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It was a bloody night.

hazy moonlight.

dusky jungle.

Qin Feiyang, Wolf King, like two ghosts, come and go!

From time to time, there will be screams, which sound in the mountain range.

After 3 hours.

within piece of mountain valley.

One man one wolf cooperated with each other and resolved a killer with ease.

“This is the 50th, there is one left!”

Qin Feiyang grabbed ‘Azure Snow’ and was bathed in blood, as if incarnation became one killing god!

The same goes for Wolf King.

A white fur, dyed red by blood.

Within faint green eyes, there is a vicious glint!

“Go, get rid of the last one.”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he and Wolf King quickly left the valley and stormed into jungle.

“what is the problem?”

“Why are all the screamers from my Black Demon Fort?”

“Can the bastard and Qin Feiyang be possessed by ghosts and gods?”

A short middle-aged man leaning against a big tree, watching all around alertly.

Companions die one after another.

The screams sounded one after another.

It’s like a life-saving sign, making him almost collapse.

What is going on now?

What exactly are they killers?

Or Qin Feiyang and Wolf King are the killers?

He really didn’t understand.

Turned upside down completely.

“No, I can’t stay any longer, otherwise I will die!”

The killer, whether it is psychological quality or ability to bear, must be far beyond ordinary people.

But now.

The short middle-aged was scared.

He now has no courage to face the two fiends, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.

He turned to the outside of the mountain range and ran away without looking back.

But when he ran in front of a horizontal ditch, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King flew out, and ‘Azure Snow’ went straight into his heart!

“I still can’t escape …”

“If there is next life, I will never be a killer again …”

“Before, I killed others …”

“Now, I was killed …”

“This is the retribution …”

The short middle-aged man muttered a few words, snorted, and fell to the ground with remorse.

“It’s too late to wake up now.”

Qin Feiyang whispered, looked up towards the front, said with a sneer: “It’s time to solve the two ringleaders, White-Eyed Wolf, it must not be so easy to deal with them, must be careful.”

Wolf King nodded, showing vicious glint.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the sky, took Wolf King into the jungle, and looked for two people.

The horizon is beginning to pale.

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord, black clothed old man, are all Martial Master-level powerhouses. The only advantage of Qin Feiyang and Wolf King is the night.

If two people cannot be resolved before dawn, they can only give up.

Less than half an hour.

Qin Feiyang found Black Demon Fort Fort Lord two people.

He and Wolf King hid behind a big tree and looked forward, a hint of doubt appeared in his eyes.

100 meters away, there is a bare dwarf mountain, which looks like fifty-sixty meters tall.

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord, black clothed old man, now stands side by side on the low mountain, which is extremely eye-catching.

“wu wu !”

Wolf King growled at Qin Feiyang, as if asking, when do you make a move?

“There is a problem, wait a minute.”

Qin Feiyang whispered.

The top of the low mountain.

The black clothed old man glanced down at the jungle, frowns saying, “Fort Lord, are we standing here, aren’t we too striking?”

“I want this effect,” Black Demon Fort Fort Lord said.

The black clothed old man pondered carefully and realized, said with a smile: “Fort Lord Gao Ming, here the vision is wide, as long as we stand here, Qin Feiyang and that bastard, even if we find us, there is no way to sneak attack us.”

“That’s right, if they don’t show up all the time, they will have nowhere to hide when the day comes, and then they will kill or shave, and that’s how we decide.”

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord sneered.

“Well, it’s just a pity that those people are all dead!”

Black clothed old man sighs.

“It’s all useless trash. When you die, you die. There is nothing at worst.”

“Not to mention that they are dead, it is good for us …”

“We can swallow these treasures alone.”

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord sneered.

At the same time, deep in his eyes, there was a touch of cruel rays of light.

And in his sleeve, there was a dark dagger hidden, cold light shining!

“Yes, so speaking of which, we should also thank Qin Feiyang for being right!”

black clothed old man said with a laugh.

But Yu Guang glanced at the heaven and earth bag tied to the waist of the Black Demon Fort Fort Lord, and one strand vicious glint rose from the depth of old eyes.


Black clothed old man one fist patted Black Demon Fort Fort Lord’s chest.

On your palm, True Qi surges!

In my eyes, Murderous aura is in full swing!



Black Demon Fort Fort Lord was shaken on the spot, with wildly spurting blood in his mouth.

His chest, not only torn skin and gaping flesh, also collapsed!

Even the heart has been shattered by True Qi!

“Are you unexpectedly planning me?”

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord looked at the black clothed old man incredible.

Black clothed old man grinned and walked towards the Black Demon Fort Fort Lord step by step, indifferently said: “You are not the same you think you can kill me, swallow this treasure alone? I just start with it.”

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord shouted, “I didn’t, I swear, I really want to be equal with you!”

“I’m not those stupid people, you’re useless to me.”

“Not to mention, after all these years, who else knows you better than me?”

“I can guess what you think.”

“You use Qin Feiyang and that bastard’s hand to get rid of someone and say that you want to share this treasure with me, but in fact it has created a killer for me.

“If I’m not wrong, after killing Qin Feiyang them, you will plot me in immediately, can I be right?”

black clothed old man raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a touch of irony.

“You tell me clearly, I don’t!”

Roared Black Demon Fort Fort Lord.

“You are all like people. Why do you need to be so hypocritical for money?”

“But for now, it doesn’t matter.

“Because of this treasure, I want to order it.”

“When I kill you, I will slowly clean up Qin Feiyang and that bastard!”

black clothed old man The murderous intention surged, True Qi sprayed thin, covering fist, full power blasted away.

Seeing Fort Lord was dying under fist.

He suddenly reached out his big hand, holding the arm of the black clothed old man firmly.


The dagger hidden in the sleeves pierced the lower belly of the black clothed old man like lightning!


The black clothed old man screamed and kicked at Black Demon Fort Fort Lord.

Bang bang bang!


Black Demon Fort Fort Lord is like a ball, rolling down the mountain.

“The dagger capital is ready, do you still say that you think you can kill me?”

The black clothed old man glanced down at the dagger on the lower abdomen, immediately angry, endured the sever pain, murderous looking towards the Black Demon Fort Fort Lord.


But it is at this time.

A sound of Wolf howl exploded in the jungle in a distant place.

The black clothed old man stopped, looked at the sound, and saw Qin Feiyang and Wolf King, galloping towards this side!

He lowered his head again, looking at the Black Demon Fort Fort Lord rolling down the mountain, his eyes gloomy.

If you chase down at this time and snatch the heaven and earth bag, you will definitely run into Qin Feiyang.

If he wasn’t injured, he wouldn’t be afraid, and he could wipe out the one man one wolf with one hand.

but now.

The dagger inserted in the lower abdomen prevented him from using True Qi!

Not even half of the strength can be exerted.

Look at Qin Feiyang again.

Although he is only a 7-Star Martial Artist, he can solve the 51 killers, and there must be some extraordinary means.

Black clothed old man weighed it, unexpectedly found that there was no courage to go on.


With an angry curse, he turned decisively, descended from the other side, and quickly escaped into the jungle and disappeared.

The treasure of heaven and earth bag, although he longs, he cares more about his life.


Black Demon Fort Fort Lord rolled down to a big rock, and life fluctuation was quickly dissipating.

When Qin Feiyang ran here, he said to Wolf King, “Go up and see if the old dog has escaped.”

Wolf King nodded, and immediately ran towards the mountain.

Qin Feiyang looked back and looked down at the Black Demon Fort Fort Lord.

“Just now I was still thinking about whether to give up killing you first, but didn’t expect that unexpectedly will stage such a good show, haven’t you heard of that when the sandpiper and the clam fight each other, it’s the fisherman who benefits? “

He tore off the heaven and earth bag, weighed it, and grinned with a smile: “Fort Lord, thank you.”

Then he got up and walked up the mountain.

But Black Demon Fort Fort Lord suddenly reached out and grabbed his ankle.

Qin Feiyang looked back, frowns saying, “Do you want me to give you something?”

“Qin Feiyang, please do me a favor.”

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord begged intermittently.

“Not interested in.”

Qin Feiyang said slightly.

“I am a mortal person, please please do me a favour, okay?”

Black Demon Fort Fort Lord begging at him.

Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow and said, “What’s busy?”

“I have a jade on my neck …”

“Excuse me, send me to Martial Palace …”

“You must … hand it over to … a man named Cao Lang … in your hand …”

“When he saw Yupei, he knew that I didn’t kill you …”

In a short paragraph, Black Demon Fort Fort Lord took 2 more than ten breaths before he finished.

After speaking, one planted on the ground and died.

“Martial Palace?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Isn’t this person a killer? How could it be related to Martial Palace?

Who is this Cao Lang?

At this time.

Wolf King ran down the mountain, facing Qin Feiyang shook the head.

“He was seriously injured and couldn’t run far. He buried this person first.”

Qin Feiyang turned around and took a few steps, full power banged on the ground.

Hong long!

In this place, 4 dusty smokes are immediately present, and a 2 meter deep pit emerges.


Qin Feiyang came to the Black Demon Fort Fort Lord, took off his clothes, and there was a jade on his neck.

Yupei’s whole body is green and looks simple and unadorned. It doesn’t look like a treasure.

He grabbed Yupei, pulled it down, and put it in front of his eyes for a while, but still couldn’t see why.

He tucked into his pants pocket, picked up the body of the Black Demon Fort Fort Lord, and put it into the pit.

“Well, next life, stop being a killer.”

Sighed Qin Feiyang.

This incident touched him a lot.

The human heart is really sinister.

From this, he also came to a conclusion, never trust the killer, let alone be friends with the killer.

Because this is in a courting disaster.

[Summon recommended ticket]

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