face twitched, and twin could make him meet. This luck is also very good, right?

But then again, both brothers can become Ten Heroes of the Azure Sea, and the genes are not generally powerful!

Heart Demon asked, “What’s your nickname?”

One of them said: “My name is God One and my younger brother is God Two.”

“It’s easy to remember.”

Heart Demon nodded, then looked towards Wang Zicheng, playing with taste: “Everyone has a nickname, what’s your nickname?”

Wang Zicheng heard that a hint of embarrassment crept up immediately on his face.

Venomous Viper flattering smile said: “Master, he, seeing nothing but profit, and often a shame behind him, so we all call him a low person.”

Wang Zicheng jumped up and shouted, “Poisonous snake, are you endless?”

“You’re such a person, are you afraid of others?” Venomous Viper sneered.

Wang Zicheng gnashing teeth, shooting fire in his eyes.

“haha ……”

Heart Demon laughed heartily, then looked at Wang Zicheng, a serious saying: “I’m fair, this nickname is really suitable for you.”

“Scram …”

Wang Zicheng was angry.

This nickname, for him, is a big stain on life.

“All right!”

Heart Demon face turned cold, glanced at ten people, and said, “Now you are all my servants, and I don’t want to see you open strife and veiled struggle again. If you let me find out who is doing small actions behind my back, don’t blame me Ruthless! “

Looking at Heart Demon’s bloody pumps, ten people couldn’t help trembling.

Hong long!

It is at this time.

With a loud noise, the volcanic crater burst into a terrifying imposing manner.

Follow closely.

A fiery streamer burst out of the lava.

It was a cluster of flames, with big slaps, turbulent fire waves, exuding extremely high temperatures!

“Pill Fire!”

Ten of Wang Zicheng’s eyes brightened, instinctively passing towards Pill Fire.

Heart Demon ignored it, and it was still grabbed by ten people!


Pill King Cai grabbed Pill Fire first. He stood in void and looked down at Pill Fire, his face full of excitement.

“Pill King Cai, drop it!”

Da Manniu suddenly shouted.


Pill King Cai sneered, dived down quickly, and respectfully handed Pill Fire to Heart Demon.


Heart Demon smiled nodded, reached out and grabbed Pill Fire, looked up towards Da Manniu several people, said with a sneer: “Do you still want it?”

Da Manniu several people expression froze.

They didn’t react until now. Now they are already involuntarily. Even if they are grabbed, they have to obey.

“Don’t have another time.”

Heart Demon’s eyes flashed a Murderous intention, and everyone immediately felt like the ocean falling into the killing intent, and could not help but chill the whole body.

Venomous Viper flew to Heart Demon in a hurry, and said flattering smile: “Master, this is a misunderstanding, subordinate to grab, but also to master you.”

“Right right right, how dare we take it for ourselves?”

Black Monkey has also joined.

looked towards two people, with a tendency to be inflamed, greedy for life and fear of death, Wang Zicheng and the others could not help but be scorned in the dark.

“pa !!!”

“Wonderful! Wonderful!”


A clap of applause sounded, followed by a husky laughter.

The crowd was startled, turning one’s head, looking towards not a distant place, a broken mountain.

Because the applause and laughter came from behind the hill.

“Who is dressing up as God, playing the devil?”

Black Monkey sternly shouted.

The words did not fall, an old man came out, he was wearing a big red-clothed, red light, his eyes full of energy.

And if you look closely, it’s empty in his left sleeve is obviously a broken arm.

“It’s you!”

Heart Demon is surprised.

This old man is exactly the one-armed old man he met at the seaside!

“Old scoundrel, you’re finally here!”

But at the same time Wang Zicheng’s angry roar sounded.


Heart Demon stared blankly slightly, turning one’s head suspiciously looked towards Wang Zicheng, but saw Wang Zicheng look indignant and murderous intention.

Looking at Venomous Viper and the others, they are all afraid.

“Do you know him?”

Heart Demon in the dark asked.

Venomous Viper whispered, “Of course I know, because he is the one who stole Wang Zicheng Saint King Ship.”

“It turned out to be him.”

Heart Demon murmured.

“Old dog, pay with your life!”

Wang Zicheng was like a wild wild beast with one fury. One step forward, one fist blasted away towards the one-armed old man.

One-armed old man face turned cold, saying: “It seems that the last lesson has not made you remember.”

After saying nothing, he didn’t see any action, and a terrifying imposing manner emerged, directly blasting Wang Zicheng.

Wang Zicheng in a difficult situation, fell to the ground, smashed a deep hole, immediately wow, mouth spurt blood!

“really strong !”

Heart Demon pupil shrinks.

The imposing manner released by this old man, with a horrible Emperor’s might, and this Emperor’s might, surpass him!

Bang!! !

The same moment.

Watching Wang Zicheng was seriously injured, Venomous Viper and the others also put on venting anger, staring coldly at the one-armed old man, there was a big posture of either the fish dies or the net splits.

“Don’t be impulsive.”

Heart Demon shouted, looking at the one-armed old man, arching, “Dare to ask Senior when he came?”

This is a serious problem.

If the one-armed old man came early, then he must have been seen by the one-armed old man during the battle with Old Qin and the others.

Then his true identity has naturally been learned by the one-armed old man.

The one-armed old man pointed to Da Manniu six people and said, “When you surrender to them, the old man is already here.”

Heart Demon relaxed.

When surrendering to Da Manniu six people, the battle was already over, so this old man, I do n’t know if he is Qin Feiyang, then the next problem will be solved, as long as the purpose of the one-armed old man is here. .

Heart Demon wondered, “So what is Senior doing here? Also for Pill Fire?”

One-armed old man said with a smile: “Pill Fire is just the second, you are the main target of old man.”

In the old eyes, there was a cold light.

Heart Demon shivering, it seems that the visitor is not good!

But he didn’t understand. If this old man really hides his heart, why not make a move earlier?

The most important thing is that he only saw this old man 2 times, let alone gratitude and grudges, but why did he come to him?

He asked calmly, “What does Senior mean? Why is Junior incomprehensible?”

One-armed old man said, “Before answering this question, I want to know, are you Mu Zuzong?”


Heart Demon hesitated, and eventually it was nodded.

“Really Mu Zuzong!”

Wang Zicheng trembled and looked at Heart Demon in horror.

Not long ago, Heart Demon acknowledged that he refused to believe it, because it was too incredible. How could someone in such a short period of time go from 3-Star Battle Saint breakthrough to 3-Star Battle Emperor? But didn’t expect is true.

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