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“Don’t bother me while Pill Refinement.”

When Qin Feiyang urged Wolf King, he waved his hand, and Underworld Demon Flame breaking the sky came and floated under the pill furnace.

The thought rises and the flames rise!

The temperature inside Ancient Castle skyrocketed!

Wolf King quickly retreated to the back corner, and the pump shrank, quite scared of Underworld Demon Flame.

In a flash.

The top of the pill furnace was burnt red, heatwave surging!

Using your own Pill Fire Pill Refinement and using someone else’s Pill Fire Pill Refinement is completely different.

For example, in the Pill Refinement Room, Qin Feiyang had to use Spirit Power first, get used to the high temperature of Pill Fire, and gradually merge with Pill Fire to control Pill Fire.

And now, with Underworld Demon Flame, he only needs to think about it!

This will undoubtedly save a lot of time.


A piece of Spirit Power rushed out of his top of the head, rolled up a medicinal ingredient, and slowly put it into the pill furnace.


Just put it into the pill furnace, with a burst of smoke, the medicinal ingredient turned into ashes on the spot!

“what happened?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Healing Pill, he has refining no less than 100 times.

Control of Pill Fire, not to mention achieved perfection, but it will definitely not go wrong.

He even remembered clearly that Healing Pill’s first medical ingredient required 30% heat control.

just now.

He did control 30% heat control.

But medical ingredient, how to burn to ashes?

He reached into the pill furnace suspiciously and retracted with lightning, surprised: “How high is the temperature inside the pill furnace?”

After a moment’s thinking, it dawned on me.

It must be because the levels of the two Pill Fires are different.

no doubt.

Underworld Demon Flame is definitely higher than Pill Fire at Pill Palace.

There is naturally a temperature difference between the two.

So now we have to readjust the heat control.

Figured this out.

Qin Feiyang thought of it and controlled Pill Fire at 20% heat control, and the medical ingredient turned into ashes again.

Controlled at 10% heat control, the medical ingredient is finally turned into ashes.

“No 10% heat control?”

Qin Feiyang 愣神.

The level of Underworld Demon Flame was a little higher than he expected.


He controlled the heat to 5%.

This time, finally successfully extracted the spiritual liquid.

“The first medicinal ingredient, which originally required 30% heat control, now only needs 5%.”

“The second medicinal ingredient originally required 2% heat control, but now it only needs 40% heat control?”

After an experiment, it really is.


He let go of his guts and began to refine the spiritual liquid.

Third Type medicinal ingredient, 10% heat control!

4th medicinal ingredient, 10% half heat control!


8 drops of spiritual liquid are extracted.

The next 2 steps are to merge 8 spiritual liquids, and then add the solidified liquid to make the medical pill take shape. He is in one go without any delay.

After the medicinal pill is released.

Qin Feiyang couldn’t wait to grab it, opened his eyes and looked carefully.


His body trembled, his eyes dazzling with rays of light.

I saw Healing Pill above, surrounded by a circle of Pill Mark, not only clear and clear, can be seen at a glance, but also exuded one strand strands of treasure light!

It feels like a halo is added to the medical pill.

This is the real top grade medicinal pill!

Qin Feiyang is extremely excited.

Pill Fire is really the key thing that affects the quality of medical pill.

Without Underworld Demon Flame, he would definitely not be able to refining, such a perfect top grade medicinal pill.

just now.

He deserves the title top grade Alchemist!

“You can’t be complacent. Top grade medicinal pill is not the end. You have to continue to cheer.”

He mumbled to himself, calmed down the excitement in his heart, and began to refining Bone Replenishing Pill.

time flashing past.

Late at night after 2 days.

A billowing silhouette, acting like a thief, crawled in through the window.

It’s fatty!

Without seeing Qin Feiyang in the room, he whispered: “Boss Jiang, Fat Master is here, come out soon.”


Qin Feiyang immediately appeared out of thin air, said with a smile: “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“wait for me?”

fatty stared blankly.

“How dare I go to see you at Pill King Palace?”

Qin Feiyang smiled bitterly.

I’m afraid he has already been captured before he enters the gate of Pill King Palace.

and so.

He lived in such an eye-catching place, so that everyone in the city knew that he was here. If there was something for him, he would come here naturally.

Fat carefully pondered and understood Qin Feiyang’s motive, sighing: “This is too troublesome, we have to get a few crystal crystal stones as soon as possible.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Just, the crystal stone is so expensive, you pay for it?”

Fat chuckled said: “You sold Fat Master, and you can’t sell such a Gold Coin, so this image of crystal stone, Boss Jiang, you have to find a way.”

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes and scanned the room, wondering, “What about Shi Zheng?”

“Drink alone underneath!”

fatty pointed downstairs.

Qin Feiyang said: “It was better not to see him, but how about it? Did you get the medical ingredient?”

He is waiting for the fat, he is waiting for the medical ingredient.

“Fat Master, what else can’t be done?”

Fat stared at him dissatisfied, took out a heaven and earth bag and threw it to Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang grabbed the heaven and earth bag with one hand, and grabbed the fatty with one hand, and the next moment appeared in Ancient Castle.

“Hi, Brother Wolf.”

Seeing Wolf King, fatty immediately greeted her with enthusiasm.

“You meat, it should be very fragrant, just because Brother Wolf hasn’t resuming a meat diet for a few months …”

Wolf King cracked his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, staring at him with evil evil designs.

Before he finished speaking, fatty was shivering, hiding behind Qin Feiyang, like a frightened little pig.


Wolf King glanced at him scornfully, then lowered his head and continued to sleep.

Qin Feiyang took out the medical ingredient and counted one after another, no more, no less, just 3 servings each.


As he sorted out the medical ingredient, he said, “fatty, ask you a question.”

fatty said: “Ask me!”

Qin Feiyang said, “Did you already know, my true identity?”

Fat chuckled said: “Then you tell Fat Master, who is your true identity?”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said: “I wasn’t even surprised at all. It looks like I expected, fatty. Now that you know, I’m Qin Feiyang. Why do you want to be so close to me?”


“Are you Qin Feiyang?”

Fat looked at him in surprise, stunned.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the fatty and said, “Reload, I’ll let White-Eyed Wolf eat you.”


Wolf King is also very cooperative. Contorts one’s face in agony.

Fat narrowed his neck and hurriedly said: “right right right, Fat Master did know that you were Qin Feiyang. The reason why you are so close to you is that I guess you are not young, want to get some light, and fish a little Cheap, shouldn’t it be anything? “

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “It’s nothing, you didn’t guess wrong, I’m not a small one.”

fatty nice strangely said: “Then what are you doing?”

Qin Feiyang said: “If I tell you now, I will kill you later, do you still want to know?”

“That’s still ok.”

fatty quickly waved.

“Get ready for bamboo slip and wait for me to send you 2 Perfection Martial Skills, don’t bother me now.”

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he put away the medical pill, got up and walked in front of the pill furnace. He was calm and ready to refining Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill.

Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill, not Healing Pill and Bone Replenishing Pill.

Healing Pill and Bone Replenishing Pill’s medicinal ingredient is very common and very cheap.

But Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill’s medical ingredient is very rare.

If one is accidentally scrapped, it will take a lot of effort to find it.

Especially the leaves of Fire Ginseng and Scarlet Fire Glaze Tree must not be unexpected at all!


This was also his first Pill Refinement Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill, so he was more or less nervous.

And at this moment, the heart is completely filled with ecstasy!

Boss Jiang ……

No no no, it’s Boss Qin.

Unexpectedly, give him Perfection Martial Skill!

This surprise is coming too fast, right?

He’s all getting dizzy now.

It feels like dreaming.

“You’re as good-for-nothing as Ling Yunfei, isn’t it just two kinds of Perfection Martial Skills, you need to be so excited?”

Wolf King’s disdainful words suddenly sounded in fatty’s mind.

Fat immediately stared, turning one’s head and yelled at Wolf King.

But suddenly it came to my mind that Qin Feiyang was at Pill Refinement.

When he reached the mouth, he swallowed it again.

He murmured proudly with a smile: “Fat Master is willing, can you manage?”


Wolf King scorned and continued to close his eyes.


Qin Feiyang also moved.

concentrate attention completely.

Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill has 9 medical ingredients.

When refining the spiritual liquid of these 9 medical ingredients, he will first control the heat to a minimum, and then gradually increase it.

“Didn’t expect Boss Qin, there are really leaves of Scarlet Fire Glaze Tree.”

fatty in the dark mumbled, also calmed down, and watch carefully the process of Qin Feiyang Pill Refinement.

this moment.

In Ancient Castle, there is a deadly stillness, without any noise.

Count hundreds of breaths in the past.

In addition to the leaves of Scarlet Fire Glaze Tree and Fire Ginseng, the spiritual liquid of the other 7 medical ingredients has been refined to give off a strong medical fragrance.

And now he is more careful.

Focus on Spirit Power and dare not be distracted at all.

Hundred breaths again.

Fire Ginseng’s spiritual liquid has also been refined.

He began to refine the leaves of Scarlet Fire Glaze Tree.

After the leaves enter the pill furnace, he controls the Underworld Demon Flame and adds heat control step by step.


It seems that the heat control is too strong and the leaves quickly wither.

Qin Feiyang complexion changed, hurriedly took out the leaves, and saw that the leaves were not burned, so it was relaxed.

After the temperature of the pill furnace dropped, he put the leaves again, cautiously.

this time.

His control of Pill Fire is more refined than before, and the heat control is almost a slight increase!

After the number of ten breaths.

The spiritual liquid has finally been refined.

But now is not the time to relax!

There are two final steps, and you must not go wrong!

Qin Feiyang looked at the 9 drops of spiritual liquid in the pill furnace, trying to relax his body and mind.

Because at this time.

The more nervous, the more error-prone!

After a while, he just started to fuse 9 drops of spiritual liquid.

Every movement is very gentle.

This is testing one’s control and patience!

Slightly wrong, the whole crash!


9 drops of spiritual liquid blend with water and milk, blooming each other, regardless of each other, like a Supreme Treasure, coming soon!

last step!

Qin Feiyang uses Spirit Power to roll up a drop of solidified liquid, cautiously integrated into the spiritual liquid.


Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill is formed.

The glow was restrained, showing a pellet-sized medicinal pill.

Its whole body is fiery red, as if it is on the surface, with a one strand of small flames, an intoxicating medicinal fragrance, like a tide, sweeping every inch of space in Ancient Castle in an instant.

With a big wave of Qin Feiyang, Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill flew out of the pill furnace and grabbed his palm.

Although the medical pill is extremely hot, even though he is sweating, he cannot hide his ecstasy inside!

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