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“He is not dead!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes were cold and he said, “He has been hiding at Eagle Claw Peak and refining Blood Fiend Pill for 8 years, and now he has 8-Star Battle Sovereign!”


“8-Star Battle Sovereign!”

Luo Xiong and the others turn pale with fright.

“What the hell is going on? Tell us one after another quickly.”

Martial Palace Palace Lord.


Qin Feiyang frowned.

If so, would Luo Xiong take the opportunity to hand over Underworld Demon Flame?

“It must be impossible to conceal it, but it is better to explain it truthfully.”

Shen Yin again 3, Qin Feiyang in the dark mumbled, and explained the passage of Eagle Claw Peak in detail.

“Unexpectedly there is such a thing!”

“What a damn!”

“Ling’er, you are so confused, how can you take them to such a dangerous place?”

“I went to notify Sir Head Palace Lord at once.”

“I am going too.”

The three people giant was furious and left in a hurry.

Zuo An, this demon is not dead, but it is a big deal and can’t be neglected.

“I want to be quiet.”

Feng Ling’er said a word, and turned and walked out of the great hall.

Qin Feiyang groaned a little and also followed along.

Two people one after the other, walk into a gazebo.

Feng Ling’er was sitting on a stone bench, and his teachers were like gushing spring, and his face was full of blame.

Qin Feiyang secretly sighed and didn’t know how to comfort him.

The current ending can be said to be Feng Ling’er, caused by one hand.

in case.

She won’t take everyone to Eagle Claw Peak and nothing will happen.

If again.

If Lin Chen is killed at that time, then Old Feng will not be taken away.

Because it is already obvious, Lin Chen must have told Zuo An that Feng Cheng is the grandfather of Feng Ling’er.

That’s why Zuo An took him away.

This is the consequence of being soft-hearted!


Feng Ling’er turned around and rushed into Qin Feiyang’s arms, crying.

Qin Feiyang was a little overwhelmed, but eventually took the action, patted her back, and comforted: “Relax, nothing will happen.”

Feng Ling’er said: “Zuo An is a Great Demon, vicious and merciless, how can I rest assured?”

Qin Feiyang sighed, “It’s over, it’s no use worrying you.”

“I really hate myself, why not kill Lin Chen directly?”

Feng Ling’er blames herself.

“there will be chances in the future.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Da da!

With the sound of footsteps, Ling Yunfei and fatty ran over, seeing the two people hugging each other, and immediately turned their heads, expression was quite awkward.

Feng Ling’er had a red cheek, and stood up straight, wiped away her tears, and bowed her head, “I feel better in my heart, thank you.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, turned and looked towards Ling Yunfei, and asked, “Are you all right?”

Ling Yunfei nodded, and Worriedly said: “But now, I’m not assured, let her stay in Black Bear City.”

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “This is also true, if you let Zuo An find out your relationship with her, you will definitely be attacked by her, but Zuo An Divine Ability is vast, unless you take your mother to Martial King Palace, otherwise Nothing is safe. “

Ling Yunfei sank, saying, “When Head Palace Lord comes, I’ll ask him for pleading, and hope he can promise.”

“Martial Palace Head Palace Lord is coming?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

“Such a big thing should happen!”

Ling Yunfei frowned, and he was not sure.

“It turns out you are here.”

At this time.

Lu Hong ran over and said, “Palace Lord wants you to go over.”


Qin Feiyang.

The entire group quickly returned to the main conference hall.

Patriarch Jiang has also left.

Inside the palace, only Luo Xiong and Elder Mo two people.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Palace Lord, is there something wrong with us?”

Luo Xiong said: “Head Palace Lord allows you to go to Yan City immediately, Ling’er, Ling Yunfei, so do you.”


Feng Ling’er asked.

Luo Xiong said: “Because the Head Palace Lord is worried that Zuo An may make a comeback. You will not be able to run away by then. As for your grandfather, Head Palace Lord said that he will not sit idly by.”

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “What about Zuo An? Could you just let him go like this?”

Luo Xiong said with a smile: “Of course not, but Zuo An is an 8-Star Battle Sovereign. Even if Head Palace Lord comes to Black Bear City in person, they may not be able to find him, so they plan to wait for the rabbit, after all, you robbed him. Pill Fire, sooner or later he will come to you. “

Qin Feiyang said angrily, “Why don’t they report the Prefecture Mansion for such a big thing?”

“Prefecture Mansion!”

Luo Xiong pupil contracted and shook his head. “They have their ideas. We, the nobody, don’t care, and we are not qualified to do it, just do what they tell them to do.”

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow.

But then, a weakly secretly sighed.

There is a saying that Heavens are high, Emperor is far.

Although Emperor’s authority controls everything, it only controls the big picture.

Emperor’s authority is also difficult to control some trivial matters in the local area.


Luo Xiong stood up and said, “Old Mo, I’m a bit uneasy. I want to escort them to Yan City in person. When I’m away, you are solely responsible for the things inside the palace.”


Elder Mo nodded.

Ling Yunfei hurriedly said, “What about my mother?”

Luo Xiong said with a smile: “Here you rest assured, we have released fake news that your mother has been sent to Yan City, as long as she does not show up in front of people, even if Zuo An finds out her relationship with you, Will come to Black Bear City. “

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “It’s a good idea to use this trick to hide the sky and cross the sea.”

On the surface, Ling Yunfei’s mother went to Yan City, but it was actually still in Martial Palace.

In the future, if Zuo An wants to take her away, he will definitely go to Yan City.

speaking of which, this can be considered a bait.

On the shoulder of fatty pats Ling Yunfei, said with a smile: “brothers! As long as we don’t say, there won’t be three people know about this, should you be relieved now?”

Ling Yunfei nodded, a smile finally appeared on his face.

Five people followed Luo Xiong and walked out of the main conference hall.

Luo Xiong stood at the door with his finger next to his mouth and blew a loud whistle to the distance.


Not a moment.

With a high-pitched scream, one black bird showed huge feather wings, breaking the sky.

That’s one eagle.

The wings are spread out and can be more than ten meters, but there is no vicious aura on the body.

Because this kind of eagle is specially raised to travel.

Very dependent on human.

The eagle landed on the ground, Luo Xiong walked over, said with a smile: “old partner, you have to work hard again.”


While whispering, the eagle pecked at the face of Luo Xiong with the giant bird, looking very docile.


Luo Xiong pats The head of the eagle, turning one’s head, greeted Qin Feiyang several people, and they jumped up and landed on the eagle’s back.

“Fat Master has never enjoyed this treatment!”

Fat hurried over, jumped onto the eagle’s back, and touched that soft feather, excited.

After Qin Feiyang several people also went up, the eagle screamed, spreading its wings above the skies, and quickly went away.

Pedal the eagle and soar in the Nine Heavens.

Ling Yunfei and Lu Hong are also very excited.

Not to mention fatty.

Only Qin Feiyang and Feng Ling’er are normal.

Qin Feiyang looked at Lu Hong in front of him, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly reached her ear and whispered, “I have something to tell you.”

“what’s up?”

Lu Hong wondered.

Two people are next to each other, and the wind is roaring, so as long as it is not too loud, Luo Xiong, who is standing in front, will not hear it.

Qin Feiyang said: “At Eagle Claw Peak at the time, you were there, and Zuo An would certainly not let you go. I believe you should know this.”

Lu Hong nodded.

Qin Feiyang sighed: “I’m really worried. People have mistaken me for Qin Feiyang, so as long as you don’t tell the White Wolf thing, we will be friends and support each other and help each other. What?”


Lu Hong’s eyes brightened.

The person’s future is limitless.

If you can really become friends with him, you will definitely get a lot of benefits in the future.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Honestly.”

Lu Hong said, “OK, I must keep this secret.”

In fact, these days, she has been wondering how to get rid of this person.

Now, the opportunity comes to the door, naturally you can’t miss it.

Moreover, at Eagle Claw Peak, it was this person who saved her and let her escape. Even if there were no strings attached, she should be helped.

Lu Hong added: “I don’t say, what about them?”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Except fatty, Ling Yunfei, Feng Ling’er, I have already said hello.”

Lu Hong was shocked.

Ling Yunfei has a good relationship with this person, and it is normal to help keep secrets.

But Feng Ling’er is proud daughter of heaven, unexpectedly also helps this person?

At this time.

Fat stepped in and chuckled, “You what time has become so intimate? Are you afraid of sister-in-law being jealous?”

Lu Hong blushed, then quickly lowered his head.

“Don’t say it.”

Qin Feiyang glared at him, grabbed the fatty, and mumbled a few words in his ear.

Upon hearing fatty, those squinting eyes, immediately glanced over a radiance, looked up towards Qin Feiyang, dissatisfied: “Is Fat Master the kind of gossip?”

Qin Feiyang smiled. Pats fatty’s shoulder didn’t say much.

He has been able to conclude that this dead fatty definitely knows his true identity, but it is not broken.

time flashing past.

In the middle of the night.

A magnificent ancient city, into the sight of several people.

The ancient city covers an area of ​​several hundred li, which is extremely huge!

layer upon layer great hall, high and low, uneven, imposing manner extraordinary.

The four sides of the city wall are like pythons, glowing with icy luster. The ancient aura rushes forward, impacting the perspective of several people!

“That’s Yan City!”

fatty tightly clenched with both hands, pumps radiance burst.

Under the dim moonlight, that city is like one wild Vicious Beast, lying on the ground, shaking people’s hearts!

Luo Xiong cautioned: “You have to remember that Yan City is the Royal Capital of Yan County, so here, controlling beast to fly is absolutely forbidden.”

The words fall.

A light step under his foot, the eagle swooped down and landed on the plain in front of the city gate.

Late at night, a deadly stillness.

Several people successively jumped off the eagle’s back.

Luo Xiong pats The eagle’s wings, said with a smile: “old partner, you go to the nearby mountain range for food first.”


The eagle spread its wings and went away soaring heaven.

“follow me.”

Luo Xiong greeted him, turned and walked towards the city gate, and said, “In Yan City, you cannot control beast to fly, you cannot fight in private, and you can’t kill someone.”

Ling Yunfei said: “What if it was provoked by others?”

Luo Xiong said: “There is a Martial Practice Stage in the city. You can do whatever you want. In advance, you must have this ability. If you are short of money, you can also go to the Martial Practice Stage.”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang several people stared blankly.

Luo Xiong said with a smile: “I will know when you go.”


The entire group comes to the city gate.

Two big and powerful characters are engraved on the city gate, releasing an amazing imposing manner!

——Yan City!

“Palace Lord Luo, please stop and be checked.”

In front of the city gate, there are 2 guards.

They were wearing black armor, wearing iron helmets, each holding a three chi long gun, expressionless looking at several people, their eyes were extremely cold.

Feng Ling’er shouted: “Check what? At once, get away!”

One of the guards said: “Miss Ling’er, we are on a routine basis, please forgive me.”

Another person followed: “Knowing that Zuo An’s demon was not dead, King Yan immediately ordered his death. From now on, anyone who enters Yan City must be closely investigated.”

“It should be.”

Luo Xiong laughed.

A guard takes out a strange stone, shaped like an eye, can have a big palm, simple and unadorned, and looks extremely ordinary.

But when I saw this stone, Qin Feiyang pupils showed a panic in the depths!

——Heavenly Eye Stone!

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