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Back to Pill Palace.

Qin Feiyang and fatty were called to Luo Xiong’s outhouse.

Luo Xiong, Feng Cheng, and Elder Mo sit at the stone table in the courtyard.

“I have seen the Palace Lord.”

“Meet 2 Elders.”

Two people walked over and saluted.

Luo Xiong said: “At once, I will go to Pill King Palace. There is nothing to say about this Highness. Just say one thing, don’t shame us, especially fatty.

“How can I?”

fatty Pouting, some feeling wronged.

“Still talking?”

“Tell you, Pill King Palace is not Pill Palace.”

“It’s useless to think carefully about survival at Pill King Palace!”

“The only way is to work hard to prove your worth, otherwise you will be eliminated by ruthless!”

“Until the end, abandoned!”

Luo Xiong shouted.

“Disciple keep in mind that the discipline must change.”

Seeing Luo Xiong’s anger, fatty rushed to answer.

Luo Xiong stared at him, took out a bag from his arms, and threw it to Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “When you leave Black Bear City and then take apart, it will guarantee you a surprise.”


Qin Feiyang responded, putting the bag in his arms.

“Palace Lord, what about mine?”

Seeing Qin Feiyang unexpectedly and a gift, the fatty immediately quit, staring at Luo Xiong eagerly.

Luo Xiong was too lazy to ignore his nonsense.

At this time.

Lin Chen and Lu Hong walked into the other courtyard.

To Qin Feiyang nodded, Lin Chen looked towards Luo Xiong, said with a smile: “Palace Lord Luo, it’s late, we have to go.”


Luo Xiong nodded.

There was perseverance in his eyes.

Feng Cheng and Elder Mo did the same.

A disciple who can refining top grade medicinal pill, who wants to give it to others?

But there is no way, staying at Pill Palace will only delay future prospects for this child.

Feng Cheng waved: “quickly go, quickly go, lest you look upset.”


Lin Chen arched his hand and turned to walk out of the courtyard.

Fat and Lu Hong also made a big gift and turned to follow.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the three people, bowed 90 degrees, and thanked him, “Palace Lord, Old Feng, treasure light, thank you for your care these days. If there are future days, the discipline must be rewarded.”

He has always been disrespectful and disrespectful.

But these three people are worthy of him.

As for what will happen in the future, let’s talk about it later.

three people laughed.

After a lot of hard work, it was finally in vain.

Feng Cheng said with a smile: “If you encounter any difficulties in Yan City, go to Ling’er. The old man has explained to her that she will help you.”


Qin Feiyang stumbled.

This was really not what he wanted.

For this woman, all he could do was stay away.

See you.

Feng Cheng frowns saying: “My granddaughter just keeps you from seeing you?”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly said, “You flatter me, it’s disciple who is afraid of climbing high.”

“Hum, don’t pretend to be in front of the old man, hypocritical!”

Feng Cheng coldly snorted, looked at Lin Chen who was far away, got up and walked beside Qin Feiyang, and whispered, “One thing, the old man wants you to help.”

“what’s up?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

Feng Cheng said, “Help the old man to see Ling’er, don’t let her and Lin Chen get too close.”


Qin Feiyang’s heart is bitter, isn’t this embarrassing him?

Feng Cheng suddenly turned black, frowns saying, “Why? Old man has helped you so much. You don’t even want to be so small?”

“Of course you are willing to do it. Disciple will do her best.”

Qin Feiyang nodded and said.

Hear this.

On Feng Cheng’s face, immediately was full of smiles, nodded and said, “It’s pretty much the same, go ahead, and remember to check back often.”


Qin Feiyang nodded, after saying goodbye to the three people, he chased after the fatty several people.

Western City Gate!

2 men and 2 women stand in front of the city gate.

Their temperament is outstanding, and their clothes are gorgeous, like a crane in a flock of chickens.

Among the two people, it is masked woman, Ling Yunfei.

The other two people are about 16-17 years old.

The woman’s long shawl, clothes floating, has several points of good looks.

The height of the man is 1.75 meters left and right, with a cold expression and sharp eyes, which gives people a coldness that is beyond a thousand li.

These two people are also going to the Martial Palace disciple of Martial King Palace.

As for the masked woman, she was still in a tight-fitting outfit, and she had a perfect figure.

At this moment she held her hands on her chest, her back against the city wall, her eyes sparkled, and no one knew what she was thinking.

After a while.

Qin Feiyang four people walk out of the city gate.

Ling Yunfei greeted, said with a smile: “You are finally here.”

“Why are you here?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Ling Yunfei said, “Look at yourself.”

Qin Feiyang glanced around all around. When I saw a masked woman, my heart was immediately like eating Huanglian.

What are you afraid of, what come.

“Ling’er, I knew you would wait for me.”

Lin Chen rejoiced and walked towards the masked woman.

But the masked woman ignored him at all, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and said, “Let’s go!”

The words fall.

So he took the lead and walked towards the mountain range ahead.

Lin Chen eagerly followed quickly.

Lu Hong quickly followed.

Fat walked beside Qin Feiyang and whispered, “See, what is mean?”

“Be careful of trouble issues from the mouth.”

Qin Feiyang stared at him.

“Brother Haotian, please take care of me on the road!”

The woman from Martial Palace came over, Yingying said with a smile.

Ling Yunfei introduced: “She is Senior Sister Chen Ying, this ruthless handsome brother is Senior Brother Xu Jian, both of 5-Star Martial Master, Martial Palace’s top 2 disciples.”

Cheng Ying glanced at Ling Yunfei and looked at Qin Feiyang and said, “Don’t listen to Little Junior Brother talking nonsense.”

Chen Jian coldly said: “Yes, it’s purely nonsense.”

The masked woman glanced back at them, shouted: “What are you still struggling with? Don’t you want to go?”

Ling Yunfei three people stiffened and hurriedly turned to chase.


Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Fat chuckled said, “So you fiancee, it’s not good!”

“I said it was just a misunderstanding.”

Qin Feiyang is helpless.

“Who believes?”

Fat smirked, pats Qin Feiyang’s shoulders, and stretched out his thumb: “Looking at fiancee being entangled by other men, unexpectedly still indifferent, I have to say, you are awesome!”

Qin Feiyang’s face turned dark, and he said angrily, “Is it owed?”

Fat said: “Don’t be appreciative, Fat Master is also for your good. If you go on like this, maybe someday, you will have more green hats on your head.”

Qin Feiyang jumped with blue tendons and slammed his feet towards the buttocks of the fatty. Fatty was a falling flat on one’s face on the spot and fell to the ground.

“Bastard, Fat Master is nosy, wait for a green hat later, don’t come to Fat Master for comfort!”

Fat got up, yelled at Qin Feiyang, and fled like a fate.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and grinned, chasing several people.

It seems impossible to resolve this misunderstanding.

Don’t blame others, just blame him for reap what you have sown.


He remembered the bag that Luo Xiong gave him.

Take out the bag, open it, and there is a neatly folded piece of paper inside.

“what’s that?”

fatty stepped back again, curiously.

“Can you stop looking like a tag-a-long?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“Fat Master is happy, do you care?”

fatty coldly snorted.

For this fatty, Qin Feiyang was helpless, took out the origami, opened it and took a look, immediately revealing the radiance.

Pill Recipe for Unexpectedly Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill!

Fat angered, “Fuck, Palace Lord is too biased, right?”

Qin Feiyang secretly hid.

Pill Palace really has Pill Recipe by Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill.

But he didn’t expect that Luo Xiong would give him this way.


Exhaling a long breath, he put away Pill Recipe and looked back towards Black Bear City, mumbled: “Thank you.”

“Jiang Haotian, fatty, keep up with you.”

Lin Chen shouted in front.


Qin Feiyang responded and quickly caught up.

fatty is complaining all the way.


A line of 8 people was away from Black Bear City.


They entered a deep in the mountains.

More and more Vicious Beasts were encountered along the way.

But so far, it has not encountered an invincible existence.

Chen Ying puzzled: “Senior Sister Ling’er, why don’t we take the avenue? Or ride to Yan City?”

masked woman Bing coldly said: “Don’t forget, you are now a discipline of Martial King Palace, not a 1000 gold Eldest Young Lady. If you are tired, it is too late to return to Black Bear City.”

Chen Ying froze, lowered her head, and dared not speak again.

After turning around fatty eyeball, he asked, “Senior Brother Lin Chen, as Alchemist, we shouldn’t have to suffer with them, right?”

Lin Chen said with a smile: “Eating hardships is also good.”

“Damn it, this bitch man is a waste of air alive.”

Fat scolded.

Lin Chen’s motivation can be seen by everyone present, it is nothing more than to please the masked woman, but everyone is hard to say clearly.

“At once, I’m going to Eagle Claw Peak, all give me a spirit, pay close attention to the movements of all around!”

masked woman shouted.

“Eagle Claw Peak!”

fatty body trembled, full of panic appeared in the eyes.

Ling Yunfei, Chen Ying, Xu Jian, and Lu Hong also showed solemn faces.

See you.

Qin Feiyang frowned, isn’t this Eagle Claw Peak good?

Through a jungle, over a mountain, a magnificent mountain range, into the sight of several people.

The mountains are stacking upright and upright.

One of the giant peaks is the most spectacular!

The giant peak covers an area of ​​1000 meters and is as tall as 1000 zhang or so. The towering towering sky is imposing, and a majestic imposing manner is coming on, impacting the hearts of several people!

But on the edge of the top of the giant peak, there are still 5 mountain peaks!

Each one is hundred zhang, curved.

Looking away, it really looks like a huge eagle claw, standing between the clouds.

Called the work of the Gods!

Looking at Eagle Claw Peak, the fright in Fatty’s eyes became stronger and stronger, anxiously said: “Senior Brother Lin Chen, let’s make a detour!”

Lin Chen said with a smile: “On the way, we all listen to Ling’er.”


Upon hearing this, fatty immediately screamed 3 feet and yelled, “You want to pick up a girl, Fat Master doesn’t stop, but you also have to have a limit? Listen to her, are you ‘he’ fucking a man? “


Lin Chen smiled stiffly, turned to look at the fatty, and in one’s eyes came out a strand of cold light.

Fat immediately narrowed his neck and hid behind Qin Feiyang, asking indifferently, “Did Fat Master say wrong?”

See you.

Lin Chen’s eyes flickered with disdain, differly said: “You have to find out, now I’m leading the team, not you, so you don’t have a say, I just go where I want to go, understand?”

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