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Feng Ling’er looked up, eyebrow raised, cold said with a smile: “Why, do you want to be nosy?”

Qin Feiyang stared for a moment, and walked beside Feng Ling’er, ready to go.

The big tall and sturdy man glanced at the two people and looked towards Wang Gang and asked, “Old Brother Wang, what’s going on?”

Wang Gang propped his hands on the ground, looked up towards those ten several people, and begged: “Old Brother Meng, help me quickly, kill these two little bastards, and I will definitely repay you.”

“Dare to speak up!”

Feng Ling’er was furious and stepped on Wang Gang’s head.

Wang Gang’s entire face was plunged into the mud, it was difficult to breathe, and he was struggling madly, making a wu wu cry for help.

See you.

Those ten several people immediately simultaneously looked.

big tall and sturdy man shouted: “Quickly release Old Brother Wang, otherwise you two don’t even want to live!”

Feng Ling’er sneered and said coldly, “Don’t be afraid of death, you will come!”


big tall and sturdy man, suddenly furious, one fist exploded towards Feng Ling’er!

“hmph! ”

Feng Ling’er coldly snorted, jade palm waved, 9 afterimages like Swift Wind Rainstorm, gushing towards the big tall and sturdy man.

“Illusion Extermination Palm!”

big tall and sturdy man’s face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly suddenly retreated.

The rest were horrified.

This woman turned out to be the Core Disciple of Martial King Palace!

Feng Ling’er contempt: “Isn’t it very unbridled? How dare you not move now?”

Wang Gang slammed his head and shouted, “Old Brother Meng, don’t be afraid of them. Kill them here. Even Martial King Palace, we can’t find out that we did it.”

“You really act recklessly!”

In Feng Ling’er’s moving eyes, an amazing cold light emerged instantly, as if incarnation became one female Asura, the jade hand waved like lightning, removing Wang Gang’s right hand!


Wang Gang screamed in pain and shouted, “Old Brother Meng, they have top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill on them!”

“courting death !”

Feng Ling’er waved Azure Snow again, removing Wang Gang’s left hand.

Wound, blood spurting like a column!

“Top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill!”

The big tall and sturdy man and the others were shocked and greedy.

At this time.

Qin Feiyang spread out his hands, indifferently said: “Before you make a move, let’s see what it is.”

Tenseveral people looked towards his palm.

But nothing.

Just when they thought that Qin Feiyang was in a bluff, a transparent crystal stone emerged out of thin air.


“Image crystal stone!”

“I can’t afford the crystal stone in my life. He would have unexpectedly. This shows that his identity at Martial King Palace is definitely not low!”

Ten several people looked pale.

If they dare to make a move, the other person only needs to have a single thought head to convey the matter here to Martial King Palace.

This time, it really hit the iron plate.

“Some things are not something you are qualified to do. Being honest and doing things honestly is the way to survive.”

Qin Feiyang collapsed the image crystal stone, and expression was as flat as ever.

“Sir is right.”

“We must be safe and secure.”

“Just offended a lot, and please forgive 2 Sirs.”

Tenseveral people immediately nodded his waist, flattering.

I also hate Wang Gang.

Can these two people offend?

Unexpectedly, I still want to drag them into the water.

big tall and sturdy man took a step forward, arching: “2 Sir, this Wang Gang base and shameless, killing him will only dirty your hands, it is better to let the low person do the work for him.”

Wang Gang said angrily, “Meng Ming, what do you mean?”

big tall and sturdy man said with a sneer: “What do you mean? Based on my understanding of you, I also want to think about it, it must be that you take the initiative to provoke these 2 Sirs, and you should be killed!

“Meng Ming, I curse you not to die!”

The roar of Wang Gang flustered and exasperated.

“The person who is going to die today is you!”

Feng Ling’er kicked Wang Gang’s head.

Wang Gang was kicked and flew out, miserable howl again and again, his head seemed to be cracking, and it was painful.

If not for Feng Ling’er’s mercy, his head has blossomed!

“Lowly person damn …”

“Lowly person can’t recognize Mt Tai …”

“The lowly person gives you kowtow, please give a way to the lowly person!”

He endured the sever pain, constantly begging.

“You scum, you damn it, living is a waste of air!”

Feng Ling’er walked up, Azure Snow fell like lightning, and actually dug Wang Gang’s eyeball.



Wang Gang screamed like a pig and kept rolling in the mud, all covered with blood.

Qin Feiyang looked scared.

If a woman is irritating, she is more terrifying than a tiger.

It’s okay in the future, try not to provoke women.

big tall and sturdy man and the others are also cold sweat. It ’s the first time I see such a brutal woman.

Feng Ling’er glanced up at them, stepping back instinctively.

I’m afraid they are the next target.

Feng Ling’er snorted from nose, disdainful, walked in front of Wang Gang, retrieved heaven and earth bag, grabbed Wang Gang’s clothes, and threw it into the jungle next to him.

Losing both eyes and broken hamstrings.

My hands are gone.

His end is destined to be miserable.

Not a moment.

Just a few heads of Vicious Beast rushed by the news, unloaded 8 blocks, died in endless despair, and finally doesn’t exist!

Those Vicious Beasts want to attack Qin Feiyang again.

But looking at so many of them, discreet left.

The burly flattering smile said: “Sir, please follow us safely.”

As he spoke, he waved at others.

Those people also stepped aside immediately and gave way.

Feng Ling’er nodded, looking down at Azure Snow, the more he looked, the more he liked it.

She turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, and shivered and asked: “This … You see our relationship is so familiar, can this dagger, … borrow me having fun several days?”

“wishful thinking !”

Qin Feiyang grabbed Azure Snow, wiped the blood, and put it into the heaven and earth bag.

Feng Ling’er can only stare at him.

“It’s stingy.”

She was coldly snorted and walked towards the safety point without looking back.

“It has nothing to do with stinginess.”

“Azure Snow is mother, the only thing left for me, I can’t let anyone take it.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, in silence, followed along.


A big tall and sturdy man waved his hand and ten several people quickly followed.

After the number of ten breaths.

The entire group came to a safe point.

The so-called security point is actually a flat field, about ten meters long, with a canopy above it, and a pile of bonfire in the middle, which brings a touch of warmth.

It’s rude, but it can at least shelter from the rain.

Above the bonfire, there is still a barbecue, but the surface has been burnt, permeating with a pungent smell.

Feng Ling’er frowned, shouted: “It’s too bad, take it away.”

“Yes yes yes.”

The big tall and sturdy man repeatedly nodded, grabbed the barbecue, threw it directly into the jungle next to him, and then said, “2 Sir, should we go and get you something fresh?”

“Just don’t bother me, the rest is up to you.”

Qin Feiyang said something lightly, then sat aside, took a top grade Healing Pill, and began to heal.

“how about you?”

big tall and sturdy man again looked towards Feng Ling’er.

Feng Ling’er glanced at Qin Feiyang.

“hmph! ”

In the dark coldly snorted, sitting side by side, said to the ten serious people: “Don’t say I didn’t remind you, if I am disturbed by my retreat, I’ll make sure you don’t finish eating and walking!”

Now she closed her eyes.

Ten few people have bitter hearts, these two uncles are really difficult to serve.

“Wang Ke, Li Kui, you go hunting with me.”

The big tall and sturdy man called 2 people, holding a torch, and walked along the path.

After getting away from the safety point, big tall and sturdy man turning one’s head looked towards two people, and whispered, “Do you want top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill?”

“Old Brother Meng, what do you want to do?”

Two people were surprised.

“What? Of course, find a chance to kill those 2 people!”

big tall and sturdy man flashes of madness in his eyes.

“Old Brother Meng, are you crazy?”

“They are all Core Disciple of Martial King Palace, and there is more image crystal stone on hand. If we are not careful, we will fall into land of eternal damnation!”

Wang Ke and Li Kui whispered.

“What are you afraid of?”

“Aren’t they meditating now?”

“After the middle of the night, when they completely relaxed their vigilance, we were surprised by the sneak attack!”

“By then, they will have no chance to give Martial King Palace summoning.”

“As long as I get the top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill, not only can I move into 6-Star Martial Ancestor in one fell swoop, you can also become 5-Star Martial Ancestor.”

“Don’t let slip an opportunity, don’t let slip come again, you have to think carefully.”

big tall and sturdy man

“If by any chance they only have one top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill, how do we divide it?”

Wang Ke frowns saying.

“It’s simple, we get Treasure Pavillion for auction.”

“As far as I know, the top grade Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill auction price in Yan City is as high as more than 400 and 10000.”

“By then, each of us will be able to share more than 100 10000 Gold Coins.”

big tall and sturdy man said with a smile, but deep down in my head is a faint cold light.

Two people trembled.

More than 100 and 10000, they have never seen so many Gold Coins in their lives!

Big tall and sturdy man urged: “Hurry up and get an idea. If you don’t do it, I’ll find someone else.”

“Let’s do it!”

said two people in a hurry.

The big tall and sturdy man smiled and said, “I knew you would agree, wait for me to see what happens and see what happens.”

two people nodded.

Then, three people casually killed Vicious Beast and returned to the safe spot.

Qin Feiyang opened a slit in his eyes, watching the three people.

Knowing that it is dangerous outside, it is too abnormal to take 2 people to hunt.

But after watching for a while, I didn’t see anything strange about the three people.

“Did I think too much?”

Qin Feiyang mumbled, preparing to close his eyes.

However at this time.

The big tall and sturdy man turned his head and glanced at him and Feng Ling’er, seeing that the two people had their eyes closed, and a sneer sneered on his face.

But again immediately disappeared.

But he would not have thought that this anomaly was clearly captured by Qin Feiyang.

Not to mention, Qin Feiyang is a very cautious person.

“What a problem!”

Qin Feiyang in the dark.

Indulge in a moment.

With his eyes opened, he got up and walked in front of Feng Ling’er. Under the puzzled gaze of big tall and sturdy man and the others, he grabbed Feng Ling’er, and then disappeared without a disappear without a trace!

As the world evaporates, there is no trace left!

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