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Although the situation is serious, it is undeniable and very resentful.

Qin Feiyang exhaled for a long time and stood up with a smile: “Go, roast bear paw.”


fatty two people are amazed.

When is the mood to grill the bear paw?

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “Aren’t you here to persuade me to return to Pill King Palace? You have to do something like that!”


Fat understood, evilly smiled.

Lu Hong sighed helplessly.


The three people walked out of the attic, found an open space by the lake, found some dry wood, set up a fire, and leisurely roasted the bear paw.

at the same time.

Elder Jing, who is rushing back to Pill King Palace, is pleasently smiled, and it’s very exciting.

“Although Jiang Haotian has not yet promised to return to Pill King Palace, but there is no problem with the dead fat pig solemnly vowed.”

“At that time, I will have exclusive contribution, and the dead fat pig is timid and afraid to fight with me.”

“Maybe then, the next Law Enforcement Elder will really be me.”

As he galloped, he was immersed in joy, unable to extricate himself.


When he returned to Pill King Palace and came to the medicine field, he was dumbfounded.

This moment!

Like a puddle of cold and piercing ice water poured from his head, the joy in his heart was instantly extinguished!




Various negative emotions, like volcanic eruptions, are unstoppable!


“Is who does …”

both of his hands tightly clenched, the whole body and mind are shaking, the complexion is distorted, the eyes are extremely glomy!

“Who did it!”

“Get me out!”


He gave a growl to the the sky.

That rage of anger finally broke out.

The robes agitated, black hair fluttered, and the blue muscles jumped on the forehead, like a wild wild beast with madness, filled with a towering baleful qi!

“what happened?”

“Old Jing, what are you yelling at?”

Several Deacon Elder nearby, rushed to hear the news.

“How could this be?”

“What about the medicinal ingredient?”

Seeing the empty medicine field, the people’s face suddenly changed, and they hurried into the medicine field, but none of the medical ingredient was found.

“All gone?”

“This is Pill King Palace, countless years of hard work!”

“Where have all been?”

“Old Jing, what the hell is going on here? Come on!”

The Deacon Elders surrounded Elder Jing and looked at him anxiously.


“I do not know either!”

Elder Jing bit his teeth.

“Don’t you guard the medicine field? Why don’t you know?”

“Did you being absent without leave?”

Several people were surprised by 10000 points.

“I don’t know if I don’t know, you bother!”

Roared Elder Jing flustered and exasperated.

Several people immediately raised an eyebrow.

One Deacon Elder suddenly said, “No, even if Old Jing being absent without leave, no one dares to sneak into the Pill King Palace robbing medicinal field. This person must be our Pill King Palace.”


I heard this.

Elder Jing is like a thunder from a clear sky, making a real murderous aura!

“It must be them …”

“They lied to me out of town and ransacked the medicine field …”

“Not only did I not notice it, but I joyfully sent them to Martial King Palace …”

“Why am I so stupid …”

“A few 10 years old people, unexpectedly being little bastard by two teenagers, fooling …”



Elder Jing grew more and more angry, and finally angered his heart, with a scream of anger, a burst of anger and blood spurted out.

“Old Jing, what’s wrong with you?”

“Are you OK?”

Several Deacon Elders gathered around immediately, supporting him with a worried look.

“Little bastard, I won’t let you go …”

“I’m going to smash your corpses in 10000 sections and destroy them …”

Elder Jing was like crazy, Battle Qi rushed out, shook away the Deacon Elders, and carried the terrible tyrannical aura, running towards the outside.

Shua! !

It is at this time.

One white and one black silhouette, like a shooting star, breaking the sky.

It’s Elder He and Jia Hei!

They stood in void, glanced at the medicine field below, the dark pumps, flashing amazing cold light!

“Meet 2 Elders.”

Those Deacon Elder, one-knee kneels, worshipped respectfully.

“Why is this?”

Jia Hei asked.

His eyes were cold and frosty, and the people could not help but chill the whole body!

A Deacon Elder was busy: “Elder, that’s exactly what we did when we came, and I don’t know what happened.”

Jia Hei looked up towards Elder Jing, and solemn light flashed in the old eyes, turned into a stream of light, quickly caught up, and crossed in front of Elder Jing.

When he saw Jia Hei, Elder Jing’s heart burst into fear.


He hurried to his knees and begged, “I was confused by scoundrel, and I asked Elder Jia to spare him!”

“Who did it?”

Elder He gloomy, with a face, flew over to ask.

Elder Jing said: “It was the dead fat pig, and there was a female disciple Lu Hong!”

“Fat pig?”

Elder He frowned, wondering, “You said Situ Tianyu?”

“Yes, it is him!”

Elder Jing nodded.

“No way, he doesn’t have the courage!”

Jia Hei is flatly shouted.

fatty, he has seen it a few times, and gave him the impression that his character was weak and gutless, and he was absolutely afraid to do such a thing.

“Do not.”

Elder He waved, said solemnly: “It’s very possible!”


Jia Hei frowned at him.

Elder He said: “Don’t look at that fatty timid, you can belittle him, in fact, he is very good, otherwise I would not take special care of him, let him take care of the medicine field.

Jia Hei said angrily: “It’s your fault to put it that way!”

Elder He frowns saying: “I think he’s clever. What’s wrong with taking care of it? Forget it, don’t argue with you.”

Elder He was a little irritable, looked down towards Elder Jing, and asked, “Where are fatty and Lu Hong now?”

“Martial King Palace!”

Elder Jing.

“How could they be at Martial King Palace?”

Jia Hei is furious.

If it’s at Pill King Palace, or elsewhere, just send someone to grab it, but if you’re at Martial King Palace, then it becomes very troublesome.


Elder Jing was restless, both angry and nervous.

Dare not tell the truth.

Elder He asked, “Did they ransack the medicine field long ago? Where were you then?”

“Say it!”

Jia Hei’s patience was polished, and stepped forward, the terrible Battle Sovereign’s might, and the earth-shattering flew towards Elder Jing.

“I sent them to Martial King Palace …”

Elder Jing looked pale, and hurriedly explained everything.

Listened to it.

Elder He and Jia Hei were simply crazy.

In addition, the Deacon Elder looked at Elder Jing with contempt.

“A little hairy head will use some means to let you be absent without leave, to find any shit bear paw, and even eagerly send them to Martial King Palace …”

“It’s so good, my Pill King Palace is really talented!”

“If everyone is as” smart “as you, my Pill King Palace would have been utterly failing!”

“Shameful thing, I’ve never seen someone as stupid as you, better than a pig!”

“Just your sad IQ, and want to be the next Law Enforcement Elder, it’s a daydream and a delusion!”

The 2 Big Law Enforcement Elder, regardless of the image, shouted at Elder Jing and spit.

The lungs were exploding.

“Elder He, Elder Jia, and Elder Jing are indeed wrong, but now is not the time to investigate, we must find the fatty as soon as possible and recapture those medicinal ingredients.”

A Deacon Elder bowed.

“This is a shame that will never be erased for Pill King Palace!”

“I will not only recapture the medicinal ingredients, but also kill them!”

Jia Hei grabbed Elder Jing, soared to the sky, headed for Martial King Palace wildly shooting, his eyes were permeated with murderous aura!

“Don’t preach this, lest it be a joke.”

A whisper to those Deacon Elders, Elder He flew up into the sky and chased after Jia Hei.

Count the hunted breaths.

The two people came over the gate of Martial King Palace, without stopping or making a report, they broke into Martial King Palace directly.

The middle-aged man in the great reception hall, immediately noticed them.

Hurrying out of the great hall, a few jumps fell on the roof.

When I saw Elder He three people, his face suddenly changed, suddenly shouted: “Elder He, Elder Jia, and Martial King Palace are prohibited from flying. You are blatantly provoking me Martial King Palace, please come down to me!”


Elder He and Jia Hei turned a deaf ear.

Sou! !

At this time.

2 silhouettes of dazzling, rushing out of Martial King Palace somewhere, in front of Elder He three people!

It was Elder Wan and beautiful married woman.

The faces of the two people are very ugly!

Elder He two people also stopped at void, four eyes simultaneously looked, cold light wildly shooting!

Elder Wan shouted: “What do you mean? Are you declaring war on my Martial King Palace?”

“Don’t dare!”

Jia Hei sneered, and said, “I want to ask what do you mean?”

“What are you talking about? Tell me clearly!”

Beautiful married woman stepped forward, the seemingly thin lovable body, swinging an amazing pressure, shocked this piece of void!

“Is it still stupid?”

Elder He sneered and said, “Are Situ Tianyu and Lu Hong now at Martial King Palace?”


Elder Wan two people frowned, full of puzzles.

The middle-aged man rushed over and looked up at the two people. Loudly said: “Elder Wan, Elder Ji, the Situ Tianyu and Lu Hong, who came to Jiang Haotian not long ago and should be with him now.”

“Wow, it turns out that all this is the little bastard of Jiang Haotian, behind the plan!”

Jia Hei seething in anger, staring at the beautiful married woman two people, shouting: “If I don’t hand over Jiang Haotian three people to me today, I will smash Martial King Palace to the ground!”

“This Eminence killed you first!”

The beautiful married woman is full of cold qi, the slender hand is a little volleyed, the fingertips of Battle Qi are gushing, forming a raging waves, drowning void, and rolling towards Elder He three people!

might shaking all directions!

Elder He hurriedly stepped in front of Jia Hei and Elder Jing, a wave of the old big hand, a battle Qi rushed out.


The two met violently, blasting a loud noise, shaking Heaven and Earth!

“It looks like you Pill King Palace are ready to ride on my Martial King Palace!”

beautiful married woman cold mouth, cold qi surging all over her body, long hair fluttering, long skirt shua shua ringing, as if incarnation becomes one female Battle God, qi soaring the skies!

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