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“Old bastard, you dare!”

Luo Xiong was furious.

one fist exploded!

The raging waves that Battle Qi turned into pieces collapsed on the spot!

Follow closely.

He turned, turned into a stream of light, and pursued the Battle Qi of the two shots towards Qin Feiyang two people.

“Cold Moon!”

But this time.

black clothed old man shouted in a low voice.

Behind him, a full moon rises, as if condensed by ice, exuding a mighty power!

Rain in the sky!

Water on the ground!

All quickly freeze at this moment!

“suppress and kill !”

Black clothed old man one finger point to the sky, the round of Cold Moon trembled in the air, and actually cut through the sky, whistling towards Luo Xiong.

“This imposing manner …”

Qin Feiyang was stiff.

This is Battle Art!

Another Supreme Divine Ability that surpasses Martial Skill.

Only step into Battle King and own Battle Qi to cultivate!

Luo Xiong looked gloomy to the extreme.

If Qin Feiyang two people continue to be rescued, it must be hit hard by Cold Moon.

But if not saved, two people will die!

“What a damn!”

He cursed and did not fight back, and continued to chase the 2 Battle Qis.

Qin Feiyang shouted: “Palace Lord, I have a way, leave us alone!”

“There is a way?”

Luo Xiong stared blankly.

When the decision is immediate, turn around.

If it was replaced by someone else, he would certainly not believe it.

But Qin Feiyang in his eyes is a brat that can work wonders.

So he has unconditional trust!

Oh la la !

Battle Qi is like a torrent, rushing out of him within the body, turning into a large waterfall, rising up against the current, and rushing into the sky!

In an instant!

A giant fist was born!

It is like a mountain, releasing the amazing aura.

“Tyrant Fist, kill!”

Luo Xiong growled.

The giant fist breaking the sky left, and met the Cold Moon in a bang!

Hong long!

A loud blast exploded and shocked!

The giant fist, Cold Moon, exploded at the same time, like a firework, shining on the night sky.


Bang! !

Luo Xiong and black clothed old man spit out blood, suddenly retreated again and again.

The same moment.

Qin Feiyang grabbed Ling Yunfei and entered Ancient Castle.

Sou! !

The 2 Battle Qi, from where they disappeared, whistled past, exploded towards the front wall.

The fence collapses instantly!

The few houses in front were also innocent and razed to the ground by Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood!

Fortunately, the people in the house heard that the movement had already come out, otherwise they would be killed on the spot.

Next moment.

Qin Feiyang took Ling Yunfei again and appeared in the original position.

Looking at the ruin in front, there was a startled expression on his face.

The black clothed old man has stabilized his body, said with a sneer: “Luo Xiong, even Sect’s Disciples cannot be protected. What qualifications do you have to be the Palace Lord of Pill Palace?”

He thought that Qin Feiyang two people were dead.

But when his eyes crossed Luo Xiong and saw Qin Feiyang two people, his face immediately climbed up incredible!

How could this be?

Not only wasn’t he dead, he didn’t even get hurt?


It is at this time.

Luo Xiong furious.

Because you do n’t have to look back, just look at the response of the black clothed old man and you know that Qin Feiyang two people are all right.

And now, it is undoubtedly a good opportunity to fight back!

He made a lunge and dived away.

fist, Battle Qi Cover!


One fist banged on the belly of the black clothed old man.


The black clothed old man was bombed on the spot, bowing his body, breaking down one tree after another, emitting wild beast-like miserable howl.

At last.

A bang, smashed a rock garden and smashed into the ground.

“You guys go quickly!”

Luo Xiong drank a few words without looking back, then took advantage of the chase and rushed towards the rock garden.

“Is this the strength of Battle King?”

Ling Yunfei tightly clenched with both hands, looking at Luo Xiong’s back, his eyes were full of longing.

“If there wasn’t that incident, now I’m more than just a Battle King? Maybe I’ve stepped into the Battle Sovereign Realm.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark mumbled, patted Ling Yunfei’s shoulders vigorously, shouted: “What is it, quick go!”

Ling Yunfei shivered and hurriedly followed Qin Feiyang, running out of the gap in the wall.

“The Lord of the City has an order, must kill them!”

“Fast chase!”


A large group of guards chased after, mud splashed!

Outside the fence is a 2-meter-wide alley with one finger deep.

Qin Feiyang two people ran in the alley.

“Why are there so many guards?”

Hearing the movement behind him, Ling Yunfei glanced back, immediately his face paled.

“It seems that the owner of the city has been training his own power these years.”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

“Yi! ”

“It’s Jiang Haotian!”

“And Ling Yunfei!”

City Lord Mansion The street on 4 sides has now become a sea of ​​people.

When I saw Qin Feiyang two people running in the alley, they were all horrified.

“Get out of the way, don’t get in the way!”

Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted.

“What happened inside?”

“Why so much movement?”

Everyone was blocking the exit of the alley, and they kept asking.

“How to do?”

Ling Yunfei anxiously said.

Qin Feiyang looked up and shouted, “Up on the roof!”

The two people fell down one step, and with the help of the force, they jumped off the several meters high and landed firmly on the roof next to City Lord Mansion.

Those guards followed the example of two people, one after another jumped up!

Qin Feiyang turned around and shouted, “Good opportunity, don’t be soft!”

The two guards just jumped up and were kicked by him on the spot, smashing into the opposite wall, mourning!

Ling Yunfei also turned around immediately, holding a dagger in his hand.

Seeing a guard climbing up next to him, he ran quickly and stabbed it straight down, the tip of the blade fell into the heart of the guard’s forehead, the guard screamed, fell down, and died on the spot!

“What the hell is this?”

Watching Qin Feiyang two people, killing the guard of City Lord Mansion frantically, the crowd on the street set off a perilous situation in their hearts!

Are two people crazy?

Don’t know, is this bringing about one’s own destruction?

Only more than ten breaths, the guard who died under the hands of Qin Feiyang two people, there are more than 20 of them.

At this time.

There are already a lot of guards, climbing up the roof from other places, and killing Qin Feiyang two people!


With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he turned and fled quickly.

After Ling Yunfei resolved a guard, he quickly followed.

Some houses are tall.

Some houses are low.

But the two people acted like ape, with agility and speed.

The guards behind me are also anxious, wildly chasing!

Tiles, Continuously Shattered!

Ling Yunfei said solemnly: “This is not the way to go!”

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, saying: “Feng Cheng, they should have heard the movement, and headed for Pill Palace!”

Two people turned around, and before they ran a few steps, Ling Yunfei shouted: “Not good, 2 people have caught up!”

Qin Feiyang Yu Guang glanced behind him, and it turned out that he had two guards, one tall and one short, and was approaching quickly.

short guard with a big iron bow in his hand and a quiver on his back.

The weapon in the tall guard’s hand is 2 large hooks like eagle claw. The cold light at the tip is very dazzling!

He sank in his heart!

Black Bear City does not have auxiliary Martial Skill, and those who can catch up with them must be Martial Ancestor!

didn’t expect Martial Ancestor from City Lord Mansion, unexpectedly so much!

Tall guard said with a sneer: “I see you guys today, where do you flee?”


The short guard pulled back two arrows.

call out! !!

Two arrows darted through the sky and shot towards the sleeveless garment of Qin Feiyang two people.

“Be careful!”

Qin Feiyang drink low.

Two people strode out at the same time, two arrows rubbing past their arms, crushing a few tiles, and shooting into the wood on the roof!

Chi chi!

One strand of black smoke evaporates.



See this scene.

Qin Feiyang two people’s scalp is fried!

On the arrow tip, the extremely posionous!

“Go down!”

Qin Feiyang shouted.

Two people leapt down, landed on the street, and quickly ran into an alley!

Two guards followed the alley.

Alleys are 4 to 8 and four people are chasing wildly inside!

Because there are too many cross-sections, and they are criss-crossed, Qin Feiyang two people have a chance to catch their breath.

After a while.

Two people stop in the middle of a cross section.

Ling Yunfei looked towards the alley on the left, his eyes brightened, and said, “There is a trash heap over there, go and hide.”

“Hiding in the trash?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, shaking his head in a hurry.

He couldn’t do such a thing.

He looked towards the right alley, ten meters away, and several baskets were stacked together.

Inside the basket is some waste paper.

It’s just that the waste paper has been eroded by the torrential rain, and it seems a bit disgusting.

But it is better than hiding in the trash.

Qin Feiyang without the slightest hesitation ran over.

Ling Yunfei also quickly followed.

As soon as the two people were hiding, the two guards came to the cross section.

Seeing Qin Feiyang two people running away, the tall guard flustered and exasperated roared: “If it weren’t for too many intersections, we would have solved the two little bastards!”

Short guard’s complexion was also a blue.

He pulled out an arrow and shot an arrow at the trash pile over there.

Seeing nothing changed, he pulled out another arrow and turned and aimed at the pile of baskets!


Qin Feiyang whispered.

“10000000 Don’t put arrows!”

Ling Yunfei prayed in his heart.



The short guard finally dropped the arrow.


Qin Feiyang shouted.

Two people lifted the basket hard, and ran towards the other side without turning their backs.

See you.

Short guard is overjoyed, quickly pull out 2 arrows, pull the bow, put the arrow, in one go!

The two arrows were like two poisonous snakes, shuttled through the rainstorm at a high speed, and snorted, sinking into the shoulders of Qin Feiyang two people.


Blood Splatters!

“Serve Detoxification Pill fast, pretend to be dead!”

Qin Feiyang drink low.

Ling Yunfei took out two Detoxification Pills without a trace and handed them to Qin Feiyang.

They are back to those 2 guards, so the 2 guards don’t see their little movement.

After taking Detoxification Pill, two people fell to the ground, lying on the rain, motionless.

“Don’t die now!”

short guard sneer.

The tall guard shook his head and said, “Although the poison of the Single Horn Python was smeared on the arrow tip, I still couldn’t carelessly, go up and confirm it.”

Short guard disdain: “You think too much, they are just 5-Star Martial Master, the venom of Single Horn Python, enough to let them die instantly!”

“Anyway, check it out!”

Tall guard said solemnly.

“Ok ok ok, you have the final say.”

short guard said impatiently.


Two people walked towards Qin Feiyang and Ling Yunfei.

“How to do?”

Ling Yunfei asked softly.

Qin Feiyang thought for a while and whispered, “Don’t we also have the venom of Single Horn Python? Let’s use an opponent’s own methods to obtain retribution, and wait for them to come closer and act on the machine.”

“good idea.”

Ling Yunfei’s eyes brightened.

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