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“Isn’t he Chief of Heavenly Jade Tribe?”

“I remember he was exiled to the First Region more than 2 months ago. How could he be in our Tribe?”

Seeing Heavenly Jade Tribe Chief and the group of Battle Emperors around Heart Demon all around are all confused.

But High Priest’s face was slightly glomy.

Because when she saw the Chief of Heavenly Jade Tribe, she had already guessed an approximation.

High Priest looked at Heart Demon, and sound transmission said, “Brother Mu, let’s find a place where no one can talk!”


Heart Demon is refreshingly nodded.

He also didn’t want to kill in the Divine Python Tribe. After all, there are a group of kind-hearted old men and children in this Tribe.

Really wretched person, only this High Priest and Chief.

High Priest laughed, clansman looked towards all around, saying: “Everyone, this is a misunderstanding, we will deal with it, you don’t need to worry.”


A group of people frowned.


High Priest didn’t explain much, opened a transmission gate, told Divine Python Tribe Chief.

Divine Python Tribe Chief’s murderous intention was fleeting, and he strode in.

Heart Demon coldly said with a smile, and also screwed Heavenly Jade Tribe Chief into the transmission gate.

As Heart Demon, he is particularly sensitive to murderous intentions.

So, even though Divine Python Tribe Chief is covering up well, he already has insight.

“Just rest assured, when we come back, we will give you a satisfactory account.”

High Priest smiled and said to clansman all around, then turned around and followed the transmission gate.

Dark as night!

Over a deep in the mountains.

Divine Python Tribe Chief was the first to appear, and the Murderous intention in his eyes was undisguised.

Next moment !

Heart Demon also appeared.

Divine Python Tribe Chief turned around abruptly, grabbing his hands like Heart Eagle’s head.

“jié jié ……”

But Heart Demon didn’t expect anything, but saw him smirk, twisting Heavenly Jade Tribe Chief, lightningly retreated away.

“Want to go?”

“It’s too late now!”

Divine Python Tribe Chief laughed, Emperor’s might rushed towards Heart Demon like a torrent.

At this time.

High Priest also appeared.

When she saw this, her face changed slightly, and she hurried to the front of Divine Python Tribe Chief, angrily: “When are you going to be wrong?”

Divine Python Tribe Chief shouted: “Do you think he will let us go? Get away!”

High Priest sighed, “Don’t be obsessed anymore? Let me talk to him.”

“Nothing to talk about!”

Divine Python Tribe Chief suddenly shouted, pushed away the High Priest, gloomy looked at Heart Demon, and said, “As long as you capture you, your younger brother will walk right into a trap!”


The words fall.

imposing manner

He stepped out, carrying the monstrous Emperor’s might and killing Heart Demon Qin Feiyang.

“My younger brother, who is not a device, is not as kind-hearted as you said. Even if you kill me, it may not be frowned.”

“However, you think you can kill me, I’m afraid you don’t have that ability yet.”

Heart Demon one fist abolished Heavenly Jade Tribe Chief, threw it into Ancient Castle, and then greeted Divine Python Tribe Chief.

Heavenly Jade Tribe Chief has some value, so it cannot be killed.


Seeing Heavenly Jade Tribe Chief disappear from nothing, High Priest’s eyes flashed into doubt.

“Insignificant 4-Star Battle Emperor, dare to challenge me, really overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Divine Python Tribe Chief dismissed a smile, and as he approached, Battle Qi smashed and one fist bombarded Heart Demon.

“Is 8-Star Battle Emperor amazing?”

“Without ten tricks, this Eminence will make you kneel for mercy!”

“This is the first move!”

Heart Demon smirked, Battle Character Art opened, within the body burst out of a terrible battle intent, and one fist went off.

At this moment, he is like the fusion of Battle God and killing god, and shakes this void earth!


Two fists met in a bang, Heart Demon When the torn skin and gaping flesh on the arm, but with Battle Character Art body protection, it was not fatal.


Divine Python Tribe Chief looked at this scene, his eyeball stared, and it was incredible.

To know.

He is 8-Star Battle Emperor, and the opponent is only 4-Star Battle Emperor, which is 4 small realms.

It can be said that he has an absolute advantage on the cultivation base.

And this one fist, he also used Battle Qi, and all his power, but unexpectedly did not kill the person?

Did he hide the cultivation base?

He didn’t know that Battle Character Art not only allowed Qin Feiyang to have half an Undying Body, but also half of his power.

In other words.

The one fist just now, Heart Demon only took half the power, and the remaining half was resolved by Battle Character Art.

“The strength of 8-Star Battle Emperor is nothing more than this. If you are not in the mood to play with you, come up with your true ability, otherwise you will have no chance.”

Heart Demon smiled arrogantly, stepped firmly in the void, and uttered a mighty dragon might.


“Dragon might?”

Divine Python Tribe Chief was shocked again, how could human body emit dragon might?

“Why is his blood purple-golden?”

High Priest was surprised.

Heart Demon ignored it, quickly condensing a seal with his hands, and the big Divine Dragon Seal slaps out of nowhere.

Purple Gold Dragon Qi dangles, divine light ten thousand zhang, shines on severalal 100 li night sky, like day!

“Be careful!”

High Priest complexion changed.

What is it? Aura radiated, unexpectedly even she was inexplicably afraid.

“It’s just a bluff, what terrifying!”

Divine Python Tribe Chief dismissive.

The means is heaven defying, but it is only the cultivation base of 4-Star Battle Emperor. What big waves can it set off?

He took a volley shot with his hands, Battle Qi Roaring at the Vast Sky, a giant hand condensed out, covering the sky and the moon, releasing world extinguishing power!


With his growl, the giant hand trembled in the void, with a thunderous wind and thunder, to suppress the Divine Dragon Seal.


“This is the second move!”

Heart Demon grinned, the Divine Dragon Seal rose to the wind, and in a blink of time it became a huge Divine Seal, like a majestic mountain, dashing above the skies, and hitting with that giant hand!

Hong long!

Accompanied by a shocking loud noise, the two immediately burst out in the sky, like a firework in full bloom, splendor dazzling.


at the same time.

Two people spit out blood, their feet went back and forth, and their faces were a little pale.

“This is impossible!”

“It’s also Perfect Battle Art. Could unexpectedly be a draw with me?”

Divine Python Tribe Chief is horrified.

The previous disdain suddenly swept away.

How did he didn’t expect, this man was so strong!

Heart Demon contemptly looked at him and said, “At the beginning, ten people, such as Azure Sea, Old Qin, Wu Kai, Tan Jing, joined forces, and there was nothing more about this Eminence, let alone you.

“They did kill you!”

Divine Python Tribe Chief complexion sank.


“A bunch of stupid overestimate one’s capabilities, death cannot wipe out the crimes.”

Heart Demon said sarcastically, without the body rushing out of an imposing manner that was more terrifying than before, as if one God was awakening!

This imposing manner alone will cause the mountains and rivers of several hundred li to collapse madly, and void will be violently twisted, as if the end of the world is coming!

“What is this again?”

“Why am I flustered!”

Divine Python Tribe Chief was surprised.

Hong long!


On the sky, there are also surging clouds, violet wind erupted!

one after another purple golden divine light, tearing the clouds and coming to earth.

A boundless might growl and startle all directions!

That sight is like Thunder God coming!

Divine Python Tribe Chief and High Priest looked towards the sky at the same time, with a trace of grave expression on their faces.

“This is a third move!”

Heart Demon grinned, waved his hands in the air, and Purple Gold Dragon Qi appeared in the sky like a tide.

Hong long!

Next moment.

one divine statue is alive.

The divine statue holds a broken sword in hand, hunted zhang or so, with a clear outline, and the whole body exudes Purple Gold rays of light.

From a distance, it is like the return of one Divine King, releasing a mighty divine power!

“This divine statue, why is it familiar?”

High Priest was surprised by 10000 points.


Heart Demon rises into the air, falling before the statue of divine, blood is flying, hunting in clothes, like one king, overlooking Divine Python Tribe Chief.

Divine Python Tribe Chief trembled.

In his eyes at this moment, Heart Demon Qin Feiyang returned like a god, making him unable to resist worship.

“What am I thinking?”

“I’m the Chief of the Divine Python Tribe. How can I be afraid of an indicative 4-Star Battle Emperor?”

Divine Python Tribe Chief shook his head frantically, and finally suddenly looked up toward Heart Demon with a cold cold light in his eyes.

“Give me out!”

With his furiously roaring, a black Divine Python growled from behind him.

Divine Python has 1000 zhang or so. It looks like a huge mountain, with huge scales and vicious aura.

This is exactly his Battle Soul!

“Little bastard, realize it!”

“Innate Divine Ability, Light of Annihilation!”

Divine Python Tribe Chief sternly shouted, the black Divine Python swings its huge body in a volley, and shoots a dark light beam at the center of the eyebrow.

It would be like a sharp arrow, carrying an astonishing sharp edge, cutting through the sky and heading for Qin Feiyang wildly shooting!

This Divine Python Battle Soul, this Light of Annihilation, I have seen in Demon Capital before playing against Old Qin.

But compared to Old Qin and Divine Python Tribe Chief’s Battle Soul, power is more terrifying!

Not even comparability!

After all, Old Qin only has 5-Star Battle Emperor.


When Destroyed Old Qin, Heart Demon was Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood.

So now, facing the Battle Soul of Divine Python Tribe Chief, I am still not afraid.

Under the power of Divine Art, everything is ants!


Qin Feiyang shouted.

铿 clang!

The divine statue raised the broken sword, slashed in the air, and a Purple Gold Sword Qi was swept out, and the edge was peerless!

Hong long!


Between light and flint, sword qi and light beam met at high altitude.

For a moment.

A devastating qi wave, earth-shattering rushes to all directions!

1000 miles away, immediately Collapsing Mountain Splitting Earth, lava erupted!

Even void is about to tear, countless Vicious Beasts have been hit, and the body is broken!


When Divine Python Tribe Chief was hit hard, his blood was wildly spurting, his face turned pale.

Stormy seas surges in his heart!

What exactly is Battle Art that unexpectedly can compete with his Innate Divine Ability?

However, at the next moment, something happened that made him even more unacceptable!

I saw that at that altitude, after the sword qi and black light stalemate for a few breaths, the black light suddenly broke up.

Obviously lost!

And the Purple Gold Sword Qi, like a hot knife through butter, cut off the black python, and then continued to cut it towards the Divine Python Tribe Chief!

The piercing edge made him tremble both physically and mentally!

“How is this possible?”

“Innate Divine Ability unexpectedly is not his opponent!”

Whether it was on his face or in his eyes, it was incredible at this moment.

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