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Qin Feiyang was happy and found that the beautiful married woman and Elder Wan were looking at him, and his expression was intriguing.

He touched nose, wondering, “Why do you look at me like that?”

The beautiful married woman said, “Why do I have a feeling of being pitted by you?”

Elder Wan nodded.


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, said innocently: “Do I have one?”

The beautiful married woman said: “If we go to Pill King Palace and ask them to help refining these 6 Scarlet Fire Glaze Pills, we will give them at most one Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill as a reward, but when you arrive, you will need 3 Haven’t been pitted by you yet? “


Qin Feiyang coughed a few times and said seriously: “I refining is top grade medicinal pill.”

Elder Wan rolled his eyes and said, “Even if it’s a top grade medicinal pill, you can’t just add a small realm.”


Qin Feiyang stumbled, saying: “top grade medicinal pill is not measurable by price. If you have to do this, I can’t help it.”

Two people looked at the same time, seemingly to reach some kind of agreement, at the same time nodded.

“About Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill, we need to think again.”

“If you want to be free, just go around 4 places, or go to Ling’er and Yunfei to talk about the old.”

“We have something to go before we will call someone to take you to your place later.”

Elder Wan said very gently.

Then the two people got up and hurried outside.

Qin Feiyang quickly got up and shouted, “hey hey hey, don’t do this, at least I want one less.”

The two people ignored him at all and disappeared as soon as they slipped away.

“Anyway, it’s Battle Sovereign, can you be mean?”

Qin Feiyang disdain.

The duck that got to the mouth flew like this, and was very upset.

Back on the chair, he took out the Underworld Demon Flame, his thoughts moved a little, the black flame rose half a meter high, and a terrible temperature spread quickly.

But he himself could not feel the slightest heat.

Qin Feiyang is amazing.

Just don’t know, what level of Underworld Demon Flame is Pill Fire.

Pill Fire also has strengths and weaknesses.

The Pill Fire at Iron Ox Town Pill Palace is undoubtedly the lowest.

The Pill Fire at Black Bear City Pill Palace should be a bit higher.



He smelled a burnt smell, suspiciously looked towards all around, complexion changed.

It turned out that the temperature was too high. The tables, chairs, coffee tables, and windows in the main conference hall were all burnt at this moment.

Those fabrics have even burned.

He quickly put away Underworld Demon Flame, grabbed the teapot, and started to extinguish the fire.


The fire was extremely fierce, and with a few blinks of an eye, the wood also burned.

What’s more, the water in the teapot is only a little bit.

Not enough to extinguish the fire.

“This is finished.”

Qin Feiyang’s face convulsed. When he first came to Martial King Palace, he burned the main conference hall. Elder Wan and beautiful married woman would surely be mad.

The fire is getting terrifying!

He quickly ran out of the great hall and shouted, “It’s on fire, come on out!”


“How could it catch fire?”

The nearby disciple heard the roar, and immediately moved towards this side.

“what happened?”

At this time.

A husky fellow strode forward, and when he saw the great hall that had turned into flames, the eyeball immediately glared.

Qin Feiyang coughed, pretending to be confused, and said, “Yeah, what’s going on?”

The husky fellow stared blankly and asked, “Aren’t you always here?”

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “Yeah, but I really don’t know what happened, and it suddenly caught fire.”

“is it?”

Husky fellow looked at him doubtfully.

Qin Feiyang was a little uncomfortable and quickly shifted the topic, saying, “Is Elder Wan calling you?”

Husky fellow said, “Yes, Elder Wan asked me to protect you, and I specifically told you to stay on.”

Qin Feiyang said: “In other words, are you a 9-Star Battle King?”

husky fellow nodded.

Qin Feiyang said, “Go, take me to Treasure Pavillion first.”

“Shouldn’t you fire first?”

husky fellow said.

Qin Feiyang glanced at 2 sides, dozens of disciples, and rushed towards this side, and said, “I have something urgent to deal with, they will fight the fire, don’t worry, go!”

Then hurriedly slipping away.

“Hurry up the fire!”

Husky fellow glanced at Qin Feiyang and glanced at the great hall. After explaining the disciples that came over, he chased Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang ran several hundred meters away in one breath.

Husky fellow wondered, “What’s the matter, so anxious?”

Without waiting for Qin Feiyang’s answer, an angry roar came from the main conference hall.

“Jiang Haotian, you are a disaster sta!”

It was Elder Wan’s voice.

“Disaster sta?”

Husky fellow stared blankly, seems to understand a bit, looked at Qin Feiyang queerly, and said: “Will you put the setting on fire?”

Qin Feiyang’s face turned pale, said with displeasure: “How could I do this?”

“So how does Elder Wan scold you?”

Husky fellow is suspicious.

“Maybe I’m not pleasing to the eye, stop nonsense, take me to Treasure Pavillion.”

Qin Feiyang urged.

“The fire in the main conference hall must have something to do with this child.”

Husky fellow in the dark mumbled, he grabbed Qin Feiyang and ran towards Western City District.

Although it was 9-Star Battle King, it took half an hour to reach Treasure Pavillion.

“It’s Jiang Haotian!”

“He was unexpectedly dare to come out alone?”

“No, next to him is Deacon Elder of Martial King Palace.”

“I remember his name was Shi Zheng, and he was one 9-Star Battle King!”

“Unexpectedly put one 9-Star Battle King in close personal protection. This Martial King Palace really values ​​this person!”

When Qin Feiyang entered Treasure Pavillion, the people inside whispered.

But Qin Feiyang ignored it all.

A staff member stepped forward and asked, “Young Master Jiang, what would you like to buy?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Take me to the auction house.”

Shi Zheng added: “To VIP lounge.”

“Okay, please come with me.”

The staff turned around with two people and went straight up to the 2nd floor to the door of a VIP lounge.

Qin Feiyang is preparing to walk in.

“Wait a minute!”

Shi Zheng reached out to stop him, said solemnly: “I’ll go and see.”

Before Qin Feiyang responded, he pushed in the door, carefully checked the VIP lounge, and determined that there was no crisis before allowing Qin Feiyang to enter.

The staff member said, “Young Master Jiang, if there is no other order, I will go down first.”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

After the staff left, Qin Feiyang glanced at the VIP lounge.

The decoration is not luxurious or ordinary.

2 old-fashioned wooden armchairs, neatly placed in the center, apparently carefully carved.

In front of the chair, there is a transparent floor-to-ceiling window, which can clearly see the situation outside.

He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked down.

Below is the auction house.

Very large enough to hold 1000 people.

And now, there are almost three-four hundred people.

There is a high stage in the center, and a white-haired old man is standing on the stage, hosting the auction Great Competition.

The item being auctioned is a dagger, and many people are bidding.

Qin Feiyang watched the meeting carefully and lost interest.

The quality of the dagger is not bad, but it is 108,000 li worse than Azure Snow.

He turned and sat in a chair, looking towards Shi Zheng standing aside.

I saw Shi Zheng glanced at the auction house, his face alert.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Elder, relax, even if someone wants to deal with me, it’s not so fast.”

“Can’t care!”

Shi Zheng shook his head.

“This person is quite dutiful.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark mumbled.

Auctions are in full swing.

Item after item, they are constantly being photographed, but nothing is what Qin Feiyang wants.

When he lost his patience and was about to get up and leave, the white-haired old man on the high stage took out a delicate jade box and said with a laugh: “The next thing to be auctioned is very precious, and everyone should open your eyes wide Look carefully. “


Qin Feiyang starred blankly slightly, returned to the seat, and fixed his eyes.

I saw the white clothed old man opened the jade box and took out a medicinal ingredient.

The medicinal ingredient can have a thick baby arm, long chopsticks, and a red body as a whole, as if the flame is condensed, and its shape is almost exactly the same as that of ginseng.

“Fire Ginseng!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook, and immediately came to Spirit.

In fact, he came to Treasure Pavillion to see if there was a pill furnace, but didn’t expect unexpectedly to meet Fire Ginseng.

The emergence of Fire Ginseng caused the entire auction house to boil.

White hair old man said with a smile: “This treasure, you don’t need to introduce more of the old man. The starting price is 300 Gold Coin. It won’t be capped, start!”

“400 !”

“500 !”

“1000 !”

“2 1000!”

Prices, sou sou soared upward.

More than ten breaths, the price of Fire Ginseng climbed to 5000.

This price has already made many people unable to bear it, and can only watch other people raise prices.

After a while.

The price soared to 2 10000, and only a few people were still competing.

“This Fire Ginseng, I have Xue Yang to order, 30000!”

A particularly unbridled voice came from a VIP lounge.

It seemed to be afraid of this person, and no one barked any more.

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised, and asked, “Elder Shi, Xue Yang is who?”

Shi Zheng said, “He is the Core Disciple of Pill King Palace. Pill Refinement talent can be ranked in the top ten among all disciplines. The future is limitless, and he and the Eldest Prince of the Royal Family have a very good relationship, so many people are encountering When he is, he will respect 30%. “

“Pill King Palace!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at a bit of cold light, indifferently said: “I bid 40000.”

“It sounds like Jiang Haotian?”

“That guy is a master of lawless of law and natural morality. Other people are afraid of Xue Yang. He is definitely not afraid. In addition, he and Pill King Palace have deep grievances, and they will definitely fight Xue Yang to the end.”

“There is a good show here.”

After hearing Qin Feiyang’s voice, everyone else was both hands crossed near chest, and looked at the 2 VIP lounges.


Xue Yang’s voice came out and said, “Jiang Haotian, you better do what you can, 50000.”

With a threatening tone!

Qin Feiyang said with a sneer: “You are the oldest, hunted thousand!”

“The price increase is 50000 in a second, this guy is really rich and imposing!”

People are stunned.

Xue Yang extremely angry and said with a smile, “Okay, very good. Today I will accompany you for fun. I’d like to see how many Gold Coins you have, 200,000!”

[PS; Thanks to those friends who gave a reward for 2 days, old dream bowed]

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